Exit Code 1109

Last modified by Daniel Turner on 2023/07/17 15:55

You have landed on this page because your graphics card ran out of device memory.

This issue probably occurs because you have multiple graphics cards, and the wrong card was automatically selected.

We are aware of one instance where this has happened on a notebook with an AMD CPU (with an integrated GPU) and a second GPU, when the game auto-selected the integrated GPU (slower, less memory). Try running the game with Launch parameter -gpu:1 or -gpu:2 to manually specify which GPU to select, and see if that solves the issue.

Requesting further support

If you have ended up on this page and ruled out the potential causes above, please send a mail to prioritysupport@egosoft.com (Subject: Exitcode 1109) with a screenshot of the popup error, and your dxdiag and vulkaninfo attached. This Wiki entry explains how to obtain this information.


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