Large Turret - Plasma

Last modified by Kajar on 2024/07/14 18:43

Large Turret - Plasma

TypeLarge Turret
Available FromArgon: ARG ANT ALI DUK VIG
Fitted ToLarge and Xtra Large ships and Stations
RoleAnti-Capital, Siege
Required LicenseCapital License (+20)

In-game Description

The greatest strength of the Plasma Turret is that it is an intrinsically "cool" technology, negating the need for the integrated cooling systems that are a feature of most armaments. This allows this otherwise relatively slow turret to be a constant threat to larger adversaries.

The Large Plasma Turret implementation is a preferred choice for capital ships, where the number of emplacements can offset the limitations in manoeuvrability.

Tactical Overview

The Large Plasma turret serves a singular purpose: unleashing fiery destruction upon enemy capital ships and stations. With a high damage output and one of  the longest  firing range among all turrets, it becomes the primary choice for most capital ships engaging in battles against other capital ships and stations.

However, the extremely low projectile speed renders it virtually impossible to hit anything smaller than a destroyer. When piloted by the player, large ships can easily maneuver to avoid being hit as well.

There are subtle differences between faction versions.
The Argon Large Plasma turret is among the better options, offering a reliable choice despite being technically inferior to the Paranid Plasma turret in every aspect. As the differences are negliable.

The Paranid version is generally regarded as the best, delivering the second-highest damage output, the longest firing range, and the fastest projectile. However, the slow firing rate makes missed shots more costly.

The Teladi version features the lowest damage output among all Large Plasma turrets but maintains the same firing range as the Argon version, making it a solid choice still.

The Split version is arguably the least favorable. While it technically boasts the highest damage output, it sacrifices 2km of range compared to other turrets, and the increased damage is insufficient to offset this drawback.
In practical terms, other turrets outperform it by being able to fire earlier and longer. The shorter range also poses additional risks when engaging Commonwealth stations.
Split Plasma only outranges the turrets of the Xenon and Terrans.



- Very high damage output

- Very long firing range

- Very accurate

- Effective at engaging capital ships and stations

- Outranges Xenon and Terran turrets




- Extremely slow projectiles, unable to hit small and medium targets



 Argon Large Plasma TurretTeladi Large Plasma TurretParanid Large Plasma TurretSplit Large Plasma Turret
Damage Per Second103095110571103
Damage Per Shot2x 24202x 18552x 37512x 1985
Reload time4.7s3.9s7.1s3.6s
Projectile Speed440 m/s440 m/s572 m/s440 m/s
Maximum Range8569m8569m8911m6855m
Rotation Speed40°/s20°/s20°/s30°/s
Hull Strength2300345034502000

Construction Cost

Universal Build Method

Credits93.055 - 113.73493.050 - 113.72893.055 - 113.73459.861 - 132.964
Energy Cells101010132
Turret Components39393943
Advanced Electronics6663

Closed Loop Build Method

Credits93.055 - 113.734
Energy Cells180
Hull Parts28