Large Turret -  Mining

Last modified by Kajar on 2023/12/13 19:24

Large Turret - Mining

TypeLarge Turret
Available FromEveryone
Fitted ToLarge Mining ships
Required LicenseNone

In-game Description

No information available

Tactical Overview

The Mining Drill is a tool for mining, making it a naturally poor choice for combat. It deals minimal damage to non-asteroid targets.
The most dangerous thing is that it blinds players when they get shot by them.

The Large Mining turret is slightly more effective at mining than 4 Medium Mining turrets.






 Large Mining Turret
Hull Damage Per Second3
Shield Damage Per Second2  +1 Hull
Damage Per Second Against Asteroids1350
Reload time4s
Beam Hull Damage Per Second3
Beam Shield Damage Per Second2  +1 Hull
Beam Duration4s
Maximum Range7000m
Rotation Speed40°/s20°/s20°/s30°/s20°/s40°/s
Hull Strength230034503450200036002100

Construction Cost

Universal Build Method

Credits49.166 - 60.09249.163 - 60.08849.166 - 60.09230.723 - 71.38749.166 - 60.092
Energy Cells10510 4710
Turret Components217213021
Advanced Electronics313 3

Closed Loop Build Method

Credits49.166 - 60.092
Energy Cells121
Hull Parts14

Terran Build Method

Credits118.070 - 144.308
Energy Cells100
Silicon Carbide6
Computronic Substrate5