Main Battery - Odysseus

Last modified by Kajar on 2024/07/14 18:39

Main Battery - Odysseus

TypeMain Gun
Fitted ToOdysseus, Odysseus E
Required LicenseCapital License (+20)

In-game Description

Weaponsmith Ebmancketvahs considered the Odysseus main battery to be his career crowning achievement. He resolved to spend however long it would take in complete silence, moving to a house of worship in Trinity Sanctum for a retreat that extended to five years in length.

On delivering the plans for what was to become, perhaps, the most powerful weapon in the Paranid armoury, Ebmancketvahs was feted by the ecclesiastical authorities and there remains, to this day, a statue honouring him in Trinity Sanctum.

Tactical Overview

The main guns of Odysseus behave more like oversized sniper rifles, able to tear medium ships apart, obliterate fighters, and effectively destroy the turrets on enemy capital ships.

While the sustained damage output is relatively low (only beating the Teladi Phoenix) all that damage is very frontloaded and delivered in just a few salvos. This can result in devastating alpha strikes, especially when using multiple Odysseus if one can get them to behave.

This main battery benefits greatly from the Odysseus's high speed, allowing for hit-and-run attacks and sniping key surface elements. However, the lack of sustained damage output and heat efficiency can cause some trouble in a direct confrontation.



- High damage per shot

- Best in class accuracy

- Outranges Large Plasma turrets



- Low sustained damage per second

- Bad heat efficiency


 Large Mk1
Damage Per Second2001
Sustained Damage Per Second1226
Damage Per Shot5669
Reload Time2.833s
Projectile Speed2157 m/s
Maximum Range10871m
Rotation Speed35° /s
Heat Generation Per Second812/s
Heat Generation Per Shot2301
Heat Dissipation Per Second2000/s
Maximum Damage Until Overheat28345
Cooldown Delay When Overheating1.13s
Reactivates At After Overheating9500
Hull Strength8000

Construction Cost

Universal Build Method

 Large Mk1
Credits1.000.201 - 1.222.468
Energy Cells10
Weapon Components180
Advanced Electronics150