Les plans
Blueprints are required to construct the various modules that can be assembled together to form a functioning station. Blueprints are also required to build ships and equipment for them. Note that, in order to use resupply ships to supply subordinates with e.g. missiles or torpedos, the corresponding blueprints is needed because the resupply ship constructs them from scratch.
Obtaining Blueprints
Blueprints can be obtained either by buying them from the faction to whom the blueprint belongs or by scanning data leaks on station modules.
Buying from factions
The player may purchase blueprints from any of the non-enemy factions that have stations in the game. To do so visit the relevant faction representative (Indicated by a "jagged" outline around a station icon). Note that some blueprints require certain licenses, which can be obtained by completing the promotion missions offered by friendly factions. The complete list of where to purchase the blueprints can be found here.
Scanning Data Leaks
Alternatively piracy can be used to obtain blueprints whereby you can scan data leaks (glowing red dot in space suit scan mode) on station modules to get their blueprints. However, this requires the relevant Player HQ research completed for the desired blueprint. After you have done so, every data leak on a station module has a chance to give you it's blueprint. To speed up the generation of data leaks it's possible to use an EMP bomb from the spacesuit which will provide a blueprint after the first data leak has been scanned. Please note that the blueprints for Shipyard/Wharf/Equipment dock modules and ship blueprints are not obtainable via leak scanning, consequently they must be bought from a faction.
Venture Module Blueprints
(Note: ventures are currently disabled)
Players that have successfully logged into the Egosoft online system should obtain Venture blueprints automatically.