Exit Code 221
You have landed on this page because the game detected an error while attempting to start.
The game determined that you are running a Vulkan runtime version older than 1.0.38 (which is not compatible with our Vulkan graphics engine).
We recommend that you have the latest graphics card drivers installed or at least the minimum required ones as follows.
For NVIDIA graphics cards, upgrade drivers to 385.41 or later. For AMD graphics cards, upgrade drivers to 17.9.1 or later.
If you already have the latest drivers installed, please try a clean reinstallation of the drivers and make sure that the Vulkan runtime is not excluded from the installer. This Wiki entry explains how to do so in detail.
If you have ended up on this page and are certain that you have at least the minimum required version of the graphics drivers installed, please send a mail to prioritysupport@egosoft.com (Subject: Exitcode 221) with a screenshot of the popup error and your dxdiag and vulkaninfo attached. This Wiki entry explains how to obtain this information.