The X-Universe And Map

Last modified by Daniel Turner on 2023/10/05 13:55


Current as of 6.10

The Map Interface

To access the map use the (M) key or open the ship menu (ENTER) and select the map icon tlt_map.png from the top.


An example map interface centred on Argon Prime

Navigation and Operation

The X universe map can be operated with mouse, keyboard, controller or a combination of all three input methods. The most important mouse and keyboard controls are provided here.

OperationMouse InputKeyboard Input
PanLeft-click and dragArrow keys


note that rotation in the map is 3D, press R to reset the camera to be at your current position and in the default orientation

Right-click and dragNumberpad keys 1-9
ZoomScroll in/out+/-

Map Menus

The map interface features 3 sets of tabs. The top tabs move between the map and the other menus such as the encyclopaedia and the ship interaction menu, the tabs on the left move through objects, missions, information displays and station plot purchase and finally, the tabs on the right allow for setting map filters, checking the legend and providing an alternate information display.

Top level Tabs

Options menuTerraforming menu (Requires Terraforming Research)Research (Requires the Player Headquarters with Boso Ta)Player InformationShip Interactions/Dock InteractionsMap (Current Menu)EncyclopaediaTutorials

Left Sidebar Tabs


Object List

The objects tab shows a list of all elements visible at the current map zoom on the screen. Tabs within the menu allow for narrowing the list to stations, ships and deployables.


Player-owned Object List

This tab provides the full list of all player-owned properties sorted into the categories:

  • Stations and Subordinates
  • Fleets
  • Un-assigned ships

Tabs at the top of the menu allow more granular filtering by stations and subordinates, fleets, un-assigned ships, deployables


Mission Offers

The mission offers tab provides a bulletin board of all local missions offered by stations and guild missions based on the guilds the player has joined as well as Terraforming missions and some plot missions.


Active Missions

Upon accepting a mission it will appear in the active missions tab which filters them into the 3 categories:

  • Regular, these are all the missions accepted in the mission offers tab as well as all current plot missions
  • Upkeep, these missions are generated dynamically based upon what the game thinks could improve the player's empire. For instance if a station doesn't have any cargo drones there will be an upkeep mission to provide the station with the drones. There are never any rewards for completing upkeep missions but it is generally recommended to keep everything running smoothly.
  • Guidance missions are just those that are generated when the player selects and object and then sets their guidance computer to select the object (SHIFT+G), guidance missions automatically abort when the player comes within range of the intended target and like upkeep missions do not facilitate any reward

Regular missions can be broken further down into the following:

  • Important, these are invariably plot missions which have big impacts on the X universe upon completion
  • Guild
  • Terraforming
  • Other


The information pane is one of the most important (if not the most important) menus in the entirety of X4 allowing for the inspection and modification of ship, station and sector properties.


Manage Plots

This menu brings up a list of currently owned plots as well as an option to create a new plot. While this tab is selected most map functionality is disabled to allow the player to place new plots by left clicking and rotating them about the vertical axis by holding down the right mouse button.

For more information see Constructing a Station

Right Sidebar Tabs



Filters allow for customising what layers appear in the map and cover a broad range of functionalities



The legend has a guide to all icons visible in the map interface and provides context to elements like the resource region colours.



The information pane is one of the most important (if not the most important) menus in the entirety of X4 allowing for the inspection and modification of ship, station and sector properties.

The Search Bar

The search bar in the top-right allows for more precision in filtering what is shown on the map and players can use it to pinpoint their lost traders or spot pirates. Searches can be done for the object's name, type or 6 digit identifier. A table of accepted types is outlined below:

Search QueryResult
aShows all objects in the universe regardless of how far the map is zoomed in or out (this often causes fps issues)
AcceleratorShows all trans-orbital accelerator gates
Data vaultShows all data vaults
Equipment Dock

Shows all equipment docks

HighwayShows all highways
JumpgateShows all Jumpgates
ShipyardShows all wharves and shipyards
TradeShows all trading stations
TradesShows all trading ships as well as equipment docks, wharves and shipyards

Note: Some of these filters are order sensitive (despite not always conflicting), if the filter isn't working just delete some and then re-add them in a different order.

Layout of the X-Universe