Trinity Sanctum

Last modified by Daniel Turner on 2023/11/03 09:54

Governing Faction: Godrealm of the Paranid

Map Coordinates:

Constituent Sectors

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Encyclopedia Entry

Made famous before the Jump Gate shutdown by its nomadic workforce, whose expertise in raising delicate Maja snails was known across the entire network, Trinity Sanctum has been repurposed as the temporary capital of the Godrealm of the Paranid. The Snail Farms that were once so active here have long been shut down.

Desperate to keep some sense of order among its people, the Pontifex Maximus Paranidia placed a heavily defended house of worship on one of the many moons of, and so the system has also become a place of pilgrimage for many members of the Godrealm.

Notable Stations

  • Alliance of the Word Wharf (TS7)
  • Godrealm of the Paranid Wharf (TS3)
  • Godrealm of the Paranid Shipyard (faction headquarters) (TS3)
  • Godrealm of the Paranid Equipment Dock (TS3)



Trinity Sanctum is a one-stop-shop for new players looking to outfit their ships or get started on creating an economy. Trinity Sanctum VII provides the raw materials needed for the system's 4 demanding ship production and repair stations. This demand can be readily filled by player actions all the while strengthening the Godrealm against the Holy Order

