Saturn 2

Last modified by Daniel Turner on 2023/11/03 09:54

CradleofHumanity_Logo.pngReunion! The following page contains information relating to content from the Cradle of Humanity DLC

Governing Faction: Unclaimed, often rapidly claimed by the Terran Protectorate

Map Coordinates: N/A

Encyclopedia Entry

The imposing, yet beautiful, planet Saturn is the planet furthest removed from Earth that can still be observed from there with the naked eye. As such, it has always held a special place in the hearts of the Terran people, even before they were able to make their homes among the stars.

Historically, Saturn hosted a Research Station under joint ATF and USC command. Their focus was the identification and analysis of potential threats to Terran security, especially those posed by outside species and technologies. When the Sol system fell back into the isolation and the Terran government reorganised itself, the assignment of threat assessment was gradually shifted to the Mars-based Terran Secret Service.

In the aftermath of the Torus incident, the Terran government was keen to severely limit access to Earth by travellers and workers from all over the universe, so Saturn now acts as the administrative hub of the Sol system.

Resource values











Resource Layout

Sol - S2 Resource.png

Notable Stations


Inter-Sector Connections


Situated in the rings themselves of Saturn this sector was a venture of necessity by the Terran Protectorate crippled by the prodigious use of solid aggregates for their vendetta against the Xenon. The sector holds sizeable quantities of Ore and Silicon and is typically less drained than the Asteroid Belt.

The sector while technically unclaimed at gamestart is in all starts claimed near-immediately by the Terran protectorate. The only way to claim the sector without use of force is with a pre-built defense station in the sector using a Custom Game Start.

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