Pious Mists

Last modified by Daniel Turner on 2023/11/03 09:54

Governing Faction: Godrealm of the Paranid

Map Coordinates:

Constituent Sectors

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Encyclopedia Entry

While Paranid society has historically met others with distrust, generally preferring to keep to themselves, the ramifications of the Gate shutdown have forced them into closer contact with the other races and facilitated unrest amongst the different Paranid denominations. As part of the highway network, this system is at the forefront of both of these developments. Due to its proximity to Holy Order space, it is often considered to be the major staging ground of the Paranid conflict.

While Pious Mists was disconnected from the other Paranid systems, an ambitious Duke tried to crown himself Pontifex in a bid for regional power. However, his subjects quickly and violently overthrew him and held out hope for a swift reconnection. When that connection was once again established, they were welcomed back into the greater Godrealm of the Paranid with open arms.

Notable Stations

  • Godrealm of the Paranid Trading Station (PM2)
  • Kha'ak Installation (Hive) (PM4)


  • Data Vault (PM4)
  • Data Vault (PM11)


Pious Mists is a better connected Paranid equivalent to Second Contact. Pious Mists II like Second Contact II is a major warzone and the adjacent sectors house significant resource wealth critical to the functioning of the Godrealm of the Paranid. Pious Mists role as a highly contested system is compounded if players opt to side with the Duke's Buccaneers in the Paranid Civil War plot.

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