Nopileos' Fortune II

Last modified by Daniel Turner on 2023/11/03 09:54

Governing Faction: Lawless

Map Coordinates:

Encyclopedia Entry

As Nopileos' Fortune II

After mysterious hints by a certain non-profit organisation appeared around the outskirts of Hewa's Twin soon after the Jump Gate realignment, some Teladi took it upon themselves to search the network and document any and all further clues they could find in the official publications that had just begun to spring up as part of the Explorers Guild portfolio. When one particularly excitable individual claimed to have found strange and intricate markings on asteroids in an as yet unclaimed gateway system, the hunt was on. For some time, it became commonplace for young Teladi to make a trip to the hunting grounds at least once and add their exaggerated discovery stories to their culture's collective memory.

Unfortunately, it was inevitable that at some point an entomologist would visit the sector and, with great regret, inform the treasure hunters that the asteroid markings, while spectacularly well preserved and absolutely invaluable to the scientific community, were left by migrating spacefly swarms which had burrowed their way out of these asteroids to begin their search for a new home.

The sudden wave of disappointment quenched the spirit of adventure and rapidly depopulated the system, save for a handful of colonies which had already been established by especially eager prospectors who weren't too keen on voiding the fruits of their commitment just yet. Over time, these settlements grew, and as the original reason for their arrival faded into utter insignificance, some members of the communities whose livelihoods were founded on the detritus of a system-wide treasure hunt realised that, through them, whoever left those initial hints all over the network had already achieved their goal. Years after the rush, a convoy of refugees from Scale Plate Green would arrive in the largely abandoned space, already charted meticulously and filled with decrepit stations, to make their home.

As Duke's Awakening II

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Resource values























Resource Layout

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Notable Stations

  • Scattered illegal goods facilities


Inter-Sector Connections


Nopileos Fortune II is the heart of the Nopileos’ Fortune system and immensely popular for refinery construction along its impressively lengthy sector highway. Illicit substance production is also rife in the sector that take advantage of the highway and the sector’s access to Paranid and Teladi Markets.

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