Medium Turret - Phase

Last modified by Kajar on 2023/12/12 08:16

Medium Turret - Phase

TypeMedium Turret
Available FromBOR
Fitted ToMedium, Large, Xtra Large ships and Stations
Required LicenseNone

In-game Description

Boron Phase weaponry is an iteration of particle accelerator weapons first developed by the Paranid and Argon. The fired energy pulses, consisting of highly accelerated and polarised particles, prove effective against hull, while less so against shielded targets. This puts Phase weaponry in a unique position among the Boron arsenal, which otherwise tends towards primarily impairing shields and mobility. As a necessary last resort against undeterrable hostiles, Phase armaments are widely available as either weapons or turrets in various sizes, and form the backbone of Boron weaponry and fleet compositions.

Tactical Overview

The Phase Turret employed by the Boron shares notable similarities with the Argon Flak turret. Although the Phase Turret exhibits a comparable damage output against hulls, it performs suboptimally against shields. Its accuracy is acceptable, and the projectile speed is above average.

By itself, one can anticipate the Phase Turret to yield slightly worse results compared to the Argon Flak in most scenarios, yet it still outperforms other standard turrets like Pulse or Bolt.

The Phase Turret finds its strength when used in limited numbers, providing the hull damage that other Boron turrets lack.


- Good hull damage

- Good Accuracy

- Relatively high projectile speed

- Effective against small and medium hulls



- Very low damage against shields

- Relatively slow tracking  speed



 Medium Phase Turret
Shield Damage Per Second72
Hull Damage Per Second177
Shield Damage Per Shot45
Hull Damage Per Shot110
Shots Per Second 1.61/s
Burst Clip Size5
Burst Clip Shots Per Second2.5/s
Burst Clip Reload Time1.5s
Projectile Speed2100m/s
Maximum Range3150m
Rotation Speed100°/s
Hull Strength600

Construction Cost

Universal Build Method

Credits21.779 - 30.701
Energy Cells5
Turret Components12
Advanced Electronics1