Medium Turret - Electromagnetic

Last modified by Kajar on 2024/07/01 16:57

Medium Turret - Electromagnetic
TypeMedium Turret
Available FromTimelines Reward
Fitted ToMedium and Large Ships
RoleAnti-Small, Anti-Medium
Required LicenseNone

In-game Description

The use of electromagnetic weaponry has provided the Earth Fleet with near-unparalleled firepower for their ships. These weapons use powerful electromagnetic field generators to propel spheres of plasma at high speeds, with devastating results.

The Electromagnetic Turret was long considered an unstable prototype, as the cooling and containment required to generate the plasma safely was not considered possible in the form factor of a turret, because of the requirement for high mobility. Since its release, the turret has proven itself countless times in defending against smaller, agile ships.

Tactical Overview

The Electromagnetic Turret is quite powerful as far as medium turrets go. It hits pretty hard with very high dps for a turret. The bullet speed is also above average as is range. In effectiveness it sits somewhere between the Argon Flak Turret and the Boron Arc Turret.

The limited availability to just the Odachi, which has only 2 mountings, and the Sapporo which doesn't have the best turret layout, limits its usefulness in an actual combat scenario. There is simply not enough ships the player can put it on.


- High damage per second

- High damage per shot

- Relatively fast projectile

- Relatively long range

- Very accurate



- Requires completion of certain Timelines mission

- Can only be fitted to Odachi and Sapporo

- Requires player-owned ship production for mass deployment

- Relatively slow tracking speed




 Medium Electromagnetic
Damage Per Second220
Damage Per Shot200
Reload Time1.1s
Projectile Speed1800m/s
Maximum Range3960m
Rotation Speed on L ships110°/s
Rotation Speed on M ships40°/s
Hull Strength800

Construction Cost

Universal Build Method

Credits43.104 - 60.762
Energy Cells10
Turret Components30
Advanced Electronics2