Medium Turret - Bolt

Last modified by Kajar on 2024/04/20 14:00

Medium Turret - Bolt

TypeMedium Turret
Available FromEveryone except XEN and BOR
Fitted ToMedium, Large, Xtra Large ships and Stations
Required LicenseMilitary License (+10)

In-game Description

Considered to be a support weapon, some captains exclusively train the Bolt Turret on medium-sized targets due to its relatively poor rotation speed. More advanced tactics include their use in suppressing shield recharge and inhibiting the activation of travel drives.

Tactical Overview

The Bolt turret is a shadow of the S and M main gun variants. Gone is the high damage output and good accuracy. What is left is a spread of low-damage projectiles that tend to miss their targets more often than not due to the horrible accuracy. A projectile speed closer to Plasma Cannons than a practical point-defense weapon doesn't help either.

The Bolt turret is only effective against medium-sized targets where the large dispersion is not quite as much of an issue. Against fighters, it struggles hard to land any meaningful damage. Capital ships don't even notice it.
It performs slightly better on gunships and frigates since they are closer to the target than capital ships, making the dispersion less of an issue.


- Average damage output

- Relatively long range



- Very bad accuracy

- Very slow projectile speed



 Medium Bolt Turret
Damage Per Second112
Damage Per Shot2x 9
Shots Per Second 6.25/s
Bust Clip Size15
Burst Clip Shots Per Second10/s
Burst Clip Reload Time1s
Projectile Speed1074m/s
Maximum Range3301m
Rotation Speed180°/s90°/s105°/s135°/s95°/s
Hull Strength500750750425800

Construction Cost

Universal Build Method

Note: M ship and L/XL ship variants have differenct costs. Cost of L/XL variant will be shown in brackets.

Credits24.665 - 30.147  ( 22.857  -  27936 )24.664  -  30.145  ( 22.856 - 27.935 )24.665 - 30.147  ( 26.317 - 32.166 )15.116  -  34.901
Energy Cells555  ( 10 )52
Turret Components12  ( 8 )12  ( 8 )12 ( 10 )13
Advanced Electronics1  ( 2 )1  ( 2 )1  ( 2 ) 

Closed Loop Build Method

Credits24.665 - 30.147  ( 22.857  -  27936 )24.664  -  30.145  ( 22.856 - 27.935 )
Energy Cells54  ( 49 )54
Hull Parts77

Terran Build Method

Credits59.203 - 72.360  ( 54.862 - 67.054 )
Energy Cells50
MetallicMicrolattice60  ( 48 )
Silicon Carbide5  ( 4 )
Computronic Substrate2