Medium Turret - Beam

Last modified by Kajar on 2023/12/11 15:31

Medium Turret - Beam

TypeMedium Turret
Available FromEveryone except XEN, PIO, and BOR
Fitted ToMedium, Large, Xtra Large ships and Stations
Required LicenseMilitary License (+10)

In-game Description

Considered to be an entry-level option, the Beam Turret is generally preferred by captains with tight budgetary considerations. That said, the weapon boasts a high level of accuracy, albeit with limits to the amount of damage it can inflict.

Tactical Overview

The M Beam Turret is easily the worst turret available in the game. While the near-constant damage output and perfect accuracy seem tempting initially, the damage output is so low that the Beam Turret cannot do meaningful damage to anything but unshielded drones. 
Even fighters with the lightest of shielding can easily shrug off the damage of this turret. Don't expect it to protect your ship from more than a single, lone, light fighter. Maybe two light fighters on a good day.

The only niche that the M Beam turret fulfills better than any other turret is intercepting incoming missiles.

Funnily, the in-game description mentions this being an "entry-level" turret for captains on a "tight budget," even though it requires the +10 license and is one of the more expensive medium turrets. Or straight up the most expensive turret in if you go Terran.



- Perfect accuracy



- Extremely low damage output

- Very short range

- Slow rotation speeds




 Medium Beam Turret
Damage Per Second24
Damage Per Shot72
Reload time3s
Beam Damage Per Second72
Beam Duration1s
Maximum Range2550m
Rotation Speed120°/s60°/s60°/s90°/s75°/s
Hull Strength500750750425800

Construction Cost

Universal Build Method

Note: M ship and L/XL ship variants have differenct costs. Cost of L/XL variant will be shown in brackets.

Credits45.385 - 55.47145.384 - 55.46945.385 - 55.471  ( 24.665 - 30.147 )32.650 - 69.808
Energy Cells101010  ( 5 )81
Turret Components101010  ( 12 )17
Advanced Electronics666  ( 1 )3

Closed Loop Build Method

Credits45.385 - 55.471
Energy Cells110
Hull Parts15

Terran Build Method

Credits108.959 - 133.172
Energy Cells100
Silicon Carbide4
Computronic Substrate5