Large Turret - Phase

Last modified by Kajar on 2023/12/13 20:16

Large Turret - Phase

TypeLarge Turret
Available FromBOR
Fitted ToRay and Boron stations
Required LicenseNone

In-game Description

Boron Phase weaponry is an iteration of particle accelerator weapons first developed by the Paranid and Argon. The fired energy pulses, consisting of highly accelerated and polarised particles, prove effective against hull, while less so against shielded targets. This puts Phase weaponry in a unique position among the Boron arsenal, which otherwise tends towards primarily impairing shields and mobility. As a necessary last resort against undeterrable hostiles, Phase armaments are widely available as either weapons or turrets in various sizes, and form the backbone of Boron weaponry and fleet compositions.

Tactical Overview

The Large Phase turret assumes the same role as its Medium turret counterpart, specializing in dismantling the exposed hulls of enemy ships. It boasts a relatively high damage output against hulls, but its performance against shields is notably lacking.

Featuring an extended firing range and faster projectiles compared to the standard Large Pulse turret, it sacrifices some flexibility in return.

Most effective against fighters and less shielded mediums, the Large Phase turret  destroys these targets relatively quickly, especially when supported by anti-shield weapons. It proves particularly effective against Xenon and Split fighters, which lack robust shielding.

However, its utility diminishes against capital ships, rendering it essentially useless due to its abyssmal damage output against shields. The damage against hulls is also insufficient to pose a serious threat to capital ships.

Given the absence of the typical Plasma turrets, the Phase turret emerges as the Boron's best and essentially only option for station sieges. While only moderately effective with less than half the damage output of Large Plasma turrets, it manages to outrange the dangerous Graviton turrets.

Fittingly, the Large Phase turret appears most effective against ships and stations of the Split, outmatching their heavy weapons in range and proving less hindered by their weaker shielding.


- High hull damage

- Very long firing range

- Very fast projectile

- Good accuracy

- Very fast tracking speed for a large turret



- Low shield damage

- Despite the good accuracy, it is less accurate than Large Pulse or Beam turrets

- Basically useless against capital ships




Note: The Large Phase turret has firing rate slower than the reload time of the burst clip. The burst clip is disabled unless the weapon is modified at a workbench, and the rate of fire is increased.

 Large Phase Turret
Shield Damage Per Second160
Hull Damage Per Second440
Shield Damage Per Shot200
Hull Damage Per Shot550
Reload Time1.25s
Burst Clip Size6
Burst Clip Shots Per Second0.8/s
Burst Clip Reload Time1s
Projectile Speed3000 m/s
Maximum Range7200m
Rotation Speed25°/s
Hull Strength2100

Construction Cost

Universal Build Method

Credits58.702 - 82.748
Energy Cells10
Turret Components24
Advanced Electronics5