Large Turret - Ion Net Launcher

Last modified by Kajar on 2024/07/01 14:20

Large Turret - Ion Net Launcher

TypeLarge Turret
Available FromBOR
Fitted ToRay and Boron stations
RoleAnti-Fighter, Support, Disabler
Required LicenseNone

In-game Description

The Ion Net Launcher is a utility armament developed by the Royal Boron Military Defence, a government research organisation known for their experimental engineering. The Net Launcher fires a burst of fast projectiles, which, independent of enemy contact, explode near their predetermined target position. Each explosion casts a wide net, impairing the mobility of ships caught within. While the nets can prove useful in simultaneously compromising multiple attackers, they are less so during tumultuous dogfights, as allied ships closely engaged with hostiles could be impaired along with their enemies. This makes a military application within some fleet compositions difficult, and civilian ships operating in remote systems lack the necessary interface to field such a large turret.

Tactical Overview

The Large Ion Net Launcher turret is an unconventional weapon, bordering on being more aptly labeled as a tool. It claims the title of the longest-ranged turret weapon in the game, delivering considerable shield damage per shot while severely lacking in hull damage.

Its primary function revolves around disrupting enemies. Any ship caught in the very large blast radius experiences a substantial reduction in maneuverability, with its travel engines and boosters being completely disabled, preventing escape. Meanwhile the large area of damage removes turrets with surprising effectiveness. This enables other Boron ships to engage the disabled target and easily destroy it.

The Ion Net Launcher itself is unlikely to outright destroy a ship. At most, it can strip the shields of fighters with a lucky hit. However, be careful regarding friendly fire due to the large blast radius, making its use in fleet settings or close to another faction's ships somewhat questionable.

Employing this weapon, demands a degree of creativity.


- High shield damage per shot

- Extremely fast projectile

- Extremely large blast radius at 400m

- Disables boost and travel drives

- Very effective at destroying turrets



- Low hull damage

- Extremely inaccurate, making direct hits on small and medium targets unlikely

- High chance of friendly fire




 Large Ion Net Launcher Turret
Shield Damage Per Second389
Hull Damage Per Second104
Shield Damage Per Shot400
Shield Explosive Damage Per Shot1650
Hull Damage Per Shot400
Hull Explosive Damage Per Shot150
Shots Per Second0.19/s
Burst Clip Size3
Burst Clip Shots Per Second2.5/s
Burst Clip Reload Time15s
Explosion Radius400m
Projectile Speed7100 m/s
Maximum Range10650m
Explosion Radius400m
Rotation Speed30°/s
Hull Strength2100
 Mobility Disruption vs SmallMobility Disruption vs MediumMobility Disruption vs LargeMobility Disruption vs Xtra Large
Mobility Disruption Strength30%25%20%20%
Mobility Disruption Duration12s10s8s8s

Travel Mode and Boost Disabled


Construction Cost

Universal Build Method

Credits105.154 - 148.229
Energy Cells20
Turret Components39
Advanced Electronics10