Large Turret - Ion Flak

Last modified by Kajar on 2023/12/13 20:57

Large Turret - Ion Flak

TypeLarge Turret
Available FromBOR
Fitted ToRay and Boron stations
Required LicenseNone

In-game Description

Modern Flak Turret technology has not yet been fully exploited throughout the known systems, and it is jealously guarded by those who have access to it. It is a highly effective weapon at close quarters, particularly against fighters, due to its blast damage radius.

The large Boron Flak Turret follows Boron armament doctrine in proving more effective against shields than hull. Its projectiles are primed to detonate at a target location, regardless of actual impact. This can lead to target ships being caught by its explosion, even if they narrowly avoid a direct impact, turning near misses into hits.

Tactical Overview

The Large Ion Flak turret stands as the crown jewel of Boron turret weaponry, excelling as an anti-fighter weapon with its ability to inflict largel shield damage and create a big explosion radius. The projectile features a timed fuze, ensuring it explodes at the distance the target was at when the turret fired. Combined with the very fast projectile speed, this ensures the target is consistently caught in the blast radius.

The Large Ion Flak turret has the added advantage of disrupting the engines of any small and medium target within the blast, slowing them down.

However, its hull damage output is rather lacking, and anything heavier than fighters will require a considerable amount of time to be destroyed by the Ion Flak alone. This is further worsened by the very high dispersion, making direct hits unlikely. As a result, the effective damage output is significantly lower than it may appear on paper.

Also note that due to most of the damage being explosive, +damage modifications have very limited effect. Since explosive damage is not modified.


- High shield damage

- Very fast projectile

- Very fast tracking speed for a large turret

- Large blast radius



- Low hull damage

- Extremely inaccurate, making direct hits on small and medium targets unlikely




Note: The Large Ion Flak turret has firing rate slower than the reload time of the burst clip. The burst clip is disabled unless the weapon is modified at a workbench, and the rate of fire is increased.

 Large Ion Flak Turret
Shield Damage Per Second540
Hull Damage Per Second180
Shield Damage Per Shot450
Shield Explosive Damage Per Shot900
Hull Damage Per Shot50
Hull Explosive Damage Per Shot400
Reload Time2.5s
Burst Clip Size3
Burst Clip Shots Per Second0.4/s
Burst Clip Reload Time1.5s
Explosion Radius200m
Projectile Speed4660 m/s
Maximum Range5825m
Rotation Speed50°/s
Hull Strength2100

 Speed Disruption vs SmallSpeed Disruption vs Medium
Speed Reduction Strength7%5%
Speed Reduction Duration6s4s

Construction Cost

Universal Build Method

Credits105.154 - 148.229
Energy Cells20
Turret Components39
Advanced Electronics10