Large Turret - Graviton

Last modified by Kajar on 2023/12/13 19:57

Large Turret - Graviton

TypeLarge Turret
Available FromXEN
Fitted ToXtra Large ships and Stations
Required LicenseNone

In-game Description

The Xenon Graviton Turret is one of the most effective turret weapons known. While lacking in range, it delivers massive damage using a high-velocity projectile.

Terran weapon-smiths are silent on whether this technology has informed the engineering of their own armaments.

Tactical Overview

The Large Graviton turret is a deadly weapon employed by the Xenon, capable of destroying capital ships with ease. Boasting an exceptionally high damage output and fast projectile speed. However, its lacking accuracy limitation rendersy fighters relatively safe from it.

Medium-sized ships face near-instant destruction within a few seconds, while destroyers risk being torn apart if they drift too close. The primary weakness of the Graviton turret lies in its limited range. Its very short reach allows destroyers to remain outside its effective range, gradually dismantling the Xenon ship or station from a safe distance.


- Extremely high damage output

- Fast projectiles

- Deadly to capital ships and especially mediums



- Very short range for a large turret

- Low accuracy



 Large Graviton Turret
Damage Per Second2153
Damage Per Shot2x 3229
Reload Time3s
Projectile Speed1958m/s
Maximum Range5183m
Rotation Speed35°/s
Hull Strength3500

Construction Cost

Xenon Build Method

Credits13.392 - 16.368
Energy Cells25