Thermal Disintegrator

Last modified by Kajar on 2024/07/01 13:57

Thermal Disintegrator

TypeMain Gun
Available FromZYA FRF CUB
Fitted ToSmall and Medium ships
RoleAll Purpose
Required LicenseMilitary License (+10)

In-game Description

The Split Thermal Disintegrator is a shield-penetrating short range weapon. After bypassing the shields, its projectiles stick to the target, applying damage over time. Most available variants fire short bursts interrupted by a long break, but the S Mk2 variant allows for nearly continuous fire with only a short break between clip changes. With only a slight damage advantage against shielded surface elements, the Thermal Disintegrator remains a solid choice for general use.

The Split developed this weapon after experimenting with shield penetration technologies. While the goal to bypass shields entirely was not achieved, the resulting suitability for general use, together with the additional benefit of partial bypass, make it a widely deployed weapon.

The Mk2 variant increases both damage and rate of fire.

Tactical Overview

The Thermal Disintegrator is the Split version of the Pulselaser with a faster rate of fire and the feature that some of the damage bypasses shields.

It is a strange all-purpose weapon that can engage all kinds of targets but not super effectively.
The fast rate of fire makes it viable against fighters, but the large spread of the projectiles and their slow speed make it still a bit of a struggle.

It is pretty effective against medium targets, but the low heat efficiency on the Small version can be troublesome, requiring multiple cooldowns to take down a single target.

Surprisingly, it might be most effective against capital ships as it can ignore their strong shielding and directly melt the hull underneath.
It is also quite effective against surface elements thanks to the shield penetrating ability and the fact that turrets have very little hull strength.

The Thermal Disintegrator is also one of, if not the cheapest, weapon in the game, making it very easy to mass produce.

If you want a cheap weapon to slap on your fighter swarm and don't want to worry about target selection, the Thermal Disintegrator is a good choice.

- Large portion of the damage bypasses shields

- Surprisingly effective against capital ships

- Decent against fighters

- Relatively high damage output against hull

- Very cheap



- Slow projectiles make dogfighting more difficult

- Large dispersion makes it less effective against fighters beyond 1km

- Very bad heat efficiency for Small variant

- Shield damage is a bit lacking



 Small Mk1Small Mk2Medium Mk1Medium Mk2
Hull Damage Per Second109198177357
Sustained Hull Damage Per Second91149166298
Shield Damage Per Second78  +31 Hull127  +71 Hull145  +32 Hull302  +55 Hull
Sustained Shield Damage Per Second65  +26 Hull96  +53 Hull136  +30 Hull252  +46 Hull
Hull Damage Per Shot28287890
Shield Damage Per Shot20  +8 Hull18  +10 Hull64  +14 hull76  +14 Hull
Shots Per Second 3.93/s7.1/s2.31/s3.98/s
Bust Clip Size51137
Burst Clip Shots Per Second7/s8/s10/s7/s
Burst Clip Reload Time0.7s0.3s1.1s0.9s
Projectile Stick Time2s3s2s3s
Rotation Speed165°/s165°/s106°/s106°/s
Projectile Speed1728m/s1728m/s1901m/s1901m/s
Maximum Range2592m2592m4148m4148m
Heat Generation Per Second326/s518/s129/s318/s
Heat Generation Per Shot83735680
Heat Dissipation Per Second2000/s2000/s2000/s2000/s
Maximum Damage Until Overheat3388 (968 Shield Penetrating)3836 (1370 Shield Penetrating)13884 (2492 Shield Penetrating)11250 (1759 Shield Penetrating)
Cooldown Delay When Overheating1.13s1.13s1.13s1.13s
Reactivates At After Overheating9500950095009500

Construction Cost

Universal Build Method

 Small Mk1Small Mk2Medium Mk1Medium Mk2
Credits8.590 - 19.80829.099 - 61.74920.549 - 45.76575.907 - 172.921
Energy Cells31413344
Weapon Components7151567
Advanced Electronics 312