Proton Barrage

Last modified by Kajar on 2023/11/27 08:27

Proton Barrage

TypeMain Gun
Available FromTER PIO
Fitted ToSmall and Medium ships
Required LicenseMilitary License (+10)

In-game Description

The Terran Proton Barrage is a short range weapon which can only be attached to high-energy weapon mounts. It is considered the Terran high-energy variant of the Commonwealth Bolt Repeater. Compared to the Bolt Repeater, the Proton Barrage offers higher damage output and projectile speed, but forfeits some of its range. While providing more damage in total, the Barrage has a lower fire rate and focusses on delivering more powerful individual projectiles during its long bursts. Its main downsides are its compatibility restriction that limits it to Terran ship designs, and the fact that it is twice as expensive when compared to the weaker Commonwealth Bolt Repeater. The Proton Barrage is a generalist weapon which performs well against most reasonable targets.

With the reconnection of the Commonwealth, the Terran Secret Service acquired the Bolt Repeater blueprint, enabling Terran engineers to develop it into the Proton Barrage. They adjusted it for Terran high-energy mount compatibility, effectively increasing its power, while also preventing the Commonwealth from using it.

The Mk2 variant increases the damage output, despite reducing the rate of fire, by making the individual projectiles more powerful still.

Tactical Overview

The Proton Barrage is a straight upgrade of the Bolt Repeater it is based on, providing a higher damage output, higher accuracy, faster projectiles, and improved heat efficiency.

This weapon will shred fighters, chew through mediums, and put a noticeable dent into a capital ship's shields.

The Proton Barrage is easily one of the best weapons in the game, though this comes with some pretty significant downsides.
It is pretty expensive, making it relatively costly to outfit an entire group with this weapon, and it also can only be fitted to Terran ships, requiring their High-Energy equipment slots.
Additionally, only the Terrans offer the Mk2 version, as the Pioneers are limited to Mk1.


- Very high damage output, Mk2 variant can threaten capital ships

- Good heat efficiency

- Good accuracy

- Fast projectile



- Rather expensive

- Can only be mouned on Terran ships



 Small Mk1Small Mk2Medium Mk1Medium Mk2
Damage Per Second144281228444
Sustained Damage Per Second112216179344
Damage Per Shot429552113
Shots Per Second 3.43/s2.96/s4.4/s3.93/s
Bust Clip Size18202124
Burst Clip Shots Per Second4/s3.3/s5.3/s4.5/s
Burst Clip Reload Time1s1s1s1s
Projectile Speed3600m/s3600m/s2880m/s2880m/s
Maximum Range2646m2646m4236m4236m
Rotation Speed120°/s120°/s70°/s70°/s
Heat Generation Per Second452/s476/s440/s459/s
Heat Generation Per Shot132161100117
Heat Dissipation Per Second2000/s2000/s2000/s2000/s
Maximum Damage Until Overheat3192598552009718
Cooldown Delay When Overheating1.13s1.13s1.13s1.13s
Reactivates At After Overheating9500950095009500

Construction Cost

Terran Build Method

 Small Mk1Small Mk2Medium Mk1Medium Mk2
Credits97.969 - 132.154486.903 - 658.751140.876 - 190.596700.151 - 947.263
Energy Cells5010050100
Metallic Microlattice531454496
Silicon Carbide822513
Computronic Substrate424213