Plasma Cutter Beam

Last modified by Kajar on 2024/07/01 14:13

Plasma Cutter Beam

TypeMain Gun
Available FromXEN
Fitted ToMedium ships
RoleAnti-Fighter, Assassination
Required LicenseNone

In-game Description

Though originally designed for salvage operations to disassemble wrecks, the Plasma Cutter Beam has been repurposed into a deadly weapon of war.

Operating on a principle of short-lived bursts of devastating energy, the Plasma Cutter Beam boasts a formidable initial onslaught capable of inflicting heavy damage upon unsuspecting adversaries. Though its reload time is protracted and its lifespan brief, when used effectively, the coordinated fire of multiple beams can unleash a torrent of destruction upon any target within range.

Tactical Overview

The Xenon Plasma Beam Cutter is a weapon with short duration but high burst damage capabilities. With its pin-point accuracy, it can heavily damage fighters, and do decent damage aginst medium-sized targets as well.

However, repurposed from a construction tool, it carries significant drawbacks. Its firing range is notably limited for a weapon of its caliber, a consequence of its origin as a metal-cutting tool rather than a combat-oriented weapon. 
While it delivers accurate and powerful strikes, prolonged use leads to rapid overheating. Considering  the lower than average cooling speed , the sustained damage output of multiple Plasma Cutters is quite sad and it will have a hard time trying to break the shield regeneration of capital ships.

The Plasma Cutter Beam is found on the Xenon B, which mounts four of them. 


- Perfect accuracy

- Instant hit

- High burst damage



- Very slow tracking speed, making dogfighting difficult

- Lower than average cooling speed

- Below average sustained damage output



 Medium Mk1
Damage Per Second240
Sustained Damage Per Second212
Damage Per Shot1200
Reload Time 5s
Beam Damage Per Second600
Beam Duration2s
Maximum Range2750m
Rotation Speed15°/s
Heat Generation Per Second1000/s
Heat Generation Per Shot5000
Heat Dissipation Per Second1500/s
Maximum Damage Until Overheat12000
Cooldown Delay When Overheating0.1s
Reactivates At After Overheating6000

Construction Cost

Universal Build Method

 Medium Mk1
Credits34.279 - 48.321
Energy Cells10
Weapon Components27
Advanced Electronics20

Xenon Build Method

 Medium Mk1
Credits34.279 - 48.321
Energy Cells10