Plasma Cannon

Last modified by Kajar on 2024/07/14 18:40

Plasma Cannon

TypeMain Gun
Fitted ToSmall and Medium ships
Required LicenseMilitary License (+10)

In-game Description

The Plasma Cannon combines high damage output with long range. Its drawbacks, slow projectile speed and fire rate, made worse by high heat generation, can make landing hits as challenging as it is important. This results in its predominant use being against capital ships, where swarms of fighters deploy Plasma Cannons to great success. Unlike short ranged weapons such as the Shard Battery and the Split Tau Accelerator, which outperform it in damage output and are more suited to attacking capital ships from a blind spot, the Plasma Cannon's greatest advantage is its range. Skilled pilots are also able to hunt down smaller targets efficiently, either by deploying the Plasma Cannon at short range or by predicting the courses of the projectile and target. Similarly, skilled pilots are also able to evade and avoid being hit by such attempts.

The Plasma Cannon was developed during the early days of the Paranid Civil War, by the Holy Order of the Pontifex, building upon the High Energy Plasma Thrower. Like its predecessor, it suffers from high radiation build-up, and this needs to be purged between shots to prevent it from damaging itself. The blueprint for the Plasma Cannon was stolen by the Argon Secret Service and distributed throughout the Commonwealth when the Argon Federation joined the war effort.

The Mk2 variant has a higher rate of fire, lower heat generation and increased damage output.

Tactical Overview

The Plasma Cannon is the heavy hitter and the primary anti-capital weapon for small and medium craft. It is very much a one-trick pony. It fires a single, high-damage shot over a decent range. The projectile is very slow, and each shot generates a stupidly high amount of heat. Expect to fire only two or three shots before you overheat.

The usage of the Plasma Cannons is straightforward: Equip a fighter swarm with those and point them at a capital ship you wish to no longer see on your radar screen.
That is pretty much all it is good for.

The projectile being so very slow and the fact that, at maximum, you get only three shots before overheating makes it an abysmal choice in a dogfight.
This is very much a weapon for fighter swarms to alpha-strike enemy capital ships into oblivion.

The use on fighters is preferred because the entire package is much cheaper than on medium ships.


Because of how the heat generation lines up, you get higher damage output by firing as soon as possible instead of letting it cool down fully. You still get the same number of shots.
Sustained dps is calculated from this method.

Because of the few shots per heat cycle, it may be best to ignore the raw damage per second and look only at the sustained damage per second.


- Very high damage per shot

- Can threaten capitals if employed in swarms

- Small variants are very cheap

- Can hurt mediums somewhat hard

- Available from most factions



- Extreme heat generation, can only fire two or three shots, depending on Mk

- Very slow projectile,

- Very low total damage per heat cycle



 Small Mk1Small Mk2Medium Mk1Medium Mk2
Damage Per Second256443460797
Sustained Damage Per Second120233215419
Damage Per Shot1024133118412393
Reload Time4s3s4s3s
Projectile Speed1229m/s1229m/s983m/s983m/s
Maximum Range4056m4056m6488m6488m
Rotation Speed47°/s47°/s25°/s25°/s
Heat Generation Per Second1280113814391278
Heat Generation Per Shot5122341457563836
Heat Dissipation Per Second2000/s2000/s2000/s2000/s
Maximum Damage Until Overheat2048399336827179
Cooldown Delay When Overheating1.13s1.13s1.13s1.13s
Reactivates At After Overheating2000200020002000

Construction Cost

Universal Build Method

 Small Mk1Small Mk2Medium Mk1Medium Mk2
Credits12.851 - 15.70755.827 - 68.23330.277 - 37.005150.867 - 184.393
Energy Cells510510
Weapon Components5201365
Advanced Electronics15210

Closed Loop Build Method

 Small Mk1Small Mk2Medium Mk1Medium Mk2
Credits12.851 - 15.70755.827 - 68.23330.277 - 37.005150.867 - 184.393
Energy Cells10566118155
Hull Parts418948

Terran Build Method

 Small Mk1Small Mk2Medium Mk1Medium Mk2
Credits12.851 - 15.70755.827 - 68.23330.277 - 37.005150.867 - 184.393
Energy Cells5010050100
Metallic Microlattice204648111
Silicon Carbide36414
Computronic Substrate16317