Phase Gun

Last modified by Kajar on 2024/07/01 14:06

Phase Gun

TypeMain Gun
Available FromBOR
Fitted ToSmall ships
RoleAnti-Fighter, Anti-Hull
Required LicenseNone

In-game Description

Boron Phase weaponry is an iteration of particle accelerator weapons first developed by the Paranid and Argon. The fired energy pulses, consisting of highly accelerated and polarised particles, prove effective against hull, while less so against shielded targets. This puts Phase weaponry in a unique position among the Boron arsenal, which otherwise tends towards primarily impairing shields and mobility. As a necessary last resort against undeterrable hostiles, Phase armaments are widely available as either weapons or turrets in various sizes, and form the backbone of Boron weaponry and fleet compositions.

Tactical Overview

The Phase Gun is the primary anti-hull weapon of the Boron Navy and plays a critical role in actually destroying the target after it has been stopped and stripped of all it's shields by the Ion Gatling. The two weapons go hand-in-hand.  Or tentacle-in-tentacle i suppose.

The Phase Gun is a very straight forward weapon designed to do one thing, destroying hulls. And it does that very well.

For this it of course offers very high damage output against hull, but struggles against shields.  While the rate of fire is a bit on the lower side, each shot hits relatively hard.

The weapon is also very accurate, has very good heat efficiency and a reasonable fast and long ranged projectile.

Just pair it up with an Ion Gatling and rip enemy fighters apart.  Simple and effective.


- Very high hull damage

- Very Good heat efficiency

- Very good accuracy

- Good projectile speed and range



- Very low damage against shields

- Can only be fitted to Boron fighters



 Small Mk1
Shield Damage Per Second107
Sustained Shield Damage Per Second95
Hull Damage Per Second240
Sustained Hull Damage Per Second213
Shield Damage Per Shot64
Hull Damage Per Shot144
Shots Per Second 1.67/s
Bust Clip Size10
Burst Clip Shots Per Second2/s
Burst Clip Reload Time1.5s
Projectile Speed2800m/s
Maximum Range3192m
Rotation Speed165°/s
Heat Generation Per Second200/s
Heat Generation Per Shot120
Heat Dissipation Per Second2000/s
Maximum Shield Damage Until Overheat5376
Maximum Hull Damage Until Overheat12096
Cooldown Delay When Overheating1s
Reactivates At After Overheating9500

Construction Cost

Universal Build Method

 Small Mk1
Credits46.814 - 79.896
Energy Cells35
Weapon Components25
Advanced Electronics4