Neutron Gatling

Last modified by Kajar on 2024/07/01 13:52

Neutron Gatling

TypeMain Gun
Available FromZYA FRF CUB
Fitted ToSmall and Medium ships
Required LicenseMilitary License (+10)

In-game Description

The Split Neutron Gatling is a short range, rapid fire weapon comparable to the Bolt Repeater. Similar to the Bolt Repeater, the constant stream of projectiles travels rather slowly and requires aiming ahead in order to hit moving targets. The Neutron Gatling is renowned for its high damage output, but the low accuracy and noticeable spread can make hitting small targets at range rather challenging, forcing pilots to close the distance. For the dogfight-loving Split this is considered part of the hunt.

The Split developed this weapon, taking into account the psychological effects on the pilot and target. While the pilot feels empowered by commanding a high rate of fire over a prolonged time, the target feels terrorised by the light show and left to guess which projectiles might hit or miss. Despite not being part of the intended design, the low accuracy helps pirates to intimidate their prey without noticeably damaging their prize. It is a functional weapon for combat, but arguably also a tool to express the Split warrior culture and spread terror among their many foes.

The Mk2 variant offers increased damage output and a higher rate of fire.

Tactical Overview

The Neutron Gatling is the Split variant of the Bolt Repeater. But somehow, they managed to make it oh so much worse. The Neutron Gatling is a downgrade in almost every regard.

Don't be fooled by the high DPS numbers. You will hardly ever see them in practice due to the primary shortcoming of this weapon: the hilariously large spread of the bullets.

You must plant your barrel right in the enemy's face to ensure all bullets hit. If the target is more than 400 meters away, don't bother firing; it is just a waste of time and heat.

Even then, if all bullets hit the target by some miracle, the heat efficiency is so bad you might not even destroy your target before you overheat. The Neutron Gatling is not a good choice for extended fights either.
It might perform better against capitals, but the lack of accuracy can be felt even there. The damage output might still not be enough though.

If you want a high-damage, short-range weapon, try the Tau Accelerator. It is better in every single regard. Yes, even accuracy.

Avoid using the Neutron Gatling as much as possible.


- Very high base damage per second




- Slow projectiles 

- Small variant is very expensive

- Terrible heat efficiency

- Very high heat generation

- Extremely inaccurate



 Small Mk1Small Mk2Medium Mk1Medium Mk2
Damage Per Second136276238473
Sustained Damage Per Second96192163321
Damage Per Shot8123443
Shots Per Second 17/s23/s7/s11/s
Projectile Speed2160m/s2160m/s1728m/s1728m/s
Maximum Range2700m2700m4320m4320m
Rotation Speed124°/s124°/s71°/s71°/s
Heat Generation Per Second680/s713/s741/s759/s
Heat Generation Per Shot403110669
Heat Dissipation Per Second2000/s2000/s2000/s2000/s
Maximum Damage Until Overheat2000387632306235
Cooldown Delay When Overheating1.13s1.13s1.13s1.13s
Reactivates At After Overheating9500950095009500

Construction Cost

Universal Build Method

 Small Mk1Small Mk2Medium Mk1Medium Mk2
Credits15.527 - 35.97878.181 - 176.40431.065 - 72.242170.789 - 342.291
Energy Cells33303231
Weapon Components14663053
Advanced Electronics 3 29