Needler Gun

Last modified by Kajar on 2024/07/01 13:30

Needler Gun

TypeMain Gun
Available FromXEN
Fitted ToSmall Ships
Required LicenseNone

In-game Description

Originally used as a construction tool, the Needler Gun remains at its core what it has always been, a huge nail gun designed for heavy duty construction projects. Over time the Xenon have adapted it from firing mundane nails and rivets, to having ammunition chambers housing armour-piercing projectiles, allowing it to deliver devastating blows to enemy ships.

The Needler Gun's high rate of fire transforms what would otherwise be a minor annoyance into a significant stopping power. It is able to cover its target with hits at a rate that can produce significant structural damage in a short amount of time.

Tactical Overview

The Needler Gun is a clear upgrade from the Impulse Projector, with each shot packing a heavier punch, boasting higher DPS, and featuring superior projectile speed, the Needler Gun outperforms the Impulse Projector in pretty much every aspect.

While it may not quite rival the firepower of the S Pulse Laser Mk2, it still poses a significantly greater threat than the Impulse Projector. Fighter pilots beware!

Currently, it appears exclusively outfitted on the new and rare Xenon F heavy fighter, carrying four Needlers. This configuration grants it much more firepower, something that Xenon fighters lacked until now.


- Very accurate

- Relatively high damage per shot

- Effective against most fighters and lesser protected mediums



- Heat Efficiency is rather bad

- Below average damage per second


 Small Mk1
Damage Per Second156
Sustained Damage Per Second119
Damage Per Shot40
Shots Per Second 3.9/s
Bust Clip Size8
Burst Clip Shots Per Second4/s
Burst Clip Reload Time0.3s
Projectile Speed3400m/s
Maximum Range3400m
Rotation Speed125°/s
Heat Generation Per Second468/s
Heat Generation Per Shot120
Heat Dissipation Per Second2000/s
Maximum Damage Until Overheat3360
Cooldown Delay When Overheating1.13s
Reactivates At After Overheating9500

Construction Cost

Universal Build Method

 Small Mk1
Credits4.067 - 5.733
Energy Cells5
Weapon Components14
Advanced Electronics1

Xenon Build Method

 Small Mk1
Energy Cells5