Mining Drill

Last modified by Kajar on 2023/12/11 14:49

Mining Drill

TypeMain Gun
Available FromEveryone
Fitted ToSmall and Medium ships
Required LicenseNone

In-game Description

For primary resource collectors, the Mk 1 Small Mining Drill is an entry-level tool used for asteroid mining. It is available in an upgraded Mk 2 format.

More established miners generally opt for the Medium Mining Drill, which is also available in Mk 1 and Mk 2 configurations.

Boron description:
For primary resource collectors, the Mk 1 Small Mining Drill is an entry-level tool used for asteroid mining.

More established miners generally opt for the Medium Mining Drill, designed, field-tested and distributed by Deepwater Drilling Industries.

Xenon description:
This ship module is apparently a Xenon Mining Drill, however, it is unclear what performance it delivers and whether it is optimised for the collection of specific minerals. There is continued debate over whether this module has other applicable uses.

Tactical Overview

The Mining Drill is a tool for mining, making it a naturally poor choice for combat. It deals minimal damage to non-asteroid targets.
The most dangerous thing is that it blinds players when they get shot by them.




 Small Mk1Small Mk2Medium Mk1Medium Mk2Boron Small Mk1Boron Medium Mk1Xenon Medium Mk1
Damage Per Second1326242
Damage Per Second Against Asteroids30090060018006001200600
Reload Time 4s4s4s4s4s4s4s
Beam Duration4s4s4s4s4s4s4s
Maximum Range3000m3000m4364m4364m3000m4364m3960
Rotation Speed90°/s90°/s90°/s90°/s90/s90/s105°/s

Construction Cost

Universal Build Method

 Small Mk1Small Mk2Medium Mk1Medium Mk2Boron Small Mk1Boron Medium Mk1
Energy Cells5105101016
Weapon Components1573558
Advanced Electronics151521

Terran Build Method

 Small Mk1Small Mk2Medium Mk1Medium Mk2
Energy Cells5010050100
Metallic Microlattice45443473
Silicon Carbide35512
Computronic Substrate 318

Closed Loop Build Method

 Small Mk1Small Mk2Medium Mk1Medium Mk2
Energy Cells60145128114
Hull Parts211525
Claytronics 1 4

Xenon Build Method

 Xenon Medium Mk1
Energy Cells10