Main Battery - Terran

Last modified by Kajar on 2023/11/22 09:35

Main Battery - Terran

TypeMain Gun
Available FromTER PIO
Fitted ToOsaka, Syn, Asgard
Required LicenseCapital License (+20)

In-game Description

It is big. It is fast. It is bad for your health.

The Terran Main Battery is unique in that it can be installed on a variety of ships, and initiating its use has the potential to change the course of a battle.

Some describe this rapid-fire Proton Barrage as a "deeply" offensive weapon, which should only be used in operations requiring the most extreme prejudice.

Attempts have periodically been made to negotiate a non-legal status for the Terran Main Battery. However, Terran authorities have rebuffed even exploratory diplomatic dialogues that raise this possibility.

Tactical Overview

The Terran battery is easily the best, with the highest damage output, compensating for the lack of large plasma turrets in the Terran arsenal. 
It fires a near-constant stream of medium-damage projectiles, and that damage piles up quickly, resulting in the game's most damaging destroyer main battery.

With a very high damage output, the same excellent heat efficiency as the Behemoth's main guns, and a fast rate of fire, the Terran main battery is very flexible. It can effectively engage any target, whether a fighter, corvette, or capital ship.
The only downside is that it has the same range as the large plasma turrets of the Commonwealth factions, which can make besieging their stations a bit tricky.

The Terran main battery is also the only one to be used on multiple ships, the Osaka, Syn, and Asgard. 


- Highest damage output of all destroyer guns

- Very Good heat efficiency

- Three guns on the Syn result in highest sustained dps of all destroyers

- On the Syn, also has highest maximum damage in a heat cycle




- Lower range than other destroyer weapons, same range as Large Plasma turrets

- Least accurate of all destroyer main batteries


 Large Mk1
Damage Per Second3250
Sustained Damage Per Second2357
Damage Per Shot988
Shots Per Second 3.29/s
Bust Clip Size18
Burst Clip Shots Per Second4.896/s
Burst Clip Reload Time2s
Projectile Speed1440 m/s
Maximum Range8893m
Rotation Speed30° /s
Hull Strength8000
Heat Generation Per Second602/s
Heat Generation Per Shot183
Heat Dissipation Per Second2000/s
Maximum Damage Until Overheat54340
Cooldown Delay When Overheating1.13s
Reactivates At After Overheating9500

Construction Cost

Terran Build Method

 Large Mk1
Credits2.423.602- 3.278.990
Energy Cells200
Metallic Microlattice500
Silicon Carbide100
Computronic Substrate123