Main Battery - Ravager

Last modified by Kajar on 2024/07/01 14:13

Main Battery - Ravager

TypeMain Gun
Available FromKHK
Fitted ToRavager
Required LicenseNone

In-game Description

Forged from the darkest depths of Kha'ak technology, the Ravager Main Battery harnesses the raw energy of the cosmos to generate a focused particle beam of unparalleled potency. Each searing blast from its menacing barrel strikes with pinpoint accuracy, tearing through the defences of capital ships with ease.

Designed to deliver devastating blows against enemy capital vessels, this weapon serves as the primary armament of Kha'ak Destroyers, ensuring their dominance on the battlefield. Its overwhelming firepower and relentless precision make it a fearsome adversary for any enemy of the Kha'ak.

Tactical Overview

The Ravager's primary weapon, the fearsome Kyon Emitter, is a force to be reckoned with. It delivers devastating damage, capable of reducing an average destroyer to a cloud of debris in seconds. Larger ships may withstand the Kyon Emitter's onslaught for a few seconds longer but will still suffer severe damage.
It's range is also on par with the Asgard's main battery, sharing the longest range of any non-missile weapon in the game.

If a Ravager starts turning its Kyon Emitter toward you, you better make sure you are very quickly somewhere else.

Fortunately, the Kyon Emitter has a lengthy recharge time, providing a window of opportunity for large groups of ships to mount an effective counterattack against the Ravager while its weapon is offline.



- Perfect accuracy

- Longest range of all guns in the game, tied with the Asgard

- Extremely high damage per shot. Can destroy most ships in a single shot.

- Extremely high DPS despite the long reload



- No tracking, the entire ship has to be moved to aim

- Very long cooldown time


 Large Mk1
Damage Per Second18462
Damage Per Shot


Time For Full Firing Cycle19.5s
Beam Damage Per Second90000
Beam Duration4s
Beam Charge Time5.5s
Beam Reload Time10s
Maximum Range 14000m
Heat Generation Per Second2000/s
Heat Generation Per Shot8000
Heat Dissipation Per Second1000/s
Cooldown Delay When OverheatingNone
Reactivates At After Overheating1