Main Battery - Rattlesnake

Last modified by Kajar on 2023/12/01 11:05

Main Battery - Rattlesnake

TypeMain Gun
Available FromZYA FRF CUB
Fitted ToRattlesnake
Required LicenseCapital License (+20)

In-game Description

"Move speedily and damage things" is more than a Split aphorism. It is both a military strategy and a design philosophy; and one thoroughly adhered to in the development of the Rattlesnake Main Battery.

With its relatively short range, the military architects clearly envisaged being in the centre of battle, rather than lobbing shots from the periphery. As such, this is only recommended for those with the resources to employ the very best pilots.

A Rattlesnake barrage appearing in the midst of a skirmish is certainly said to be an awe inspiring sight, but only by those observing from a safe distance.

Tactical Overview

The Rattlesnake's main battery is quite powerful, providing the second-highest damage output of all destroyer main batteries. However, it suffers from some heat efficiency and range problems.

Technically, it barely outperforms the Behemoth main battery in sustained damage output. However, the Rattlesnake can mount four of them, elevating its performance to a different level. With four of them, a Rattlesnake has the highest burst damage output of all destroyers and the second highest damage maximum per heat cycle, only behind the hard-to-acquire Syn-class destroyer.

The only downside is its lack of range, almost 4km less than other destroyer main batteries. As such, it isn't as well suited to engaging Commonwealth stations. 
Xenon stations are still safe to engage since the Rattlesnake will outrange the Graviton turrets by slightly more than 1km. That is not an awful lot of wiggle room, though.


- Second best damage output

- Four guns on the Rattlesnake results in highest burst dps of all destroyers

- Good heat efficiency

- Good accuracy




- Lowest range of all destroyer guns, doesn't outrange Large Plasma turrets


 Large Mk1
Damage Per Second2717
Sustained Damage Per Second1801
Damage Per Shot1608
Shots Per Second 1.69/s
Bust Clip Size5
Burst Clip Shots Per Second2.04/s
Burst Clip Reload Time1s
Projectile Speed1327 m/s
Maximum Range6688m
Rotation Speed32° /s
Heat Generation Per Second784/s
Heat Generation Per Shot464
Heat Dissipation Per Second2000/s
Maximum Damage Until Overheat35376
Cooldown Delay When Overheating1.13s
Reactivates At After Overheating9500
Hull Strength8000

Construction Cost

Universal Build Method

 Large Mk1
Credits727.725- 1.444.922
Energy Cells29
Weapon Components201
Advanced Electronics131