Main Battery - Erlking

Last modified by Kajar on 2023/11/27 06:57

Main Battery - Erlking

TypeMain Gun
Available FromData Vault
Fitted ToErlking
Required LicenseNone

In-game Description

The Erlking Main Battery is the only Erlking armament which does not suffer from decreased damage output over distance. This allows the Erlking to fight at range, or attack effectively while closing in on its target.

Boso Ta claims that this weapon employs various kinds of titanium alloys and conductors to draw a large amount of energy from the power core, while disposing of excess hazardous radiation and keeping it from leaking into the ship. Unfortunately he wasn't so keen to go into detail about how it performs as a weapon.

Tactical Overview

The main battery of the Erlking-class battleship is a bit of a letdown for how much of a hassle it is to acquire.
The damage output isn't too bad, both the DPS and damage per shot. But in the end, it only equals about one and a half Behemoth's worth of firepower. The charging mechanic also makes it a bit awkward to operate and usually results in slightly less DPS than on paper simply because of the delayed reaction times of biological creatures.
The heat efficiency is pretty good, allowing the Erlking to deliver as much damage in a single heat cycle as the four guns on the Rattlesnake. However, the DPS is significantly less, so delivering that damage potential will take much longer.

However, all that only comes into play if you can actually use the gun. Because it is so huge, half of the Erlking's entire size is just the gun. It is very easily destroyed and rendered inoperable.

The only way to obtain this gun (and all other Erlking-specific equipment) is to find the blueprints in data vaults randomly placed in the Windfall and Avarice sectors. And they can be very troublesome to find. Then you have to get the blueprints for at least an XL Maintenance Bay to refit the Erlking.

Considering all this work to get the weapon, it is somewhat underwhelming.
Don't get me wrong, it is a pretty good weapon... if it hasn't been destroyed yet again.
It's just underwhelming for the effort that is needed to acquire.



- High damage per second

- High damage per shot

- Very good accuracy

- Outranges Large Plasma turrets

- Very good heat efficiency



- Slow tracking can make hitting fighters difficult

- Very large size and unshielded, easily destroyed

- Charging mechanic can be a bit awkward to use

- Extremely annoying to obtain


 Xtra Large Mk1
Damage Per Second4807
Sustained Damage Per Second3705
Damage Per Shot12979
Reload Time1.7s
Charge Time1s
Projectile Speed2488 m/s
Maximum Range9221m
Rotation Speed 93° /s
Heat Generation Per Second338/s
Heat Generation Per Shot915
Heat Dissipation Per Second2000/s
Maximum Damage Until Overheat142769
Cooldown Delay When Overheating1.13s
Reactivates At After Overheating9500
Hull Strength12000

Construction Cost

Universal Build Method

 Xtra Large Mk1
Credits485.683 - 657.101
Energy Cells30
Weapon Components300
Advanced Electronics150