Main Battery - Asgard

Last modified by Kajar on 2024/01/22 06:57

Main Battery - Asgard

TypeMain Gun
Available FromTER
Fitted ToAsgard
Required LicenseCapital License (+20)

In-game Description

When he first proposed the concept of a fusion beam cannon for the Asgard XL Main Battery, Dr Diego Kinjo was told he was insane. Even within the extreme militaristic chambers of the ATF, the idea of a station obliterating "supergun" was considered laughable, largely due to the cost of one prototype being sufficient to build and equip a fleet of destroyers.

Kinjo's disappearance was thought to be the end of the matter until, some years later, the prototype and blueprints were delivered to ATF HQ. While it is obvious that a mysterious benefactor took on the responsibility of funding Dr Kinjo's work, to date, no-one has claimed responsibility for this.

Neither has Kinjo been seen again. Speculation persists that his knowledge was just too valuable to fall into the hands of an enemy. It is likely that the visionary engineer was kept confined thereafter, or met with an unfortunate end.

Tactical Overview

Say "Hello" to the most powerful gun in the game, And the most powerful gun ever to be put into the hands of the Players in the history of X. (Except the Phased Shockwave Generator, maybe)

There isn't too much to say about the gun. I know why you are looking at this page. You want to see the big damage numbers. With almost a million damage per shot, the Fusion Beam Cannon can destroy nearly every ship in the game in a single shot. The only exceptions are the Xenon I Battleship, which will survive with a sliver of health left, and the Boron Shark, which will survive with about half its hull left intact.
It still takes four shots to destroy a Xenon Station Module, though.

This is the ultimate siege weapon. With a 14 km range, it outranges any weapon that can be placed on a station. Against non-Xenon stations, a well-controlled shot can destroy multiple modules.
It will make all your capital ship and station problems simply...disappear.

However, this weapon is extremely late-game and very expensive to acquire because you can't just buy it- or rather, the Asgard that carries the Fusion Beam Cannon. You need to purchase the blueprints for the ship, the gun, engines, thrusters, and the XL Fabrication module and build it yourself, which will easily set you back over a billion credits.
But a bold individual may be able to convince the captain of an Asgard to hand over their ship—either one belonging to the Intervention Corps Fleets or one defending humanity's home, Earth.



- Perfect accuracy

- Longest range of all guns in the game

- Stupidly high damage per shot. Can destroy all but two ships in a single shot.

- Extremely high DPS despite the long reload



- No tracking, the entire ship has to be moved to aim

- Extremely long cooldown time

- Extremely expensive to obtain


 Xtra Large Mk1
Damage Per Second12242
Damage Per Shot


Time For Full Firing Cycle78s
Beam Damage Per Second330426
Beam Duration2.89s
Maximum Range 14000m
Heat Generation Per Second3460/s
Heat Generation Per Shot10000
Heat Dissipation Per Second133/s
Cooldown Delay When Overheating0.13s
Reactivates At After Overheating2000
Hull Strength10000

Construction Cost

Terran Build Method

 Xtra Large Mk1
Credits7.888.918 - 9.642.011
Energy Cells1000
Metallic Microlattice1862
Silicon Carbide322
Computronic Substrate373