Ion Pulse Railgun

Last modified by Kajar on 2024/07/01 14:09

Ion Pulse Railgun

TypeMain Gun
Available FromBOR
Fitted ToMedium ships
Required LicenseMilitary License (+10)

In-game Description

Ion Pulse armaments use magnetic acceleration to launch ionised shards of super-heated plasma. As with most Boron armaments, such projectiles are more effective in depleting shields than damaging hulls of unshielded targets. Nevertheless, this weapon system, developed by Eleius Astrosecurity, excels at its intended purpose of intercepting fighters. As such Ion Pulse Turrets and Railguns are widely used on Boron military ships, and are known to clear a safe passage through enemy formations.

Tactical Overview

The Ion Pulse Railgun is the Boron variant of the Mass Driver and Boson Lance. But unlike those, the Railgun is actually usable. Quite effective even.

As a sniper-type weapon, it, of course, comes with high-speed projectiles, long-range and pinpoint accuracy. Unlike the others, though, it can fire up to 5 shots before overheating and can track a target! It also comes with the standard heat dissipation rate! This makes it leagues more effective and quite potent in combat. And that despite the damage per shot being lower than the Mass Driver. 

Even though it can track targets, the tracking speed is still very slow, and engaging targets at range is preferable. 

The Ion Pulse Railgun is effective against most targets. Fighters will be left on low health if not outright destroyed by a single 4-gun salvo, mediums take a heavy beating, and sniping the turrets of capital ships and stations is also very easy and effective with this weapon. Beating a capital ship's shield regeneration might still be difficult.

The Ion Pulse Railgun is the only actually effective sniper weapon in the game, and it performs that role very well. Sadly, it is only effective on a single ship, the Boron Hydra. The Boron Thresher only has a single weapon slot, which somewhat limits the potential of this weapon. No other ship in the game can mount this weapon.


- Good damage output

- Excellent accuracy

- Very good projectile speed

- Very long range

- Suprisingly good heat efficiency

- Can track targets unlike other snipers



- Limited damage output against hull of medium and larger targets

- Very slow tracking speed

- Only effective on one ship in the entire game, the Boron Hydra.



 Medium Mk1
Shield Damage Per Second473
Sustained Shield Damage Per Second284
Hull Damage Per Second307
Sustained Hull Damage Per Second184
Shield Damage Per Shot1420
Hull Damage Per Shot920
Reload Time3s
Projectile Speed8000m/s
Maximum Range8800m
Rotation Speed20°/s
Heat Generation Per Second666/s
Heat Generation Per Shot2000
Heat Dissipation Per Second2000/s
Maximum Shield Damage Until Overheat7100
Maximum Hull Damage Until Overheat4600
Cooldown Delay When Overheating2s
Reactivates At After Overheating4000

Construction Cost

Universal Build Method

 Medium Mk1
Credits759.116 - 1.295.558
Energy Cells675
Weapon Components217
Advanced Electronics67
Advanced Composites58