Ion Gatling

Last modified by Kajar on 2023/12/13 21:39

Ion Gatling

TypeMain Gun
Available FromBOR
Fitted ToSmall ships
RoleAnti-Fighter, Anti-Shield,
Required LicenseMilitary License (+10)

In-game Description

The Ion Gatling was developed by Faded Dreams Defences to improve the chances of Boron dogfighters. Its electrically charged particles are not only effective against shields, but also impair the target's mobility and allow the attacker to pin down hostile fighters. This proved effective against regular Split incursions, but the weapon's specialisation requires it to be combined with other weapons or fleets to supplement its shortcomings in hull penetration. To counter the Ion Gatling's proficiency against inept Split shields, Split raiders started deploying fighters without shields.

Tactical Overview

The Ion Gatling is the primary space superiority weapon for the fighter pilots of the Boron Navy.

With a very high rate of fire and shield damage, it will chew through the shields of enemy fighters in seconds. Medium-sized targets should be wary as well. The damage output is even high enough to threaten capital ships.

The Ion Gatling is also rather heat efficient, allowing pilots to fire for extended periods. The accuracy is also excellent.

The only real downside is the low damage against the exposed hull of a target. While the Ion Gatling will strip shields very quickly, actually destroying the target is where it struggles. This makes it a natural choice to pair it with the Phase Gun to deal with the target's armor plating.

The one thing that turns the Ion Gatling from a good weapon into a deadly one is its ability to slow down the target. Each projectile that hits the target reduces its maximum speed, and the effect stacks with each hit. 
This will turn mobile enemy dogfighters into sitting ducks, unable to move. Even medium ships get their engines disrupted, though to a lesser degree. This ability allows for devastating one-two-punch combos involving heavy missiles or other heavy weaponry.
Do not underestimate this ability. 
Once the Boron catch a target, it won't be able to escape.


- Very high shield damage, can threaten capital ships

- Good heat efficiency

- Very good accuracy

- Good projectile speed and range

- Engine disruption leaves targets completely helpless



- Very low damage against exposed hull

- Can only be fitted to Boron fighters



 Small Mk1
Shield Damage Per Second267
Sustained Shield Damage Per Second229
Hull Damage Per Second94
Sustained Hull Damage Per Second80
Shield Damage Per Shot40
Hull Damage Per Shot14
Shots Per Second 6.68/s
Bust Clip Size36
Burst Clip Shots Per Second9/s
Burst Clip Reload Time1.5s
Projectile Speed3200m/s
Maximum Range3200m
Rotation Speed125°/s
Heat Generation Per Second261/s
Heat Generation Per Shot40
Heat Dissipation Per Second2000/s
Maximum Shield Damage Until Overheat10000
Maximum Hull Damage Until Overheat3600
Cooldown Delay When Overheating1.13s
Reactivates At After Overheating9500
 Speed Disruption vs SmallSpeed Disruption vs Medium
Speed Disruption Strength3%1.5%
Speed Disruption Duration3s3s

Construction Cost

Universal Build Method

 Small Mk1
Credits85.489 - 145.901
Energy Cells30
Weapon Components30
Advanced Electronics12