Ion Blaster

Last modified by Kajar on 2024/07/01 13:25

Ion Blaster

TypeMain Gun
Available FromARG ALI DUK YAK
Fitted ToSmall and Medium ships
RoleAnti-Shield, Anti-Capital
Required LicenseMilitary License (+10)

In-game Description

This Argon weapon was designed to be an effective anti-shield measure, carried by small and medium-sized ships. While the electrically charged particles it dispenses will eat through a shield in a remarkably short time, the velocity of the projectile itself is not quite as impressive. For this reason, and the fact that the projectiles are not as damaging once the target's shields have dropped and the projectiles are hitting the ship's hull, the Ion Blaster is often used by the first wave of vanguard ships. It is also effective when used in combination with weapons that are more suited to penetrating the hull.

The technology behind this weapon was developed by the Argon Navy's Research and Development team, in cooperation with Jinko-Tekina Technologies. Their goal was to replicate the Boron-made Ion weapon technology, to which the Argon had lost all access during the Jump Gate shutdown. Their success was mixed; although they managed to apply the technology to make Blasters suitable for small ships, their team struggled to develop something suitable for outfitting larger vessels.

The Mk2 variant offers a significant boost in damage against shields, but actually deals less damage to a ship's hull than the Mk1, making it an even more specialised weapon.

Tactical Overview

The Ion Blaster is a support weapon designed to break shields and, as such, one of the first weapons with different damage values for shields and hulls.

As one would expect, the damage to shields is very impressive. A single Small Mk2 can almost defeat the shield regeneration of a Xenon K!
The damage against the exposed hull is non-existent, though, meaning the Ion Blaster can't destroy ships. Or it will take a very, very long time, at least.

With high precision, a medium rate of fire, and a slow to medium projectile speed, pilots can use the Ion Blaster effectively against most targets. But it performs exceptionally well against capital ships.
Fighters will lose their shielding within seconds. Medium shields won't last that much longer. 

The Ion Blaster would work very well with heavy missiles or torpedos when engaging capital ships. The Ion Blaster will quickly strip the shields, and the missiles will vaporize the hull.


- Extremely high shield damage

- Very effective against capital ships

- S and M ships will lose their shields in seconds

- Very accurate



- Rather high heat generation

- Basically no hull damage

- Very expensive


 Small Mk1Small Mk2Medium Mk1Medium Mk2
Shield Damage Per Second41010567591676
Sustained Shield Damage Per Second2957745561225
Hull Damage Per Second50327524
Sustained Hull Damage Per Second36235518
Shield Damage Per Shot82264253838
Hull Damage Per Shot1082512
Shots Per Second 5/s4/s3/s2/s
Projectile Speed1920 m/s1920 m/s2496 m/s2496 m/s
Maximum Range2880m2880m4618m4618m
Rotation Speed110°/s110°/s74°/s74°/s
Heat Generation Per Second610/s604/s570/s568/s
Heat Generation Per Shot122151190284
Heat Dissipation Per Second2000/s2000/s2000/s2000/s
Maximum Shield Damage Until Overheat6724176881340930168
Maximum Hull Damage Until Overheat8205361325432
Cooldown Delay When Overheating1.13s1.13s1.13s1.13s
Reactivates At After Overheating9500950095009500

Construction Cost

Universal Build Method

 Small Mk1Small Mk2Medium Mk1Medium Mk2
Credits160.820 - 319.189777.281 - 1.543.247302.254 - 597.081931.956 - 1.819.218
Energy Cells10984101321
Weapon Components4422777205
Advanced Electronics297956103
Advanced Composites 84 112