Ion Atomiser

Last modified by Kajar on 2023/12/13 21:39

Ion Atomiser

TypeMain Gun
Available FromBOR
Fitted ToMedium ships
RoleAnti-Medium, Anti-Shield,
Required LicenseMilitary License (+10)

In-game Description

The Ion Atomiser is a weapon system based on Paranid and Teladi Phased Shockwave Generator technology. Its compressed energy projectiles expand on impact, creating a series of phased energy shockwaves, which greatly deplete shields and disrupt ship systems. During launch, each projectile is primed to detonate after covering the distance between the barrel and the target at the time of launch, effectively limiting the projectiles lifespan. This timed detonation catches targets in the resulting explosion, even if those targets narrowly avoid a direct impact, turning near misses into hits. Some Boron pilots have reported, with relief, that this time fuse has also prevented some cases of friendly fire. While the Ion Atomiser is said to be difficult to use against small, fast targets, some creative and experienced pilots manage to do so.

Tactical Overview

The Ion Atomiser is a peculiar weapon with many things going on.
Let's start with the main feature: The timed fuse.
The projectiles fired by this weapon will explode after they travel the distance the target was at at the moment of firing. For example, if the target is 2km away when firing, the projectiles will explode after traveling 2km.
As the in-game description states, this makes hitting fighters very difficult as the projectiles tend to explode in front of or behind the target. This usually results in complete misses.

Against medium targets, the Ion Atomiser is much more effective simply because they are so much larger. Direct hits are more likely and deliver a heavy punch.
The engine disruption is also strong enough to prevent the target from escaping.
However, the low hull damage output makes it difficult to destroy the target. Similar to the Ion Gatling, pairing the Ion Atomiser with the Phase Cannons is a good idea.

Against large targets, the primary focus should be removing turrets, which the Ion Atomiser is very good at. Turrets have little hull strength, and most of their health comes from shields.
You can also fire from cover and hit turrets with the explosion, thanks to the timed fuse.
Aiming for the primary shield generators is also a good idea as that would multiply the damage of the explosive part, as it hits multiple objects sharing the same shield health.


- Very high shield damage, can threaten capital ships

- Good heat efficiency

- Engine disruption slows down targets of all sizes

- Very effective against turret groups

- Timed fuse allows for trick shots around corners



- Very low damage against exposed hull

- Can only be fitted to Boron corvette and gunship

- Timed fuse makes hitting fighters very difficult

- Very low accuracy



 Medium Mk1
Shield Damage Per Second463
Sustained Shield Damage Per Second380
Hull Damage Per Second178
Sustained Hull Damage Per Second146
Shield Damage Per Shot200
Shield Explosive Damage Per Shot320
Hull Damage Per Shot100
Hull Explosive Damage Per Shot100
Shots Per Second 0.89/s
Bust Clip Size4
Burst Clip Shots Per Second1/s
Burst Clip Reload Time1.5s
Explosion Radius100m
Projectile Speed1500 m/s
Maximum Range4650m
Rotation Speed106°/s
Heat Generation Per Second311/s
Heat Generation Per Shot350
Heat Dissipation Per Second2000/s
Maximum Shield Damage Until Overheat15080
Maximum Hull Damage Until Overheat5800
Cooldown Delay When Overheating1.13s
Reactivates At After Overheating9500
 Speed Disruption vs SmallSpeed Disruption vs MediumSpeed Disruption vs LargeSpeed Disruption vs Xtra Large
Speed Disruption Strength10%7%1%1%
Speed Disruption Duration6s5s3s3s

Construction Cost

Universal Build Method

 Medium Mk1
Credits196.125 - 334.720
Energy Cells45
Weapon Components50
Advanced Electronics29