Impulse Projector

Last modified by Kajar on 2024/07/01 13:23

Impulse Projector

TypeMain Gun
Available FromXEN
Fitted ToSmall and Medium ships
Required LicenseNone

In-game Description

The Xenon Impulse Projector is a high-rate, low-velocity projectile weapon, which in the wrong circumstances, can be a particular threat to smaller vessels. It seems that novel converter topologies enable a greater range than would be expected under current understanding of the technology.

Impulse Projector has been observed in an apparent Medium Class format, which takes this Xenon technology to a higher level of lethality.

Tactical Overview

The Impulse Projector is the only weapon used by the Xenon fighters and corvettes. 
It is best compared to the Bolt Repeater Mk1 of both sizes, offering slightly improved damage output and similar heat efficiency while having faster, longer ranged and similary accurate projectiles.

Being similar to a Mk1 weapon, the Impulse Projector is rather weak and isn't much of a threat, especially considering that Xenon fighters only come equipped with two of them.

What makes them dangerous is the large number of Xenon fighters that swarm their target which somewhat nullifies the low damage.  The result is a stream of accurate projectiles from all directions, pinning a target down, preventing travel drive, and ending in a death of thousand tiny cuts.

Against fighters and mediums, the Impulse Projector is relatively effective, considering the amount of Xenon combat ships that tend to engage a target. But against most capital ships, it will hardly dent the shields.


- Very accurate

- Relatively long range



- Low damage output

- Low heat efficiency



 Small Mk1Medium Mk1
Damage Per Second113231
Sustained Damage Per Second94183
Damage Per Shot1828
Shots Per Second 6.3/s8.26/s
Bust Clip Size78
Burst Clip Shots Per Second13/s22/s
Burst Clip Reload Time0.65s0.65s
Projectile Speed2800m/s2304m/s
Maximum Range3600m5760m
Rotation Speed101°/s129°/s
Heat Generation Per Second340/s429/s
Heat Generation Per Shot5452
Heat Dissipation Per Second2000/s2000/s
Maximum Damage Until Overheat33485404
Cooldown Delay When Overheating1.13s1.13s
Reactivates At After Overheating95009500

Construction Cost

Universal Build Method

 Medium Mk1
Credits24.019 - 29.357
Energy Cells10
Weapon Components42
Advanced Electronics30

Xenon Build Method

 Small Mk1Medium Mk1
Credits778 - 95024.019 - 29.357
Energy Cells510
Silicon 30