Electromagnetic Cannon

Last modified by Kajar on 2024/07/04 21:46

Electromagnetic Cannon

TypeMain Gun
Available FromTimelines Reward
Fitted ToMedium ships
Required LicenseNone

In-game Description

The use of electromagnetic weaponry has provided the Earth Fleet with near-unparalleled firepower for their ships. These weapons use powerful electromagnetic field generators to propel spheres of plasma at high speeds, with devastating results.

The heavy impact unleashed by the Electromagnetic Cannon renders it a formidable choice for defensive measures against medium-sized ships, capable of delivering decisive, concentrated blows to neutralise threats posed by such adversaries.

Tactical Overview

The Electromagnetic Cannon is the bigger brother of the Electromagnetic Gun and is just as impressive. A very powerful weapon used on the Odachi. Despite its slow rate of fire, it hits hard, resulting in a very high damage output.

With a fast projectile, excellent accuracy, and amazing heat efficiency, it is a very effective weapon against even small targets while hitting plenty hard enough to deal with medium targets and threaten capital ships.

Unfortunately, it can only mounted on the Odachi corvette. Luckily this results in a very fast and very deadly ship.


- Very high damage per second

- High damage per shot

- Good accuracy

- Good projectile speed and range

-  Excellent heat efficiency



- Requires completion of certain Timelines mission

- Can only be fitted to Odachi

- Requires player-owned ship production for mass deployment



 Medium Mk1
Damage Per Second450
Sustained Damage Per Second366
Damage Per Shot600
Shots Per Second 0.75/s
Projectile Speed3250m/s
Maximum Range4875m
Rotation Speed100°/s
Heat Generation Per Second375/s
Heat Generation Per Shot500
Heat Dissipation Per Second2000/s
Maximum Damage Until Overheat12000
Cooldown Delay When Overheating1.1s
Reactivates At After Overheating9500

Construction Cost

Universal Build Method

 Medium Mk1
Credits82.456 - 140.725
Energy Cells50
Weapon Components50
Advanced Electronics4