Modifications d' équipements

Modifié par Yann VIOGEAS le 2025/02/14 18:25


Equipment mods are a means of enhancing select ships beyond their manufactured performance characteristics. Equipment mods are similar to crafted items in that they consume inventory items with the main difference being that the output is a direct modification of a ship (mass, engine thrust, weapon damage, shield strength, etc) rather than a more valuable item.

Accessing Equipment Mods

Equipment modifications require research performed at the Player Headquarters. Each type of modification (chassis, weapon, shield, engine) and each quality level (basic, enhanced and exceptional) requires its own research item.

Installing Equipment Mods

Equipment mods have to be installed via workbenches which are exclusively located on wharves, shipyards and equipment docks and are housed inside the "Ship Dealership" room. The ship classes the station caters too is also essential as workbenches on wharves are limited to applying equipment mods to small and medium ships, shipyards are limited to applying them to large and extra large ships and equipment docks are unrestricted (generally). If the player constructs a wharf, shipyard, equipment dock or combination they will have access to a workbench on their own station that is again restricted by the size of ships the station caters to. Installing equipment modifications on non-player stations require a payment based on the level of the modification being installed where basic modifications cost 50,000Cr, advanced modifications cost 100,000Cr and exceptional modifications cost 250,000Cr

Dismantling Equipment Modifications

Equipment mods can also be dismantled at workbenches to receive a partial material refund (but no financial refund). The material refund consists of a return of 1 of each type of crafting ware used.

In the above example the ship is being fitted with a Lubricator advanced chassis mod at a Boron Wharf for a cost of 100,000Cr which has a material cost:

  • 1x Advanced Ship Nanoweave
  • 3x Nividium Crystallite

When the modification is dismantled there is a refund of 1 of each item so the player receives:

  • 1x Advanced Ship Nanoweave
  • 1x Nividium Crystallite

This has the net effect of costing the player 100,000Cr and 2x Nividium Crystallite.

The "Reassemble" option allows the player to simultaneously dismantle and assemble the same modification which may have a better or worse outcome than it's prior installation. Reassembly has the net loss of dismantling and its behaviour is identical to selecting dismantle and then install.

Obtaining Materials for Equipment Mods

Courtesy of Kitten Mittens on the Egosoft Discord


Repeatable methods include destroying ships that have modifications installed which causes modification parts to drop from the wreckage and completing guild missions which are offered by select factions and can be either war or trade oriented.

Ships With Tier 3 (Exceptional) Mods

BUC M Transport (OP)
BUC M Transport (NotOP)
BUC S Fighter (Guerilla)
BUC S Fighter (Escort)

BUC M Transport (OP)

BUC M Transport (OP)

BUC M Transport (OP)
Reward Ship - War Mission (ALL) "Construct Defense"
Reward Ship - War Mission (TER VS XEN) "Construct Distant Defense"

Missions Offering Tier 3 (Exceptional) Mod Parts

ANT/TEL/PIO Trade Guild Mission - Remove Obstacles
ANT/TEL/PIO Trade Guild Mission - Increase Portfolio
War Mission (ALL) Gather Intel
War Mission (ALL) Support Invasion

ANT/TEL/PIO Trade Guild Mission - Price Dumping
War Mission (ALL) Secure Resources
War Mission (ALL) Gather Intel

SCA Guild Mission Boarding Operations
War Mission (ALL) Pre-emptive Offense
War Mission (TER VS XEN) Distant Pre-emptive Offense
War Mission (ALL) Station Offense
War Mission (ALL) Support Invasion

ANT/TEL/PIO Trade Guild Mission Remove Obstacles
War Mission (ALL) "Construct Defense"
War Mission (TER VS XEN) "Construct Distant Defense"
War Mission (ALL) Reinforce Defense
War Mission (TER VS XEN) Reinforce Distant Defense


Non-repeatable methods are those that come from either story mission plots or terraforming rewards.


Spoilers Ahead! The following section contains spoilers relating to various plot and terraforming mission chains, select a box to expand its description of how equipment mods can be obtained within each mission