Script Commands

Last modified by ketraar on 2023/08/15 17:25

Script Commands
 send incoming message %0 to player: type:%1, display it=%2
write to player logbook: printf: type=%0, fmt=%1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6
write to player logbook: printf: type=%0, pageid=%1 textid=%2, %3, %4, %5, %6, %7
%1%0load %2 units of %3, ignore minimum=%4
%1%0get max buy jumps
%0add merchant %1 base=%2 wanted wares=%3 owned wares=%4 cash=%5 rank=%6
 remove merchant/dealer: %0
 merchant/dealer %0 got ware %1: quantity=%2
 merchant/dealer %0 sold ware %1: quantity=%2
%1%0is hidden in sector map
%1%0pilot eject from ship: downgrade=%2
%0create a new flight wing: name=%1, race=%2, colour=%3
%0set max buy jumps: %1
 add wing custom command: id=%0, menu=%1
 add ship custom command: id=%0 menu=%1
 add encyclopedia custom article: News, id=%0, title page=%1, title id=%2, text page=%3, text id=%4, timeout=%5, notify=%6
 add encyclopedia custom article: Information, id=%0, title page=%1, title id=%2, text page=%3, text id=%4, timeout=%5, notify=%6
 add encyclopedia custom article: History, id=%0, title page=%1, title id=%2, text page=%3, text id=%4, timeout=%5, notify=%6
 add encyclopedia custom article: Stories, id=%0, title page=%1, title id=%2, text page=%3, text id=%4, timeout=%5, notify=%6
 add new grouping to menu: %0, text=%1, open=%2, id=%3, indent=%4
 set agent command: command=%0, script=%1, tasks=%2
%0set agent custom command: script=%1, pageid=%2, textid=%3, tasks=%4
%0set agent task progress: %1
%0set agent task status: %1
%0set agent start timer: %1
 increase influence of %0 -> %1 amount=%2
 decrease influence of %0 -> %1 amount=%2
 set influence: %0 race=%1 amount=%2
 remove custom agent command: id=%0
%0find custom agent command: script=%1
%0get influence bonus increase: race=%1 amount=%2
%0get influence bonus decrease: race=%1 amount=%2
%0get influence bonus: race=%1
%0get influence of %1 -> %2
%1%0create agent: race=%2, female=%3, tasks=%4
%0get all agents: race=%1
 register temporary bonus: id=%0 pageid=%1 textid=%2 max=%3 expiretime%4s expiremax=%5
 add temporary bonus: race=%0 id=%1 amount=%2
 set cultural bonus: race=%0 bonus=%1 pageid=%2 textid=%3
%0set mission flag: %1
%1%0is from mission
%1%0get user input: type=%2, title=%3, without sector=%4, filter=%5, racemask=%6, flags=%7, default=%8
 set agent command: command=%0, script=%1, menuscript=%2, cmdcheck=%3, tasks=%4
%0set agent custom command: script=%1, pageid=%2, textid=%3, menuscript=%4, cmdcheck=%5, tasks=%6
%0create input: id=%1, user input=%2, refobj=%3, description=%4, without sector=%5, filterclass=%6, racemask=%7, flags=%8, default=%9
%0create input: id=%1, user input=%2, refobj=%3, description=%4, sector=%5, filterclass=%6, racemask=%7, flags=%8, default=%9
%0create input: id=%1 menu=%2 title=%3 description=%4 callback=%5
%0create input: id=%1 info menu=%2 title=%3 description=%4 callback=%5 maxoptions=%6
%0get notoriety level: amount=%1
 apply bonus notoriety: race=%0 percentage=%1 expire=%2s
%1%0get agent statistic: id=%2
%0inc agent statistic: id=%1 amount=%2
%0set agent statistic: id=%1 amount=%2
 register diplomacy statistic: id=%0 pageid=%1 textid=%2
%0update trade bar menu input: data=%1 min=%2 max=%3 volume=%4 other=%5 left text=%6 right text=%7
%0create input: id=%1, dynamic menu=%2, title=%3, description=%4, callback=%5, update=%6ms
%0create input: id=%1, dynamic info menu=%2, title=%3, description=%4, callback=%5, update=%6ms, maxoptions=%7
%0get notoriety title: amount=%1 race=%2
%0get notoriety percentage: amount=%1
 set menu option: %0, description=%1
 set menu option: %0, widthtype=%1
 add tab to menu: %0, text=%1
%0set discount: percentage=%1 expire=%2s
%0create custom menu string progress: width=%1 progress=%2%
%0create custom menu string type icon: type=%1
%1%0create custom menu string object icon
%0get random ship type: class=%1 race=%2
%0get all ship types: class=%1 race=%2
%1%0get station primary resources
%1%0get station secondary resources
%1%0get HQ production queue size
%1%0get HQ production queue
%1%0get HQ production item count: %2
%1%0is in HQ production queue: %2
%1%0get HQ resources for product: %2
%1%0get HQ current production
%0add to HQ production queue: %1 Amount=%2
%0remove from HQ production queue: %1 Amount=%2
%0set ship hue: %1
%0set ship saturation: %1
%1%0get ship hue
%1%0get ship saturation
%1%0get HQ current reverse engineering
%1%0get HQ reverse engineering queue
%0add to HQ reverse engineering queue: %1
%0remove from HQ reverse engineering queue: %1
%1%0get HQ reverse engineering time: ship=%2
%1%0get HQ current reverse engineering remaining time
%1%0can be reverse engineered: ship=%2 Include Queue=%3
%1%0can be reverse engineered: shiptype=%2
%1%0is in reverse engineering queue
 set command menu script: command=%0, script=%1, cmdcheck=%2
 set wing command menu script: wing command=%0, script=%1, cmdcheck=%2
%1%0open menu script: script=%2, value=%3
 set software available state: ware=%0 available=%1
%1%0get passenger info: id=%2
%0set passenger info: id=%1 pageid=%2 textid=%3 info=%4
%1%0get passenger skill: id=%2
%0set passenger skill: id=%1 pageid=%2 textid=%3 info=%4
%1%0is in scanner range: object=%2
%0get ware flags: ware=%1
 set ware flags: ware=%0 flags=%1
 set illegal ware: ware=%0 race=%1 illegal=%2
%0set HQ queues: enabled=%1
%1%0get HQ blueprints
%1%0get HQ current repair
%1%0get HQ repair queue
%0add to HQ repair queue: ship=%1
%0remove from HQ repair queue: %1
%1%0get HQ repair time: shiptype=%2 percentage=%3
%1%0get HQ current repair remaining time
%1%0can be repaired: ship=%2 Include Queue=%3
%1%0is in repair queue
%0set invincible: enabled=%1
%1%0get HQ resources for repair: shiptype=%2, percentage=%3
%0is station type a mine: stationtype=%1
%1%0get factory production start time
%1%0get HQ current recycle
%1%0get HQ recycle queue
%0add to HQ recycle queue: ship=%1
%0remove from HQ recycle queue: ship=%1
%1%0get HQ recycle time: shiptype=%2 hull percentage=%3
%1%0get HQ current recycle remaining time
%1%0can be recycled: ship=%2 Include Queue=%3
%1%0is in HQ recycle queue
%1%0get HQ resources for recycle: type=%2, hull percentage=%3
%0table alloc
%0size of table %1
 remove key %1 from table %0
%0get keys: table=%1
 clear table %0
%0clone table %1
%0get next key: table=%1 key=%2
%1%0load marine: %2
%1%0unload marine: %2
%1%0buy marine: %2
%1%0get HQ loadout ids: shiptype=%2
%1%0get HQ loadout name: id=%2
%1%0get HQ loadout type: id=%2
%1%0get HQ loadout ids
%1%0get HQ loadout types
%1%0get HQ loadout wares: id=%2 flags=%3
%1%0apply loadout: ship=%2 id=%3 flags=%4
%1%0save loadout: ship=%2 name=%3 flags=%4
%1%0create loadout: shiptype=%2 name=%3 wares=%4
%0remove HQ loadout: id=%1
%0remove all HQ loadouts
%1%0can apply loadout: ship=%2 id=%3 flags=%4
%1%0get HQ loadout weapon order: id=%2
%0set HQ loadout weapon order: id=%1 weapons=%2
%1%0get additional resupply: ware=%2
%0set additional resupply: ware=%1 amount=%2
%1%0get all additional resupply wares
%1%0get sun array
%1%0get nebula array
%1%0get debris array
%1%0get wreck array
%1%0get background type
%1%0get nebula index
%1%0get stars index
%0get red from colour: %1
%0get green from colour: %1
%0get blue from colour: %1
%0get alpha from colour: %1
%1%0get sun colour
%1%0get sun energy factor
%1%0get dealers
%0get all merchants
%0get all dealers
 set menu option: %0, icon=%1
 set menu line option: %0, selection colour=%1
 set menu line option: %0, text colour=%1
%0add menu trade bar text: %1 id=%2 text=%3
%0create custom menu string gui icon: %1, Y=%2 Width=%3 Height=%4
%0create custom menu column string, position=%1 length=%2 right=%3 colour=%4 text=%5
%0split string: %1 separator=%2
%0merge arrays, %1, %2, %3, %4, %5
%0merge tables, %1, %2, %3, %4, %5
%0get data: table=%1
%0create menu return value: disabled, id=%1
%0add blueprints to player HQ: type=%1
%1%0player HQ has blueprints for: type=%2
%0remove blueprints from player HQ: type=%1
%0get race array
 find and remove: %0 from array %1
%1%0is hyperspeed locked
%1%0is hyperspeed destination hidden
%0link triangulation relay: %1
%0unlink triangulation relay: %1
%0kill agent: kill reason=%1
%1%0jump: object=%2 flags=%3
%0create menu return value: callback, value=%1
%1%0is hyperspeed access point
%1%0get remaining energy
%1%0is guns disabled
%0set guns disabled: disabled=%1
%0create comm menu answer: id=%1 text=%2
%1%0get pilot voice
 global comm map: set: class=%0, race=%1, script=%2, commcheck=%3
 global comm map: replace: comm=%0 script=%1
 global comm map: remove: class=%0 race=%1 script=%2
 global comm map: remove all: script=%0
 global comm map: ignore: class=%0, race=%1, script=%2
%1%0is capturable
%1%0is capture disabled
%1%0is boarding allowed
%0set capture disabled: %1
%0set boarding allowed: %1
%1%0get strength
%0force eject pilot: attacker=%1
%1%0can forgive attack
%0set forgive attack: %1
%1%0is in home sector
%1%0get number of attacks
%1%0is cargo visible
%1%0get strength in range: range=%2, as percentage=%3, skip race=%4
%0set cover state recursive: %1
%1%0is drop freight disabled
%0set drop freight: disabled=%1
%1%0drop freight: by player=%2
%1%0drop freight: percentage=%2, by player=%3
%1%0drop illegal freight: ship=%2
%1%0is hidden in property list
%0set hidden in property list: hidden=%1
%0create custom menu string shield/hull: shield=%1, hull=%2, Width=%3
%0create custom menu string shield/hull: ship/station=%1 Width=%2
write to player logbook: type=%0 message=%1
%1%0get should carrier replace ships
%1%0get should carrier use shipyards
%1%0get carrier hull repair threshold
%0set should carrier replace ships: %1
%0set should carrier use shipyard: %1
%0set carrier hull repair threshold: percentage=%1
%1%0get managed ships
%1%0get managed ships: role=%2
%0add managed ship: ship=%1, role=%2
%0remove managed ship: ship=%1
%1%0is ship managed: ship=%2
%1%0get carrier
%1%0get managed ship role: ship=%2
%1%0get managed ship loadout: ship=%2
%0set managed ship role: ship=%1 role=%2
%0set managed ship loadout: ship=%1 loadout=%2
 add carrier role: role=%0 pageid=%1 textid=%2
 remove carrier role: role=%0
%0get carrier roles
%0get carrier role: id=%1
%1%0can player see
%1%0can player communicate with: check distance=%2
%1%0player buy ship: shiptype=%2, waresize=%3, homebase=%4
%1%0get ship price: shiptype=%2 waresize=%3
%1%0is ship waresize available: shiptype=%2 wares=%3
%0get wares for ship: shiptype=%1, waresize=%2
%1%0get resupply table
%0set resupply table: table=%1, clear existing=%2
%0reset shipyard ship ware state
%0override shipyard ship ware state: shiptype=%1, state=%2, reset timer=%3
%1%0get carrier maximum travel distance
%0set carrier maximum travel distance: sectors=%1
%1%0get HQ loadout id: name=%2 subtype=%3
%1%0get wares table: include equipped=%2
%1%0repair ship: percentage=%2, use money=%3
%1%0get carrier maximum supply travel distance
%0set carrier maximum supply travel distance: sectors=%1
%1%0is carrier idling
%0set carrier idling: %1
%0convert serialised string to object: string=%1
%0create custom menu string rect: width=%1 y=%2 height=%3 raw colour=%4
%0get ship max speed from shiptype: %1
%1%0is drone carrier
 register drone carrier: shiptype=%0 dronetype=%1
 unregister drone carrier: shiptype=%0
%0get short transport class name: class=%1
 set menu option: %0, allow searching=%1
 set menu line option: %0, hotkey=%1 jumpto=%2
%1%0get illegal ware list: race=%2
%1%0get distance in active sector to nearest vertex: object=%2
 set menu line option: %0, voiced description page=%1, id=%2
 set menu option: %0, voiced description page=%1, id=%2
 set menu line option: %0, video display ware=%1
 set menu line option: %0, video display object=%1
%0get ship predefined wares: shiptype=%1
%1%0get predefined wares
%1%0is laser installed: laser=%2
%0change datatype[%1] to %2
%1%0install laser, turret=%2, slot=%3, laser=%4
%0is corporation: race=%1
%1%0get sector custom objects
%1%0get spaceflies in sector
%0has any ship got ware: ware=%1, ships=%2, include builtin=%3
%1%0is trade reports enabled
%0set trade reports enabled %1
%1%0get number of trade reports
%1%0get trade report start time: report=%2
%1%0get trade report end time: report=%2
%1%0get trade report trader: report=%2
%1%0get trade report buy table amount: report=%2
%1%0get trade report buy table price: report=%2
%1%0get trade report sell table amount: report=%2
%1%0get trade report sell table price: report=%2
%1%0get HQ reverse engineering time: subtype=%2
%0format date: %1 ingame=%2
%1%0get sector population
%0set sector population: %1
%1%0eject ware: ware=%2
%1%0fly through gate %2
%0add station for rebuild
%0set production efficiency: %1
%1%0get production efficiency
%0fixed multiply: %1 * %2
%0fixed divide: %1 / %2
%0fixed multiply and divide: %1 * %2 / %3
 add custom menu item to array %0: text=%1 nextinput=%2 value=%3
 add value selection to menu: %0, text=%1, value array=%2, default=%3, return id=%4, width=%5 allowtabs=%6
 set menu option: %0, default value select=%1
%0case insensitive string match, is %1 in %2
%0get default product: stationtype=%1
%0get default resources: stationtype=%1
%0get production time: stationtype=%1, efficiency=%2, player owned=%3, scale factor=%4
%0get production time: stationtype=%1, product=%2, resources=%3, efficiency=%4, player owned=%5, scale factor=%6
%0get production amount: stationtype=%1, efficiency=%2, player owned=%3, scale factor=%4
%0get production amount: stationtype=%1, product=%2, resources=%3, efficiency=%4, player owned=%5, scale factor=%6
%0get ware rel value: product=%1 player=%2
%0get consumed ware table: stationtype=%1, efficiency=%2, player=%3, scale factor=%4
%0get consumed ware table: product=%1, amount=%2, resources=%3, efficiency=%4, player=%5, scale factor=%6
%0create menu return to previous menu: value=%1
%0crop string: string=%1, maximum width=%2
%0get menu width: widthtype=%1
%1%0get all docked ships
%1%0get pilot speaker
 set menu line option: %0, video display comm name=%1, face=%2, duration=%3, mood=%4
 set menu option: %0, video display comm name=%1, face=%2, duration=%3, mood=%4
%1%0get pilot face
%0format remaining time: %1, include hours=%2
%1%0get missile aim in active sector
%1%0get installed laser count: laser=%2
%1%0get turret id from laser slot: slot=%2
%1%0get next free laser slot: laser=%2
%1%0get laser slot in turret, for slot=%2
%0create spacefly swarm, sector=%1, x=%2, y=%3, z=%4
%0set hidden flag: %1
%1%0get hidden flag
%1%0is disrupted
%0set disrupted: %1
%0is missile boat: shiptype=%1
%0get max upgrade speed: shiptype=%1
%0get max shield type: shiptype=%1
%0get max shield number: shiptype=%1
%0get shield energy: shield=%1
%0get container size: shiptype=%1
%0get max container size: shiptype=%1
%0get transport class: shiptype=%1
%0get hull strength: shiptype=%1
%0get laser energy: shiptype=%1
%0get laser reload: shiptype=%1
%0get shield generator: shiptype=%1
%0get acceleration: shiptype=%1
%0get max acceleration: shiptype=%1
%0get average steering: shiptype=%1
%0get max average steering: shiptype=%1
%0get steering x: shiptype=%1
%0get max steering x: shiptype=%1
%0get steering y: shiptype=%1
%0get max steering y: shiptype=%1
%0get steering z: shiptype=%1
%0get max steering z: shiptype=%1
%0get number of turrets: shiptype=%1
%0get total laser count: shiptype=%1
%0get laser count: shiptype=%1 turret=%2
%0get dock bay size: shiptype=%1
%0get number of dock ports: shiptype=%1
%0get turret text id: shiptype=%1 turret=%2
%0get turret text: shiptype=%1 turret=%2
%0get skin: shiptype=%1
 set menu line option: %0, description=%1
%0get connected race: corporation=%1
%0get speaker race: corporation=%1
%0needs licence to scan: race=%1
%0get licence ware: race=%1
%0get ranking page: race=%1
%0get special objects: known=%1
%0get special ships: known=%1
%0create input return value: update menu=%1
 set menu option: %0, no select lines=%1
 set menu option: %0, global hotkey=%1, id=%2
%0create input: id=%1 encyclopedia page, ware=%2
%0get compatible laser array: shiptype=%1, turret=%2
%0get compatible missile array: shiptype=%1
%1%0get galaxy subtype
%0get galaxy subtype: type=%1
%0create custom menu string weapon mask: weapons=%1
%0get laser colour: laser type=%1
%0get laser column: laser type=%1
%0is docking possible: shiptype=%1, galaxy type=%2
%0can use docking port: shiptype=%1, galaxy type=%2, port=%3, for start=%4
%0get ship base price: shiptype=%1 waresize=%2
%1%0is sector combat reports enabled
%0set sector combat reports enabled %1
%1%0is global trade reports enabled
%0set global trade reports enabled %1
%1%0is global sector combat reports enabled
%0set global sector combat reports enabled %1
%1%0get number of sector combat reports
%1%0get sector combat report start time: report=%2
%1%0get sector combat report end time: report=%2
%1%0get sector combat report sector: report=%2
%1%0get trade report sector: report=%2
%1%0is trade report use homebase enabled
%0set trade report use homebase enabled %1
%1%0is trade report auto homebase enabled
%0set trade report auto homebase enabled %1
%0set hired: %1
%1%0create pilot speaker: name=%2, race=%3, voice=%4, face=%5
%0set trade skill rank: page=%1, textid=%2
%0set fight skill rank: page=%1, textid=%2
%1%0get trade skill rank
%1%0get fight skill rank
%0add trade report: start=%1, end=%2, trader=%3, buy table=%4, sell table=%5
%0add sector combat report: start=%1, end=%2, sector=%3, ship table=%4, station table=%5
%0create custom menu string stars: skill=%1, partial=%2, spacer=%3
%0create mine: type=%1 owner=%2 asteroid=%3
%1%0get station scale factor
%0create complex \(in active sector\): type=%1 owner=%2 addto=%3 x=%4 y=%5 z=%6 station1=%7 station2=%8
%1%0connect complex \(in active sector\): factories=%2
%1%0is single use
%0add ware generation: ware=%1, scale=%2
%0remove ware generation: ware=%1
%0is ware illegal for any race: ware=%1
%0get true maker race: shiptype=%1
%1%0get true maker race
%0merchant/dealer %1 get wanted wares table
%0merchant/dealer %1 get selling wares table
%0populate merchants: wares table=%1
%0populate dealers
 add additional command upgrade: command=%0 upgrade=%1
 remove additional command upgrade: command=%0 upgrade=%1
 add encyclopedia command requirement: command=%0 key=%1 pageid=%2 textid=%3
 remove encyclopedia command requirement: command=%0 key=%1
%1%0get catch ware type
%0get ware eject type: ware=%1
%0get catch ware type: ware=%1
 add trade bar to menu: %0, text=%1, min=%2, max=%3, current=%4, volume=%5, used=%6, return value=%7, left text=%8, right text=%9
%0register threat: race=%1, sector=%2, object=%3, type=%4, expire=%5s, severity=%6
%0get current threat ids: race=%1
%0get threat type: race=%1 id=%2
%0get threat sector: race=%1 id=%2
%0get threat object: race=%1 id=%2
 expire threat object: race=%0 id=%1
 add sector name: page=%0, text=%1
 remove sector name: page=%0, id=%1
%1%0rename player sector: page=%2, id=%3
%1%0rename player sector: string=%2
%0remove custom player sector name
%0set always bail flag: %1
%1%0get always bail flag
%0set hide illegal wares flag: %1, timeout=%2ms
%1%0get hide illegal wares flag
%0override ship available state: shiptype=%1, state=%2, reset timer=%3
%1%0is factory upgraded
%1%0is factory ready for upgrade
%0upgrade factory: instant=%1
%1%0get factory upgrade progress
%1%0get factory scale name
%1%0is factory upgrading
%1%0get factory upgrade required
%0set upgrade level: %1
%1%0is factory upgrading queued
%0set upgrade progress: %1
%0set selling disabled: %1
%1%0is selling disabled
 increase stat counter: textid=%0, amount=%1
%0get stat counter: textid=%1
%0create menu return value: context menu, id=%1, menu=%2, dynamic=%3
%0create context menu
 add context menu entry: menu=%0, text=%1, icon=%2, returnvalue=%3, hotkey=%4, disabled=%5
 add context menu separator: menu=%0
%0get random key: table=%1
%0get game start id
%0get game start group id
%0add temporary ware: ware=%1
%0remove temporary ware: ware=%1 remove tradeable=%2
%1%0is temporary ware: ware=%2
 add equipment pack: ware=%0 replacement table=%1
 remove equipment pack: ware=%0
%0is equipment pack: ware=%1
%0get replacement wares in pack: ware=%1
%1%0activate equipment pack: ware=%2
%1%0get passenger queue
%1%0get training passenger
%1%0add passenger to queue: passenger=%2
%1%0remove passenger from queue: passenger=%2
%1%0is need passengers
%1%0get dock storage factor
%1%0get dock storage factor: waretype=%2, include global=%3
%0set dock storage factor: factor=%1
%0set dock storage factor: waretype=%1, factor=%2
%0set disallow drone collection: %1
%1%0get disallow drone collection
%1%0get ship settings table: for loadout=%2
%0set ship settings table: table=%1
%1%0is named script %2 on stack of task=%3
%0is global script task running: pid=%1
%0get global script name: pid=%1
kill global script: pid=%0
%0get all global script tasks
%0get all global tasks with script: %1
%0get all global tasks with named script: %1
%0get all available products in universe
%0get all stations with product: ware=%1
%0get all available resources in universe
%0get all stations with resource: ware=%1
%0create input: id=%1, message box=%2, title=%3, buttons=%4, icon=%5, default button=%6
%0get station type scale factor: stationtype=%1
 display notification: message=%0, icon=%1
%1%0get minimum storage: ware=%2
%0set minimum storage: ware=%1 ,amount=%2
%1%0get minimum storage table
%0get race array: include fixed=%1, include corporations=%2, include player=%3
%0is fixed race: race=%1
%0get notoriety title: level=%1, race=%2
%0create custom menu string notoriety bar: level=%1, show empty=%2
 add extra select line: menu=%0, text=%1
%1%0get HQ loadout settings: id=%2
%0set HQ loadout settings: id=%1, settings table=%2
%1%0get HQ loadout resupply: id=%2
%0set HQ loadout resupply: id=%1, resupply table=%2
%1%0get drone type
%0get drone type: drone carrier type=%1
 set player trade rank: rank=%0
 set player fight rank: rank=%0
%0get player trade rank text: level=%1
%0get player fight rank text: level=%1
 add player trade rank: amount=%0
 add player fight rank: amount=%0
 add context sub menu entry: menu=%0, text=%1, icon=%2, disabled=%3
add context end sub menu entry: menu=%0
add context menu info line: menu=%0, name=%1, value=%2
%0get race from id=%1
set menu option: %0, set title text=%1
%0create custom menu string icon: type=%1, id=%2, Y=%3 Width=%4 Height=%5
%0change to player ship in new sector
%1%0has ship got a cockpit
%0convert number %1 to string with suffix
%1%0is favourite in property list
%0set favourite in property list: favourite=%1
%0is station type an upgrade kit: stationtype=%1
%0is station type a complex hub: stationtype=%1
%0is station type a complex construction kit: stationtype=%1
%0is station type a complex extension kit: stationtype=%1
%0get complex connection tubes count: stationtype=%1
reset boarding tables to default
set boarding value: race=%0, class=%1, decks=%2, hull=%3, defence=%4, hacking rnd=%5, hacking=%6, shield=%7, max marines=%8, canboard=%9
set boarding value: shiptype=%0, decks=%1, hull=%2, defence=%3, hacking rnd=%4, hacking=%5, shield=%6, max marines=%7, canboard=%8
remove boarding values: race=%0, class=%1
remove boarding values: shiptype=%0
set boarding value: race=%0, class=%1, equipment=%2, random marines min=%3 max=%4, highskill=%5
set boarding value: shiptype=%0, equipment=%1, random marines min=%2 max=%3, highskill=%4
%1%0get route distance to: %2
%0sort table keys: table=%1
%0sort table keys by value: table=%1
%1%0open named menu script: script=%2, value=%3
%1%0get ship repair cost: source=%2
%1%0get ship sale price: source=%2
%1%0race has ranking
%0get rank points: level=%1
%0set station safe position on active: value=%1
%0add default items to ship: loadout=%1, marines=%2
%0add random marines to ship
%0install ship size wares: type=%1
%0get fight ranking: title=%1
%0get trade ranking: title=%1
set player name: name=%0
set menu option: %0, prevent kill=%1
set menu option: %0, disallow close=%1
%0get all available station types from shipyards: only known=%1
%0get threat severity: race=%1 id=%2
%0set command display override: text=%1
%0set command extra display override: text=%1
%1%0get command display override
%1%0get command extra display override
%0clear command display override
%1%0get needed jump energy: jumps=%2
%0create input: id=%1 object info page, object=%2
%1%0get products table: include equipment=%2
%1%0get primary resources table
%1%0get secondary resources table
%1%0get variable ware price: ware=%2
%1%0get product objects
%0create new array, size=%1, elements=%2, %3, %4, %5, %6, %7, %8, %9
%0get current text language ID
%0get current voice language ID
%1%0get factories connected to complex
%1%0get ship full repair cost: source=%2
%1%0get free shield bays
%1%0get used shield bays
%1%0get next free shield bay
%0move shield into bay: shield=%1, bay=%2
%1%0get shield rating
%0remove shield from bay: bay=%1
%1%0get current acceleration
%1%0get current steering alpha
%1%0get current steering beta
%1%0get current steering gamma
%1%0get current average steering
%0set notify command none: notify=%1
%1%0get notify command none
%1%0fly to object %2: timeout=%3 ms
%0set is being managed: on=%1
%1%0is being managed
%1%0should station manager repair ship with shipyards
%1%0should station manager repair ship with HQ
%0set station manager should repair ship with shipyards: on=%1
%0set station manager should repair ship with HQ: on=%1
%1%0get current upgrade: upgrade=%2
%1%0get remaining upgrade: upgrade=%2
%1%0get next upgrade cost: upgrade=%2
%1%0get current total upgrade cost: upgrade=%2
%1%0get remaining upgrade cost: upgrade=%2
%1%0get upgrade cost: upgrade=%2 offset=%3
%0find all stations with product: ware=%1, class=%2, flags=%3, refobj=%4
%0find all stations with resource: ware=%1, class=%2, flags=%3, refobj=%4
%1%0should station manager upgrade ships
%0set station manager should upgrade ships: on=%1
%0split large number into array: number=%1
%0add large number arrays: %1, %2, %3, %4, %5
%0get upgrade cost: upgrade=%1, amount=%2, max=%3
%0get max upgrade cost: upgrade=%1
%0subtract large number arrays: %1 - %2
%0linear interpolation: x1=%1, x2=%2, y1=%3, y2=%4, value=%5
%1%0get counter missile type
%0get game time ms
%0get destroyed ship types
%0get destroyed ship count: type=%1
%0get destroyed ship name: type=%1, id=%2
%0get destroyed ship ID: type=%1, id=%2
%0get destroyed ship sector: type=%1, id=%2
%0get destroyed ship time: type=%1, id=%2
%0get destroyed ship attacker: type=%1, id=%2
%0get destroyed ship attacker name: type=%1, id=%2
%0get destroyed ship attacker ID: type=%1, id=%2
%0get destroyed ship command: type=%1, id=%2
%0get destroyed ship command info: type=%1, id=%2
%0get destroyed ship command info extra: type=%1, id=%2
%0get destroyed ship command target: type=%1, id=%2
%0get destroyed ship command destination: type=%1, id=%2
%0get destroyed ship command attack target: type=%1, id=%2
%0get command name: command=%1
%0get command short name: command=%1
%0get destroyed ship command destination name: type=%1, id=%2
%0get destroyed ship command attack target name: type=%1, id=%2
%0get destroyed ship reason: type=%1, id=%2
%0get destroyed ship cargo used: type=%1, id=%2
%0get destroyed ship cargo max: type=%1, id=%2
%0get destroyed ship wares: type=%1, id=%2
%0get destroyed ship shields: type=%1, id=%2
%0get destroyed ship lasers: type=%1, id=%2
%0get destroyed ship value array: type=%1, id=%2
delete destroyed ship log: type=%0, id=%1
%1%0get complex intermediate wares
%1%0can buy intermediate ware: ware=%2
%1%0can sell intermediate ware: ware=%2
%1%0get station manager intermediate sell threshold
%1%0get station manager intermediate buy threshold
%0set station manager intermediate sell threshold: %1%%
%0set station manager intermediate buy threshold: %1%%
%1%0get next factory serial: factory type=%2, race=%3
%0get type text id: type=%1
%1%0get station manager minimum money
%1%0get station manager minimum upgrade money
%1%0get station manager minimum buy ship money
%1%0compute best route: target=%2, weights table=%3, allow hyperspeed=%4
%0set ship to default settings
%1%0get gate array: include hyperspeed=%2
%0get race blacklist type
set race blacklist type: type=%0
%0is race blacklist avoid: race=%1
%0is race blacklist block: race=%1
%0get race blacklist: race=%1
set race blacklist: race=%0, blacklist=%1
%1%0is sector in blocked blacklist
%1%0is sector in avoid blacklist
%1%0get sector blacklist type
%0set sector blacklist type: type=%1
%0get sector blacklist table
%0get race blacklist table
clear sector blacklist
%1%0should station manager replace ships at shipyards
%1%0should station manager replace ships at HQ
%0set station manager should replace ships at shipyards: on=%1
%0set station manager should replace ships at HQ: on=%1
interrupt wait: id=%0
%0wait until interrupted: id=%1, timeout=%2ms
%0add tradeable to dock: ware=%1
%0remove tradeable from dock: ware=%1
%1%0get dock true products
%1%0get dock true resources
%1%0is ware a product: ware=%2
%1%0is ware a resource: ware=%2
%1%0is ware a tradeable: ware=%2
%1%0is ware for storage: ware=%2
%0change ware to product: ware=%1
%0change ware to resource: ware=%1
%0change ware to tradeable: ware=%1
%0change ware to storage: ware=%1
%1%0get dock true tradeables
%1%0get HQ maximum storage: ware=%2
%0set HQ maximum storage: ware=%1, amount=%2
%0get next interrupt id
%0eject player ship: to=%1
set client state: state=%0, on=%1
%0get client state
%0create menu return value: object context menu, object=%1
%0update sector relations: force=%1
%0set race group relation: race=%1, relation=%2
%1%0should station manager stock for loadouts
%0set station manager should stock for loadouts: on=%1
%0get all available ship types from shipyards: only known=%1
%0get all shipyards with ship/station: %1, only known=%2
%0find station in galaxy: startsector=%1 class or type=%2 race=%3 flags=%4 refobj=%5 serial=%6 max.jumps=%7, exclude=%8
%0find station in galaxy: startsector=%1 class or type=%2 race=%3 flags=%4 refobj=%5 serial=%6 max.jumps=%7 num=%8, exclude=%9
register achievement: id=%0, pageid=%1, textid=%2, ishidden=%3
register achievement with progress: id=%0, pageid=%1, textid=%2, ishidden=%3, max=%4
unlock achievement: id=%0
%0is achievement unlocked: id=%1
set achievement progress: id=%0, progress=%1
%0get achievement progress: id=%1
%0get achievement progress maximum: id=%1
%0get achievement name: id=%1
%0get achievement description: id=%1
remove achievement: id=%0
inc achievement progress: id=%0, amount=%1
reset achievement: id=%0
%0create menu return value: next input, id=%1, value=%2
%1%0get sector gate distance
add encyclopedia custom article: Help, id=%0, title page=%1, title id=%2, text page=%3, text id=%4
%0find all ships with job ID=%1
%1%0has sector got factory: class=%2, can dock=%3, only known=%4
%1%0has sector got dock: class=%2, can dock=%3, only known=%4
%0convert metre to string: %1
%0trim whitespace: %1
%0combine string array: %1, separator=%2
%1%0get available products from sector: include player=%2, only known=%3
%1%0get available resources from sector: include player=%2, only known=%3
%0strip colour codes: %1
%0register hotkey event script: script=%1, type=%2, page id=%3, text id=%4
%0register hotkey: script=%1, type=%2, page id=%3, text id=%4, menu=%5
%0register hotkey event script: scriptname=%1, type=%2, page id=%3, text id=%4
%0register hotkey: scriptname=%1, type=%2, page id=%3, text id=%4, menu=%5
%0add property custom group: name=%1
%0find property custom group id: name=%1
%0get property custom group name: id=%1
remove property custom group: id=%0
%0set property custom group: id=%1
%1%0get property custom group
%1%0get supply stations
%0add supply station: %1
%0remove supply station: %1
%0clone array: %1
append array %0 to array %1
%0get random array item: array=%1
%0set override name id: %1
%1%0get override name id
%1%0undeploy to flying ware
%1%0create random marine: skill boost=%2, extra boost=%3
%1%0get marine skill: type=%2
%1%0get marine training cost: skills=%2, count=%3
%1%0get marine training duration: skills=%2, count=%3
%1%0get marine training flags
%0set marine training flags: %1
%1%0can station train marines
%1%0get training marines table
%1%0is marine training: marine=%2
%1%0get marine training type: marine=%2
%1%0get marine training duration: marine=%2
%1%0get marine training start time: marine=%2
%1%0get marine training level: marine=%2
%1%0is marine capable: check storage=%2
%1%0start marine training: marine=%2, skillflags=%3, level=%4, payment=%5
%0get marine training name: skills=%1, concatenate=%2
%0recall marine from training: marine=%1
%1%0can marines board ship after training
%0should marines board ship after training
%0set can marines board ship after training: %1
set should marines board ship after training: %0
%1%0get marines waiting pickup
%1%0is marine waiting pickup: marine=%2
%1%0load waiting marine: ship=%2, marine=%3
%0is SETA active
activate SETA: %0
%0get SETA factor
START %0 turret command: command=%1, turret=%2, arg1=%3, arg2=%4, arg3=%5, arg4=%6
%1%0get command: task=%2
%0start default turret commands
%1%0has command upgrade: command=%2
%1%0has command extra upgrades: command=%2
%0get command upgrade: command=%1
%0get command upgrade script: command=%1
%0get command extra upgrades: command=%1
%1%0get default turret command: turret=%2
%1%0is command available: command=%2
%1%0get command script: command=%2
%0get command preload script: command=%1
%0get command menu script: command=%1
%0get command info: command=%1
%1%0is race covered
%1%0get max sell jumps
%0add default upgrades: loadout=%1
%0add default shields: loadout=%1
%0add default lasers: loadout=%1
%0add default missiles: loadout=%1
reset encyclopedia abbreviations
remove encyclopedia abbreviation: type=%0, key=%1
add encyclopedia abbreviation: type=%0, key=%1, value page=%2, value id=%3, data page=%4, data id=%5
%1%0get number of used docking ports
%1%0get number of docking slots
%1%0get dock port flags: slot=%2
%1%0get nearest docking port: ship=%2, only free=%3, for start=%4
%0get maximum number of marines: shiptype=%1
add player fight rank: object=%0
%1%0get all running task ids
%1%0get all tasks with running script=%2
%1%0get all tasks with running script name=%2
%1%0get all tasks with script on stack=%2
%1%0get all tasks with running script name on stack=%2
%0get script description: scriptname=%1
%0get script argument count: scriptname=%1
%0get script argument pardef: scriptname=%1, argument=%2
%0get script argument description: scriptname=%1, argument=%2
%0set no find flag: %1
%1%0is no find flag
%0set average speed flag: %1
%1%0is average speed flag
%1%0is asteroid collectible
%1%0is asteroid a rock
%1%0can missile destroy asteroid: missile=%2
%0set max sell jumps: %1
%1%0get asteroid density
%0set asteroid yield: yield=%1
%1%0is asteroid no mine flag
%0set asteroid no mine flag: %1
%1%0is safe position on activate
%0set safe position on activate: %1
%0get corporation dock type: corporation=%1
add context menu global info line: menu=%0, name=%1, value=%2
%1%0is watched sector
%0play pilot speaker comm message: id=%1, prio=%2
%1%0is factory sabotaged
%0set factory is sabotaged: %1
%1%0get factory sabotaged timeout
%0set factory sabotaged timeout: seconds=%1
%0create influence return array: at least=%1
%0create influence return array: between=%1 and %2
%1%0get factory current sabotaged time
set grouped player notoriety: table of changes=%0
%0get proposed station keys array: sector=%1, race=%2, station type=%3
%0get proposed station time: key=%1
%0get proposed station type: key=%1
%0get proposed station environment: key=%1
%0get proposed station owner: key=%1
%0get proposed station position array: key=%1
%0get proposed station rotation array: key=%1
%0get proposed station products: key=%1
%0get proposed station primary resource: key=%1
%0get proposed station secondary resource: key=%1
%0get proposed station factory id: key=%1
%0get proposed station efficiency: key=%1
%0get proposed station override name id: key=%1
%1%0convert to proposed station
%0build proposed station: key=%1, fast=%2
%0get proposed station keys array: sector=%1, race=%2, product=%3
%0create proposed station: type=%1, time=%2, environment=%3, owner=%4, position=%5, rotation=%6, products table=%7, resource table=%8, secondary resource table=%9
set proposed station: key=%0, factory id=%1
set proposed station: key=%0, efficiency=%1
set proposed station: key=%0, override name id=%1
%1%0is god rebuild
%0set god rebuild: %1
%0convert array to table: %1, increment=%2
%0get max influence
%0find agent command id: scriptname=%1
%0get agent command name: command=%1
%0get agent command description: command=%1
%0get agent command tasks: command=%1
%0get agent command long description: command=%1
%0get agent command script: command=%1
%0get agent command menu script: command=%1
%0is agent command spy mission: command=%1
%0get agent command allow multiple tasks: command=%1
%0is agent command cmdcheck: command=%1
%0get agent command flags: command=%1
%0get agent command influence needed: command=%1
%0get agent command influence needed string: command=%1
%0get all agent commands: exclude=%1, sort=%2
%0get available agents: owner=%1, command=%2, check tasks=%3, as table=%4
%0get diplomacy race bonus: race=%1
%0get diplomacy race relation enemy bonus: race=%1
%0get diplomacy race relation bonus: race=%1
%0get diplomacy reverse temporary bonuses: race=%1
%0get diplomacy cultural bonus: race=%1
%0get diplomacy cultural name: race=%1
%0get diplomacy race relation name: race=%1
%0get diplomacy temporary bonus name: id=%1
%0get diplomacy temporary bonus max: id=%1
%0is diplomacy temporary bonus for race: id=%1, race=%2
%0get diplomacy temporary bonus expire time: id=%1
%0get diplomacy temporary bonus expire max: id=%1
%0get diplomacy notoriety bonus: race=%1, amount=%2
%1%0start diplomacy command: command=%2, nosound=%3, multiple=%4, args=%5, %6, %7, %8, %9
%0stop diplomacy command
%1%0is female
%1%0get agent status message
%1%0get agent progress string
%1%0get agent tasks
%1%0is agent command notify
%0set agent command notify: %1
%0get creation time
%1%0get agent assignment
%1%0get agent assignment start time
%1%0get agent assignment progress
%0set agent tasks: %1
%1%0get all agent stats
%0add command completion: title=%1, message=%2, cost=%3, data=%4, script=%5
%0add command completion: title=%1, message=%2, cost=%3, data=%4, scriptname=%5
%0get agent completed command count
%0get agent completed command agent: id=%1
%0get agent completed command command: id=%1
%0get agent completed command cost: id=%1
%0get agent completed command message: id=%1
%0get agent completed command title: id=%1
%0accept completed agent command: id=%1
remove completed agent command: id=%0
issue wingmen order: command=%0
issue drone order: command=%0
%0convert arrays to table: keys=%1, data=%2
%0attach event script: events=%1, script=%2
%0attach event script: events=%1, scriptname=%2
%0remove event script: script=%1
%0remove event script: scriptname=%1
%1%0get current threat ids: type=%2, min severity=%3, range=%4, sort severity=%5
%1%0get closest threat id: type=%2, min severity=%3, max range=%4
%0is military outpost: stationtype=%1
%0find nearest military outpost: race=%1, sector=%2
%0is valid job: id=%1
%0can job rebuild: id=%1
%0get job ship type: id=%1, race=%2
%1%0get threat for target: target=%2
%1%0get jump beacon allow
%0set jump beacon allow: %1
%1%0sector has trans-orbital accelerator
%1%0sector has jumpable gates: ship=%2
%1%0sector has jumpable jump beacons: ship=%2
%1%0is sector jumpable: sector=%2
set menu option: %0, remove main header=%1
%0get ship type filter: include satellite: %1
%0get station type filter
set menu option: %0, set default tab=%1
%1%0get wing menu colour
%1%0get wing raw colour
%0create custom menu string rect: width=%1 y=%2 height=%3 menu colour=%4
%1%0has station got no resources
%0compare ms timer: start=%1, end=%2
set menu option: %0, input context=%1
%0create input: open property page, id=%1
%0create input: open galaxy map, id=%1, sector=%2
%0create input: open sector map, id=%1, sector=%2
%1%0is sector proposed
%1%0is sub sector
%0set sub sector: %1
set player race: %0
%0get player race
%0create new input context: id=%1, base context=%2, keys array=%3
remove input context: id=%0
%0get custom context: id=%1
set property menu: script=%0
%0get property menu script
set property menu: scriptname=%0
%0least common multiple, values=%1, %2, %3, %4, %5
%0greatest common divisor, values=%1, %2, %3, %4, %5
%1%0get station manager minimum repair money
%0set station manager minimum money: %1
%0set station manager minimum upgrade money: %1
%0set station manager minimum buy ship money: %1
%0set station manager minimum repair money: %1
register custom object info: id=%0, class=%1, script=%2
register custom object info: id=%0, class=%1, scriptname=%2
unregister custom object info: id=%0
add price trade bar to menu: %0, text=%1, min=%2, max=%3, current=%4, return value=%5
%0convert gate: gate=%1, type=%2, allow oos=%3, build ship=%4
%1%0get space suit oxygen percentage
%0convert integer: %1 to fixed 16.16
%0convert fixed 16.16: %1 to integer
%0set discovery points: points=%1
%1%0get discovery points
%0get total player discovery points
%0get available player discovery points
add player discovery points: %0
%0claim player discovery points
%0spend player discovery points: %1
set total player discovery points: %0
set available player discovery points: %0
%1%0is gate jumpable: ship=%2
%1%0is hub gate
%1%0is terran gate
%1%0get gate direction vector
%0set immediate gate realignment
%0set hub gate status: set=%1, locked=%2
%1%0is hub gate locked: set=%2
%0create wreck: type=%1, sector=%2, x=%3, y=%4, z=%5, temporary=%6
%0has wreck: type=%1
%1%0is in range of objects: objects=%2
%1%0get ship table from sector/ship/station
%1%0get station table from sector
%1%0get factory table from sector
%1%0get dock table from sector
%1%0get player owned ship table from sector
%1%0get player owned station table from sector
%1%0is ignoring player blacklist
%0set ignore player blacklist: %1
%0allow ignoring blacklist for current command: %1
%1%0get user input: type=%2, title=%3, sector=%4, filter=%5, racemask=%6, flags=%7, default=%8
%1%0get asteroid table from sector
%0set hsap discoverable: %1
%1%0is hsap discoverable
%0set hsap locked: %1
%0set hsap destination hidden: %1
%0set LFL target: %1, range=%2
%1%0is LFL target
%1%0uses ware %2 as intermediate
%0get abbreviation text: type=%1, key=%2
%0get abbreviation description: type=%1, key=%2
%0set don't show warnings: %1
%1%0get don't show warnings
%0add to time: start time=%1, add=%2ms
%0is passenger ware: ware=%1
%0is software: ware=%1
%0is single equipment: ware=%1
%0is marine ware: ware=%1
%0is ammo ware: ware=%1
%0is dummy ware: ware=%1
%0is fluff ware: ware=%1
%0is discovery ware: ware=%1
%0is deployable ware: ware=%1
%0get job quota: id=%1
%0get plot flags
set plot flag: %0, on=%1
%0set gate disabled: %1
%1%0is gate disabled
%1%0get attacked response type
%0set attacked response type \(Player Only\): %1
activate RSM sector: %0, race=%1
%0get first item in array: %1
%0get last item in array: %1
set diplomacy menu disabled: %0
%0is diplomacy menu disabled
set diplomacy menu tutorial: race=%0, command=%1, tasks=%2, influence=%3
clear diplomacy menu tutorial
%0is diplomacy menu in tutorial mode
%0get diplomacy menu tutorial race
%0get diplomacy menu tutorial command
%0get diplomacy menu tutorial tasks
%0play gate building cutscene: build ship=%1
add transfer trade bar to menu: %0, text=%1, volume=%2, current=%3, station amount=%4, station max=%5, ship amount=%6, ship free=%7, ship used=%8, return value=%9
add transfer trade bar to menu: %0, text=%1, ware=%2, ship=%3, station=%4, current=%5, return value=%6
%0update price trade bar menu input: data=%1, min=%2, max=%3, price=%4, left text=%5, right text=%6
%0update transfer trade bar menu input: data=%1, volume=%2, station amount=%3, station max=%4, ship amount=%5, ship free=%6, ship used=%7
%0can shiptype transport ware: shiptype=%1, ware=%2
%0is local job ship: job id=%1
activate job: id=%0
deactivate job: id=%0
%0get job ship count per sector: id=%1, sector=%2
%0get job sector list: id=%1, race=%2
%0get job shopping list: id=%1
%0set space suit oxygen percentage: %1
set equipment install script: ware=%0, script=%1, task=%2
set equipment install script: ware=%0, scriptname=%1, task=%2
%0get equipment install script name: ware=%1
%0get equipment install script task: ware=%1
%0is valid route between sectors %1 and %2
%0get all player headquarters table
%1%0can fly through gates
%1%0is sector being observed
%0get random name: race=%1, female=%2
%1%0get visible ships in sector table: moveable=%2
add player graph: event script=%0 pageid=%1 textid=%2 group pageid=%3 group textid=%4 subgroup=%5 \(0-7\)
add class graph: class=%0 event script=%1 pageid=%2 textid=%3 group pageid=%4 group textid=%5 subgroup=%6 \(0-7\)
%0add object graph: event script=%1 pageid=%2 textid=%3 group pageid=%4 group textid=%5 subgroup=%6 \(0-7\)
%1%0get should drop drones
%0set should drop drones: %1
%0get scale factor name: scale=%1
set menu option: %0, escape pressed event=%1
%1%0is flying ware blueprint
%0set flying ware as blueprint: %1
%0play station building cutscene: build ship=%1
%1%0is docking disabled
%0set docking disabled: %1
%0get construction kit from complex type: %1
%0get complex hub type from construction kit: %1
add to global trade report: buy ware=%0, amount=%1, price=%2
add to global trade report: sell ware=%0, amount=%1, price=%2
add player money: %0, transaction object=%1, page=%2, textid=%3, %4, %5, %6, %7, %8
remove player money: %0, transaction object=%1, page=%2, textid=%3, %4, %5, %6, %7, %8
%0get total player money transactions
%0get player transaction money: id=%1
%0get player transaction text: id=%1
%0get player transaction time: id=%1
%0set no npc docking allowed: %1
%0create menu return value: open menu, id=%1, object=%2, event script name=%3, value=%4
%0create menu return value: open menu, id=%1, object=%2, event script=%3, value=%4
%0add asteroid hidden ware: ware=%1, amount=%2, discovery points=%3
%0remove asteroid hidden ware: ware=%1
%1%0get asteroid hidden wares table
%0set can see hidden wares \(Asteroids\): %1
%1%0can see hidden wares \(Asteroids\)
%1%0get laser installed count: laser=%2
add clickable heading: menu=%0, text=%1, id=%2, allow empty=%3
%1%0tl has station on board
%1%0tl has deployable station on board
%1%0get asteroid hidden ware discovery points: ware=%2
%0get speaker by properties: id=%1, race=%2, female=%3, flags=%4
set menu option: %0, override infoline size=%1
set menu option: %0, show info at bottom=%1
add custom menu hyperlinked info: menu=%0, page id=%1, text id=%2
%1%0get pilot voice flags
add encyclopedia custom article: News, id=%0, text=%1, timeout=%2, notify=%3, include date=%4
%0get available speaker array
issue drone order: command=%0, class=%1
%0get predefined ware count: ship type=%1, ware=%2
%1%0get predefined ware count: ware=%2
%0set wing custom voice: page id=%1, text id=%2
%0set wing custom speak array: array=%1
%0clear wing custom voice
%0add money: %1, transaction object=%2, page=%3, textid=%4, %5, %6, %7, %8, %9
%0remove money: %1, transaction object=%2, page=%3, textid=%4, %5, %6, %7, %8, %9
%0get type name from type code: type=%1
%0read types file lines: filename=%1
add sidebar custom entry, personal: id=%0, icon=%1, pageid=%2, textid=%3, script=%4
add sidebar custom entry, personal: id=%0, icon=%1, pageid=%2, textid=%3, scriptname=%4
remove sidebar custom entry, personal: id=%0
add sidebar custom entry, navigation: id=%0, icon=%1, pageid=%2, textid=%3, script=%4
add sidebar custom entry, navigation: id=%0, icon=%1, pageid=%2, textid=%3, scriptname=%4
remove sidebar custom entry, navigation: id=%0
add object context entry: id=%0, class=%1, icon=%2, pageid=%3, textid=%4, script=%5
add object context entry: id=%0, class=%1, icon=%2, pageid=%3, textid=%4, scriptname=%5
remove object context entry: id=%0
%0get shield max recharge: shield=%1
%0get shield recharge efficiency: shield=%1
%0get shield recharge rate: shield=%1
%0get bullet type of laser: laser=%1
%0get bullet energy consumption: bullet=%1
%0get laser maximum energy: laser=%1
%0get player lasers fired
%0get player missiles fired
%0get player laser hits
%0get player missile hits
%0get player total distance travelled
%0get player time saved with SETA
%1%0get sector music track
%0set sector music track: %1
%1%0is sector visited
%0is race visited: race=%1
add sell trade bar to menu: %0, text=%1, min=%2, max=%3, current=%4, volume=%5, used=%6, return value=%7, left text=%8, right text=%9
%0show effect: id=%1
%1%0turn stationary object to target: %2, range=%3
add custom trade bar to menu: %0, text=%1, used=%2, free=%3, other=%6, current=%4, ware volume=%5, return value=%7
%1%0get flying ware table
%0get player hired ships
%1%0is managed by homebase
%0set managed by homebase: %1
add object setting menu: id=%0, class=%1, script=%2
add object setting menu: id=%0, class=%1, scriptname=%2
remove object setting menu: id=%0
%0get race auto blacklist: race=%1
%0can launch marines for boarding: shiptype=%1
set ware is seen: ware=%0, seen=%1
%0is ware seen: %1
set race is seen: race=%0, seen=%1
%0is race seen: %1
%0get encyclopedia custom news articles: sort=%1
%0get encyclopedia custom info articles: sort=%1
%0get encyclopedia custom history articles: sort=%1
%0get encyclopedia custom stories articles: sort=%1
%0get encyclopedia custom help articles: sort=%1
set encyclopedia custom article seen: id=%0, seen=%1
set encyclopedia help article seen: id=%0, seen=%1
%0is encyclopedia custom article seen: id=%1
%0is encyclopedia help article seen: id=%1
%0create input: id=%1 encyclopedia list page
%0create input: id=%1 encyclopedia page, help=%2
%0create input: id=%1 encyclopedia page, article=%2
%0create input: id=%1 encyclopedia page, race=%2
%0create input: id=%1 encyclopedia page, command=%2
%0create input: id=%1 encyclopedia page, abbreviations
%0get wing command upgrade: command=%1
%0get wing command upgrade script: command=%1
%0get wing command extra upgrades: command=%1
%1%0get wing command script: command=%2
%0get wing command preload script: command=%1
%0get wing command menu script: command=%1
%0get wing command name: command=%1
%0get wing command short name: command=%1
%0get wing command info: command=%1
%0show on-screen timer: message=%1, time=%2, icon=%3
show on-screen timer: message=%0, time=%1, icon=%2, callback script=%3, callback id=%4
show on-screen timer: message=%0, time=%1, icon=%2, callback scriptname=%3, callback id=%4
%1%0is command available: cmd=%2
%1%0get command flags: cmd=%2
%0get all commands: submenu=%1
add encyclopedia custom article: Manual, id=%0, title page=%1, title id=%2, text page=%3, text id=%4, group page=%5, group id=%6, group sort order=%7, notify=%8
set menu option: %0, default side menu=%1
set menu line option: %0, side menu=%1
register message automatic hyperlink, page=%0, id=%1, link=%2
unregister message automatic hyperlink, page=%0, id=%1
%0get message automatic hyperlink, page=%1, id=%2
%0get all message automatic hyperlinks: as text=%1
add encyclopedia ware override: ware=%0, pageid=%1, textid=%2
remove encyclopedia ware override: ware=%0
%0get encyclopedia ware override name: ware=%1
%0get encyclopedia ware override description: ware=%1
add encyclopedia custom article: Information, id=%0, text=%1, timeout=%2, notify=%3, include date=%4
add encyclopedia custom article: History, id=%0, text=%1, timeout=%2, notify=%3, include date=%4
add encyclopedia custom article: Stories, id=%0, text=%1, timeout=%2, notify=%3, include date=%4
%1%0get total station money transactions
%1%0get station transaction money: id=%2
%1%0get station transaction text: id=%2
%1%0get station transaction time: id=%2
%0get docking port class string: flags=%1
%1%0get hangar docking ports
%1%0get ship in docking port: port=%2
%1%0get used hangar ports
%1%0get external dock ports
%1%0get used external dock ports
%1%0get landed external dock ports
%1%0is dock port external: port=%2
%0is dock port external: type=%1, port=%2
%1%0get incoming ships
%0is gametip displayed: id=%1
display gametip: id=%0
cancel on-screen timer: id=%0
%0set override description: %1
%0get diplomacy menu tutorial influence
%1%0station has ware: ware=%2
%0transfer to player account: money=%1, auto=%2
%0transfer from player account: money=%1, auto=%2
add script global command: script=%0, pageid=%1, textid=%2, event=%3
add script global command: scriptname=%0, pageid=%1, textid=%2, event=%3
remove script global command: script=%0
remove script global command: scriptname=%0
%0is default agent notify
set default agent notify: %0
%0get class code  from type: type=%1
%0get ship class long name: shiptype=%1
add god exclusion: product=%0
add god exclusion: resource=%0
remove god exclusion: product=%0
remove god exclusion: resource=%0
%0get god product exclusions
%0get god resource exclusions
%0set was pilot captured: %1
%1%0was pilot captured
set honour points: %0
add honour points: %0
%0get honour points
%1%0is wing command available: wingcmd=%2
%1%0get wing command flags: wingcmd=%2
%0get all wing commands: submenu=%1
%1%0has wing command extra upgrades: wingcommand=%2
%1%0is wing command available: wingcommand=%2
add additional wing command upgrade: wingcommand=%0 upgrade=%1
remove additional wing command upgrade: wingcommand=%0 upgrade=%1
add encyclopedia wing command requirement: wing command=%0 key=%1 pageid=%2 textid=%3
remove encyclopedia wing command requirement: wing command=%0 key=%1
%0create input: id=%1 encyclopedia page, wing command=%2
%0is command in menu: command=%1, menu=%2
%0get num of active wings: race=%1
%0get num of wings: race=%1
%1%0can ship be added to wing: wing=%2
%0remove all ships from wing
%1%0get num of ships in wing
%1%0is ship in wing: ship=%2
%1%0any ships in wing have ware: ware=%2, class=%3
%1%0all ships in wing have ware: ware=%2, class=%3
%1%0adjust sector in speak array: %2
%1%0get object voice page
%1%0get object voice id
%1%0is sector renamed
%1%0has sector custom name
%1%0get wings table in sector: race=%2
%1%0get sector local job ship count: jobid=%2
%1%0get sector local job desired ship count: jobid=%2
%1%0get sector local ship count
%1%0get sector start factories count
%1%0get sector current military state: race=%2
%1%0get sector average military state: race=%2
%0set sector proposed: %1
%0set sector no god events: %1
%1%0has sector no god events
%0set disable jobs in sector: %1
%1%0is jobs disabled in sector
%1%0is sector connected to: sector=%2
%1%0get stationary ships table in sector
%1%0get moveable ships table in sector
%1%0get other ships table in sector
%1%0get player objects table in sector
%1%0get player factories table in sector
%1%0get jump beacons table in sector
%1%0get sector description
%0set sector mission quotas: trade=%1, fight=%2, build=%3, think=%4
%1%0get sector mission trade quota
%1%0get sector mission fight quota
%1%0get sector mission build quota
%1%0get sector mission think quota
%1%0get ignore player blacklist
%0create graph option: id=%1, text=%2, values=%3, default=%4, width=%5
%0get known wares by main type: %1, ignore table=%2
%0get new wares by main type: %1, ignore table=%2
%0get standard messages count
%0get unread messages count
%0get temp messages count
%0get plot messages count
%0get incoming messages count
clear all messages: type=%0
delete standard message: id=%0
mark standard message read: id=%0
%0get standard message type: id=%1
%0get standard message time: id=%1
%0is standard message read: id=%1
%0get standard message text: id=%1
delete plot message: id=%0
mark plot message read: id=%0
%0get plot message type: id=%1
%0get plot message time: id=%1
%0is plot message read: id=%1
%0get plot message text: id=%1
delete incoming message: id=%0
mark incoming message read: id=%0
%0get incoming message type: id=%1
%0get incoming message time: id=%1
%0is incoming message read: id=%1
%0get incoming message text: id=%1
%0get incoming message object: id=%1
%0read file data: filename=%1, directory=%2
write file data: filename=%0, directory=%1, data=%2
%0parse xml data: %1
%0xml get number of children: %1
%0xml get child: %1, id=%2
%0xml get node string: %1
%0xml has attribute: data=%1, attribute=%2
%0xml get attribute: data=%1, attribute=%2
%0xml find child: %1, node=%2
add script event: name=%0, script=%1
add script event: name=%0, scriptname=%1
send script event: name=%0, object=%1, param1=%2, param2=%3
%1%0get user input: type=%2, title=%3, valid sectors=%4, filter=%5, racemask=%6, flags=%7, sector texts=%8
%0create input: id=%1, user input=%2, refobj=%3, description=%4, valid sectors=%5, filterclass=%6, racemask=%7, flags=%8, sector texts=%9
%0create input: id=%1 open wings menu, wing=%2
set wings menu: script=%0
set wings menu: scriptname=%0
%0get wings menu script
%0create input: id=%1 open diplomacy menu
remove script event: name=%0, script=%1
remove script event: name=%0, scriptname=%1
%1%0is agent retired
%0set agent retired: %1
%1%0is agent running command
%0recall agent
%1%0start agent command with menu: cmd=%2, tasks=%3
%0set override name flags: %1
%1%0get name flags
%0set trade report read: id=%1, read=%2
%0set combat report read: id=%1, read=%2
%0remove trade report: id=%1
%0remove combat report: id=%1
%0reset global trade report
%0reset global combat report
%0clear all trade reports
%0clear all combat reports
%1%0get threat severity
%1%0is a special drone
%1%0is agent in tutorial mode
%0set agent tutorial mode: %1
%0add to HQ recycle queue: station=%1
%0remove from HQ recycle queue: station=%1
%0get class long name: class=%1, variation=%2
%0get special class name: class=%1, variation=%2
%1%0is easy boarding
%0set easy boarding
%1%0is boarding tutorial
%0set boarding tutorial
%0get notoriety percentage increase: %1 -> %2, percentage=%3
%0add notoriety percentage: %1 -> %2, percentage=%3
%1%0is ignoring player attacks
%0set ignore player attacks: %1
%1%0get max marines from lookup table
%0set current max marines: %1, remove marines=%2
%0advance notoriety by percentage: notoriety=%1, level=%2, percentage=%3
%1%0get upgrade points per cycle
%1%0get remaining upgrade cycles
%0get absolute value: %1
 add god factory removal exclusion: race=%0
 remove god factory removal exclusion: race=%0
%0get god race exclusions
%1%0is being boarded
%1%0get needed jump energy per sector
%0player unfocused jump
%0copy resupply settings from ship: %1
%1%0can launch missile barrage: target=%2
%1%0can launch marines: target=%2
%0launch all marine: target=%1
%0create and assign pilot from ship
%1%0get passenger by name: name=%2
%0release all passengers
%0set civilian ship: %1
%1%0is auto weapon swap allowed
%0set auto weapon swap allowed: %1
%1%0get last dock time
%1%0can call help from race
%0set can call help from race: %1
%1%0is show not as enemy
%0set not show as enemy: %1
%1%0get rotation acceleration limit
%0set rotation acceleration limit: percentage=%1
%0set is cargo visible: %1
%1%0can scan: target=%2
%1%0is scan illegal
%1%0should rebuild
%0set random hull colour
%0add formation ship: %1
%0remove formation ship: %1
%0remove all formation ships
%1%0get default formation type
%1%0is in formation: ship=%2
%1%0get base speed
%1%0is in capture range: %2
%1%0is highlighted
%0set highlighted: %1
%1%0get turret command: turret=%2
%1%0is laser in group: slot=%2, group=%3
%0add laser to group: slot=%1, group=%2
%0remove laser from group: slot=%1, group=%2
%1%0get laser group: turret=%2
%0set laser group: turret=%1, group=%2
%1%0get sector population name
%1%0get sector combat track
%0set sector combat track: %1
%0set planet counts: planets=%1, moons=%2
%0reset planet counts
%1%0get planet count
%1%0get moon count
%0get all available shiptypes: exclude buyable=%1
%1%0get pilot total profit
%0set pilot total profit: %1
%0inc pilot total profit: %1
%0create input: id=%1 open graphs menu, object=%2
%0create input: id=%1 open comms menu, object=%2
%0create input: id=%1 open command console menu, object=%2
%0create input: id=%1 open command console menu, owned ships=%2
%0create input: id=%1 open command console menu, landed ships=%2
%0create input: id=%1 open command console menu, fleet ships=%2
%0create input: id=%1 open command console menu, list=%2
%1%0get ship tradeable ware table: include hardware=%2
%1%0get station tradeable ware table
 add god exclusion: sector=%0
 remove god exclusion: sector=%0
%0get god sector exclusions
 set race notoriety locked: race=%0, locked=%1
%0is race notoriety locked: race=%1
 change current music track: %0
 change current music to combat track
 change current music to sector track
%0get race flags: race=%1
 set race flags: race=%0, flags=%1
 add race flags: race=%0, flags=%1
 remove race flags: race=%0, flags=%1
 set encyclopedia menu: script=%0
 set encyclopedia menu: scriptname=%0
%0get encyclopedia menu script
 set diplomacy menu: script=%0
 set diplomacy menu: scriptname=%0
%0get diplomacy menu script
 set freight menu: script=%0
 set freight menu: scriptname=%0
%0get freight menu script
 set graphs menu: script=%0
 set graphs menu: scriptname=%0
%0get graphs menu script
 set weapons menu: script=%0
 set weapons menu: scriptname=%0
%0get weapons menu script
 set player menu: script=%0
 set player menu: scriptname=%0
%0get player menu script
 set command console menu: script=%0
 set command console menu: scriptname=%0
%0get command console menu script
%0get is dynamic notoriety: race=%1
 set dynamic notoriety: race=%0, on=%1
%1%0is forced docking enabled
%0set forced docking: enabled=%1
 add command override order: menu=%0, commands=%1
 remove command override order: menu=%0
%1%0get max formation speed
 show promotion scene: speech=%0, text=%1, medalid=%2
 add sector music: trackid=%0, pageid=%1, textid=%2
 remove sector music: trackid=%0
%0get all sector music id's
%0get sector music name: id=%1
%0is player alerted
 set race licence ware: race=%0, ware=%1
%0get race random enemy: race=%1, exclude table=%2
 add linked notoriety: race=%0, linked=%1
 remove linked notoriety: race=%0, unlinked=%1
%0is race notoriety linked: race1=%1, race2=%2
%0get race notoriety links: race=%1
%0get race welcome message: race=%1
 set race welcome message: race=%0, textid=%1
%0get race voice id: race=%1
 set race voice id: race=%0, id=%1
 set race rank page: race=%0, page=%1
 cancel race diplomacy temporary bonus: race=%0, bonus=%1
%0get race main sector: race=%1
 set race main sector: race=%0, sector=%1
%0get race nearest shipyard: race=%1, sector=%2, shipclass=%3
%0add notoriety: race=%1 raw value=%2
%0set default gate rotation
%1%0is flying ware secret
%0set flying ware secret: %1
%0get dock flags: shiptype=%1, port=%2