Shady Business Plot

Last modified by Daniel Turner on 2023/08/15 17:25


The plot begins as soon as Operation Loose Ends (Terran Commander and Aldrin Adventurer starting scenarios) or the Albion Prelude Main Plot, Player Headquarters Plot and HUB Plot(Commonwealth starting scenarios) are completed and the player has the Race Rank of +10 (Honoured Strong Arm of Rhonkar) with the Split.


Race Against Time
Choosing Sides


Objective: Talk to Fui'Ktt at Strong Arms HQ in Thyn's Excavation

 Deliver 250 Quantum Tubes to Kao t'Nnk in Family Phy

 Talk to Chi Nu t'Pst in Family Pride

 Return the derelict Dragon to the shipyard in Family Pride

 Talk to Yalos Yahondras X in The Vault

Time Limit: N/A

Loss Conditions: N/A

Reward: N/A

Commentary: When the requirement plots (see the other guides) have been completed the player should already have a few complexes and several combat ships at their disposal. Shoot up Xenon M6/M7 ships in Zyarth's Dominion (preferably using heavy missiles) to get the Split Race Rank neutral if hostile and then do Trade and Build missions to get the required rank. The player will then receive a message from Fui'Ktt (F*cked) requesting the player to comm them at the Strong Arms HQ in Thyn's Excavation. After some dialog about being tasked with finding a missing bridle (bride), head over to Family Rhy where you will be hailed by Leo Fisty in an Aamon Prototype (unable to be captured) who tries to make a better offer for finding the bridle. Comm Kao t'Nnk (Counting)at the nearby Stock Exchange who is willing to exchange information on the location of the bridle in exchange for 250 Quantum Tubes. Between player stores on the PHQ and accessible Quantum Tube Fabs (at least one being player owned to supply the PHQ) this mission should be completed in under 7 hours. Remember the player ship needs to dock with the wares to complete the mission.

After completion of the delivery mission the player is given a cryptic message relating to the dragon incident mentioned in the bulletin board of previous X3 games and the player is hailed by Jako Sayreen of Jonferco who also makes another offer for finding the bridle when the player undocks. Head to the shipyard in Family Pride for some dialog from Chi Nu t'Pst (Cannot Sit) who is willing to exchange information on the location of the bridle in exchange for the player helping him salvage a derelict Dragon (M6). The Dragon will spawn at 10-30% hull in either Patriarchs Retreat, Family Rhonkar or Patriarchs Keep at 10-20km from the center of the sector on the x/y plane and 5km on the z axis but will not show up on the scanners so the player is given a Detector Scanner Upgrade to find it. When entering the sector with the dragon the script is run enabling the Detector Scanner Upgrade which is disabled again when the mission is completed. Note that the Detector Scanner Upgrade has other useful features for the brief time it is operational such as being able to detect Pandora Tunings, stations on NPC TLs and claimable ships in other sectors. It is recommended to use a System Override Software to claim the ship and a TM to transfer a Jump Drive and some Energy Cells to it before ordering the dragon back to the shipyard in Family Pride and shifting a Jump Drive from a docked fighter to the TM. If the ship is destroyed (unlikely unless it meets a military patrol from a hostile major faction transiting through split space) the player will be forced to guess where the next part of the plot is to be found and misses out on some credits.

Once the ship is returned the player is pointed towards a Teladi researcher in The Vault. Head to The Vault and comm the Equipment Dock where the player can either bribe Yalos Yahondras X with 500,000 credits or threaten her losing 3,000 Teladi Race Rank points (means that +6 (Company Manager) Race Rank or higher is needed to keep the Teladi friendly) to find that the bridle was last seen heading off to purchase Arrow and Starburst M5s but the exact location is unknown. Jump to Freedom's Reach to continue.

Race Against Time

Objective: Dock at the Trading Dock in Freedom's Reach

 Talk to Ho t'Sht

 Talk to Foologos Trantaeos VI

 Complete the time trial in under 275 seconds

Time Limit: N/A

Loss Conditions: N/A

Reward: Arrow and Starburst

Commentary: When entering Freedom's Reach the player will be hailed by the missing bridle Ho t'Sht (Hot Sh*t) telling them to get off the race track and to dock at the Trading Dock. Once docked Ho t'Sht will not be cooperative and the player will be hailed by Foologos Trantaeos VI who requires a pilot for a time trial and is willing to exchange information about how to gain the cooperation fo the bridle if the player does well in the time trial. The player is given an Arrow (M5) for the time trial which starts the moment the player ship gets within 250m of the first beacon. If the Arrow is destroyed the player has to pay 1,000,000 credits to get it replaced. It is recommended to remotely send the arrow to the nearest equipment dock to max the Engine Tunings and Rudder Optimisations and install Navigational Command Software MK1 and Boost Extension upgradees.

During the time trial there is an NPC competitor ship but it is of no concern and often dies repeatedly before respawning at the start of the course. To complete the time trial the player must pass within 250m of 25 beacons sequentially within 275 seconds. Many of the beacons are close to asteroids which pose a collision hazard as do the beacons themselves so it is recommended to aim just to the left or right of beacons and not directly at them. If playing the Suicidal Squid starting scenario it is also recommended to destroy all the asteroids using heavy missiles and to collect all the debris using TLs to clear away any obstacles on the course. Use the WSAD system to reduce drift when cornering to allow tighter turns. In the unlikely event that the player is too slow to complete the time trial the player is forced to try again. For completing the time trial the player is awarded a Starbust (M5) and told that Ho t'Sht like engine parts and is operating out of Lost Order.

Choosing Sides

Objective: Comm Ho t'Sht in Lost Order

 Comm the Corporate Headquarters of the chosen corporation

Time Limit: N/A

Loss Conditions: N/A

Reward: Dependent of the corporation sided with

       Strong Arms: 5,000,000 credits and Pteranodon (M2+) blueprints

       Jonferco: 15,000,000 credits and Lotan (TS+) blueprints

       Beryll: Wheat Farm M/L, Space Fuel Distillery M/L, Dream Farm M/L, Bliss Place M/L, PBG Forge (Teladi) and IBL Forge (Teladi) become available at the Shipyard in Senators Badlands and Advanced Chokaro blueprints 

Commentary: Lost order is a pirate sector past Mercenaries' Rift, both of which are crawling with pirate capital ships, so it is recommended to become neutral with the pirates since the player will be coming here often over the remainer of this plot. The best way to make pirates neutral is to build an illegals complex in Hatikvah's Faith and to do as many Trade and Build missions for pirates as possible. Once in Lost Order find the Elephant (TL) in the west of the sector and comm it. Ho t'Sht will reveal that she has been working on a prototype M/A-M engine and has reached the stage in development that she is looking for sponsors. The player is given the choice in deciding who she should partner up with out of Strong Arms, Jonferco or Beryll. Which corporation is chosen is entirely up to the player but does affect what rewards are received, what missions in the next chapter of the plot are skipped and which corporations attack the player later on.

Strong arms gives the Split M2+ ship blueprint worth 57,251,900 credits and 50 hours reverse engineering time at the PHQ along with 5 Million credits and is the most dangerous corporation to fight later on.

Jonferco gives 15 Million credits, the Lotan TS+ blueprints and sets Argon Race Rank to neutral (if the player is hostile).

Beryll gives access to PBG and IBL forge stations, the Advanced Chokaro TM blueprints and sets Yaki Race Rank to neutral (if the player is hostile).

Long term siding with Beryll is probably the most rewarding since the IBL factories will allow the player to equip M7 fleets more quickly while the Strong Arm blueprints can be obtained by buying/boarding and reverse engineering and the monetary rewards should be worth less than Trade missions by this point of the game anyway. After making a choice the player must comm the headquarters of the partner organisation (Strong Arms HQ in Thyn's Excavation, Jonferco HQ in Belt Of Aguilar or Beryll Research Station in Albion Alpha) and agree to the deal. Shortly afterwards the two remaining corporations will hail the player threatening reprecussions. The player is then ordered by Ho t'Sht to return to her in Lost Order. After choosing a side the Xenon jobs 2133 and 2128 are activated causing M3/M4 xenon attacks into Segaris and Blackhole Sun.


Objective: Comm Ho t'Sht in Lost Order

 Recruit Hatibigttab

 Build a Paranid Computer Plant at the marker in Spring Of Belief

 Transport Hatibigttab to the Elephant in Lost Order

 Recruit Yalos Yahondras

 Defend the Equipment Dock in The Vault from Yaki Attack

 Transport Ylos Yahondras to the Elephant in Lost Order

 Recruit Loli Po

 Kill the Spacefly hunters in and around Depths Of Silence

 Transport Loli Po to the Elephant in Lost Order

 Deliver 100 x 1 MJ Shields, 250 x Crystals and 500 x Computer Components to the Elephant in Lost Order

 Deliver 100 x Hull Plating, 250 x Teladianium and 500 x Ore to the Elephant in Lost Order

 Deliver 10 x Spaceflies, 250 x Matter/Anti-matter Warheads and 500 x Quantum Tubes to the Elephant in Lost Order

 Deliver a Split Heavy Dragon (M6+)

Time Limit: N/A

Loss Conditions: N/A

Reward: N/A

Commentary: Again jump to lost order and comm the Elephant (TL) for Ho t'Sht to inform the player that she needs to recruit some specialists to finish the M/A-M engine. The first on the list is Hatibigttab at the Trading Station in Spring Of Belief who will only join once his work load is reduced by having a Computer Plant constructed. If the player chose Jonferco an option appears to have them build it for free, although the monetary reward of doing it personally using your complex construction TL is lost. After completing the quest the player is tasked with docking at the Paranid Trading Station with a ship that has a Life Support System to pick up the researcher and transport him to the Elephant in Lost Order. This is an easy task if neutral to the pirates and the researchers beam themselves aboard when within 5km of the Elephant.

Next up is Yalos Yahondras (yes the same Teladi researcher) in the Equipment Dock at The Vault who has run into some trouble with the Yaki and is willing to collaborate if the player will protect the station from imminent attack. If the player chose Beryll there will be an option to call off the attack. As it is only a few M3s that attack, the player should have no problem dispatching them. As before when all hostile mission ships are dead dock with the station to pick up the researcher and deliver them to the TL in Lost Order.

Go to Depths Of Silence and comm the Ion Disrupter Forge to find that Loli Po will only join if the Split Spacefly Hunters are disposed of. If allied to Strong Arms there is an option to order the poachers to withdraw. Although killing the three poachers (M4s) in neighbouring sectors will cause minor Split Race Rank loss they pose no threat and can be wiped out using single Thunderbolt missiles. Again once the mission is completed deliver the researcher to Lost Order.

Once the last scientist is delivered the recruited scientists will ask for three wares each to be delivered to the TL within 5km. The Teladi researcher needs 100 x 1 MJ Shields, 250 x Crystals and 500 x Computer Components. If allied to Jonferco the shields will be automatically provided (note this is a bug since the corporation is meant to supply all of the wares but instead oversupplies 1MJ shields). The Crystals can be easily obtained from the surplus found on player owned self sustaining complexes while the Computer Components will be the biggest bottleneck requiring 10.6 hours worth of production (fortunately the PHQ should have some reserves).

Next up is the Paranid researcher requiring 100 x Hull Plating, 250 x Teladianium and 500 x Ore to the Elephant in Lost Order. The Teladianium and Ore should be already stored in the PHQ while the Hull Plating should be easily sourced from Aldrin and Unknown Sector (T1,6) (the one at the end of the chain from Oort Cloud).

The Boron researcher then wants 10 x Spaceflies, 250 x Matter/Anti-matter Warheads and 500 x Quantum Tubes. If allied to Beryll the Spaceflies will be provided from the Beryll Research Station (there is a bug that the docking ship requires enough free cargo space for the ore delivery request). At the Stongarms HQ and the Military Outpost in deapths of silence 5-10 Spaceflies are added to speed this part of the mission along. Alternatively use an Ion Disrupter near asteroids in UFJD sectors to collect Spaceflies. Matter/Anti-matter Warheads should be able to be sourced from the various equipment docks in Terran space but if not then the player will need to purchase them from the equipment docks in the war sectors when they respawn or kill terran Heavy Load Transporter Springblossoms until a lucky drop occurs. The time between the Quantum Tube delivery for to Kao t'Nnk and this mission should have given enough time for the PHQ to have stored enough to complete this part of the mission almost immediately.

Finally Ho t'Sht requires a Heavy Dragon (M6+) delivered for a chassis which is worth 11,906,500 credits (1-2 Trade missions worth). If allied to Strong Arms a free one will be provided with eight good Marines (remember to remove them before turning the ship in).

Warning! Once the Heavy Dragon is delivered to Lost Order things will get difficult so preparation is advised. Make sure that all player owned complexes have clusters of 10 x Lasertowers every 10km around their perimeter on all sides and at least 3 x M2 and 6 x M6+ ships set to defend strategic points for each complex. If planning to defend in sector a fully stocked M7M or if done out of sector several Xenon Js are also recommended.


Objective: Survive the reprisal attacks from rival corporations

 Comm Ho t'Sht in Family Pride

 Take the Acinonyx Prototype to Lost Pride

 Download the Legacy Code

 Collect the Jump Drive Components

 Comm Ho t'Sht in Lost Order

Time Limit: N/A

Loss Conditions: N/A

Reward: Acinonyx Prototype

Commentary: From the moment the Heavy Dragon is handed in the two corporations that were not chosen will start sending periodic attacks against the player. The attacks occur every 50-70 minutes over a period of 6-12 hours (5-14 waves) starting with 4 x M6, gaining a M7 at wave 5, a second M7 at wave 7 and a M2 at wave 9 onwards.  Attack waves will be spawned to attack either the player ship, a player owned station (prioritising the most valuable three) or a random player owned TS (Strong Arms does not target traders) and will warp in at a distance of 10km of their target. Due to the fire power of these attacks player owned mines (which cannot be rebuilt if destroyed) are at risk which is why the net of lasertowers around the complexes is recommnded to distract the attack forces until the player owned capital ships can engage. If the attacks target a TS or the player ship it is often best to ignore them if there are no player owned stations in the sector since they spawn as hostile to all factions and are quickly mopped up by rapid response fleets (which also makes them poor boarding candidates). Eventually the a message from Ho t'Sht is received, signalling the end of the reprisal attacks, telling the player to come to her in Family Pride.

Comm the Elephant to find out that the prototype is finished and the player is to be the test pilot. The player receives an overtuned and fully equipped Acinonyx Prototype docked at the nearby Shipyard. If the prototype is destroyed the player is made to pay 25,000,000 credits or lose 3,000 Race Rank points with the Argon, Split and Yaki factions to get it replaced. Although possible to continue the plot immediately it is recommended to make some preparations for the next section. For the next section the player will get warped to a unique UFJD sector full of xenon and have the Acinonyx Prototype reduced to minimal combat capability but to prevent the player bailing on the ship before the jump there is a trigger to also move the player ship to the UFJD sector if it is not the Acinonyx Prototype. This allows an exploit to bring in a second fully kitted ship which leaves the player with a choice of abandoning one of the two ships, unless it is an Aran, Kyoto or Valhalla. It is recommended to move a Kyoto (used for UFJD exploration) loaded with at least one TS+ full of Wraith/Spectre Missiles and Fighter Drones near the Jump Gate in Lost Order and have a smaller ship with a Transporter Device between the gate and the Kyoto when in sector allowing near instant transit from the gate to the Kyoto. Get the Acinonyx Prototype remotely upgraded with software and a Turbo Booster Mk1, several Advanced Satellites, load it with as many Thunderbolt and Typhoon Missiles as it can carry and swap all guns for HEPTs. The player must then manually fly it through the Lost Order jump gate from Mercenaries' Rift.

As soon as the player enters the ship there will be some dialog with the ship acting up and when Lost Order is entered there will be warnings about anomylous cargo and "Increasing radiation in cargo bay detected". It is advised to immediately get aboard the Kyoto when entering Lost Order otherwise the next part will be tough. After the warning dialog the player is spontaneously warped to a unique UFJD sector filled with Xenon wreckage. The Acinonyx Prototype loses 71-72% hull, 20 Engine Tunings and Rudder Optimisations and all ISRs, PACs, CIGs, 200MJ Shields and 25MJ Shields (including spares in the cargo) but HEPTs and missiles are not affected. An invulnerable Xenon N scans the Acinonyx Prototype and the player will need to space walk over to the Acinonyx Prototype and use the Repair Laser on it until 30% hull at which point it becomes operational again gaining 5 Engine Tunings, 10 Rudder optimisations, a 200MJ Shield and 1-3 ISRs and 1-3 PACs (it is recommended to dock on the Kyoto now if it was brought along). The player will be guided towards the wreckage of a Xenon M0 (X2 reference) and told to scan it by being within 2km over 60 seconds, after some lore the player will need to scan a second piece of wreckage by being within 2km over 60 seconds. The player is then given one of three hacking minigames usually revolving around ciphering/deciphering a random sector name or Xenon Sector 224 which must be completed to continue. Completing the mini game triggers a series of attack waves and loot spawns to start and enabled Hull Plating wares to repair the hull of the ship (only works in this sector).

The First attack wave spawns at 2-4 minutes after completing the minigame consisting of 2-3 Xenon Ls (M3)and 2-3 Xenon Ms (M4). At a Fight Rank of 14-18 there is a 33% chance each to also spawn a Xenon P (M6) and Xenon PX (M6+). At a Fight Rank of 19-30 the corvette spawn chance increases to 66% each and 2-4 Xenon LX (M3+) ships also spawn. Fighters spawn at 5-20km from the player ship while corvettes spawn at 20-40km. The aim of this section is to collect the periodically spawning Jump Drive Components that are hidden using the Detector Scanner Upgrade (yes the scripts are turned on again for this section). Loot spawns are often flagged as hidden and secret so will only show up when a player ship passes within 1km or places an Advanced Satellite. As loot and enemies spawn relative to the player ship it is advisable to try and stay in the same area to make it easier to find the loot spawns while sniping Xenon ships with missiles and Fighter Drones MK2 until ships stop spawning. It is also advisable to kill all ships of the previous wave before collecting the next Jump Drive Components ware which spawns the next wave to prevent being overwhelmed.

The Alpha attack wave spawns 3-5 mins after collecting the first plot related Jump Drive Component and at a Fighter Rank of 0-13 consists of 2-4 Xenon Ms (M4), 2-3 Xenon Ls (M3) and 1-3 Xenon PXs (M6+) while Fight Rank 14-18 uses 1-4 Xenon LXs (M3+), 1-2 Xenon Ps (M6) and 0-1 Xenon PX (M6+) and Fight Rank 19-30 has 1-3 Xenon Ps (M6) and 1-3 Xenon PXs (M6+). Enemy ships spawn at 10-25km from the player. The loot for the Alpha wave consists of 2 x 200MJ Shield at 0-1km and 3-5km from the player ship, 3-5 ISRs, 2-4 PACs, 30-50 Fighter Drone MK2s, 2-4 Mass Drivers, 25-50 Mass Driver Ammunition, 5-10 Hull Plating, 2-4 Advanced Satellites and 20-30 Hammer Heavy Torpedoes at 0-2km from the player, 10-20 Hammer Heavy Torpedoes at 3-8km from the player and 1-6 PALCs at 5-15km from the player.

The Beta wave spawns 1-3 mins after collecting the second Jump Drive Component consisting of 1-3 Xenon Ps (M6) and 1-2 Xenon PXs (M6+) at 0-13 Fight Rank, 1-3 Xenon Ps (M6), 1-2 Xenon PXs (M6+) and 1 Xenon Q (M7) at 14-18 Fight Rank Or 2-3 Xenon Qs (M7) at 19-30 Fight Rank at 10-30km from the player ship. The loot for the Beta wave consists of 2x 15-20 Hammer Heavy Torpedoes at 1-4km and 3-7km, 30-50 Fighter Drone MK2 at 1-4km, 2x 200Mj Shields at 1-5km and 5-10km, 3-6 ISRs at 2-5km, 2-4 PACs at 5-10km, 2-4 Mass Drivers at 1-6km, 30-50 Mass Driver Ammunition at 1-3km, 1-3 Advanced Satellites at 1-5km, 3-5 Engine Tunings at 0-3km, 2-7 Rudder Optimisations at 1-5km and 2-5 Hull plating at 3-7km from the player ship.

The Gamma Wave spawns 2-4 minutes after collecting the third part consisting of 2-4 Xenon Ks (M2) and 2-4 Xenon Js (M1) at 15-40km from the player ship. The Gamma wave loot consists of 1-6 PALCs at 10-20km, 1-3 ISRs at 5-10km, 15-20 Hammer Heavy Torpedoes at 1-7km, 30-50 Mass Driver Ammunition at 1-3km, 5 Engine Tunings at 5-10km, 3-8 Rudder optimisations at 10-20km and 2-5 Hull Plating at 1-7km from the player ship. 3-5 mins into Gamma wave there are some bonus loot spawns of 15-20 Hammer Heavy Torpedoes at 1-5km and 2-5 engine tunings at 3-10km from the player ship.

If the player did not bring a second ship this will be a tough fight so use the missiles brought into the sector on the corvettes, frigates, destroyers and carriers. As soon as the player has enough space collect the fighter drones and unleash them to make the first waves easier. Swap out HEPTs for ISRs on the frontal gun slots as they are picked up while the turrets keep fighters and missiles at bay and save the torpedoes for the Gamma wave. Avoid picking up the last Jump Drive Component until all PALCs, Engine Tunings and Rudder Optimisations have been collected. If a Kyoto was brought in to the sector then it will be open season using the comparatively infinite Spectre Missiles, fighter drones and over an order of magnitude more shielding making this a trivial task. After 3-5 minutes of Gamma wave spawning and picking up the last Jump Drive component the player ship is warped back to Lost Order (so make sure that nothing important is left behind). Comm Ho t'Sht who downloads the data from the ship and tells the player to keep the Acinonyx Prototype since it is damaged. The player will now be free to continue as usual except without a UFJD for the time being.


Objective: Talk with Jerigan Springer in Elysium Of Light

 Transport the Argon and Terran ambassadors to the Goner Ozias in Unknown Sector (9,7) for negotiations

 Give the Beryll the Xenon legacy code (optional)

 Defend the Goner Ozias (Path A)

 Destroy the Goner Ozias and continue the Terran Conflict (Path B)

 Destroy 25 Xenon capital ships in black Hole Sun and Segaris to end the Terran Conflict (Path A)

Time Limit: N/A

Loss Conditions: N/A

Reward: Advanced Chokaro (Optional), removal of the war sectors (Path A) or Goner Ozias (optional)(Path B) and an end to the Xenon invasion

Commentary: After some time passes the player will be hailed by Jerigan Springer of the Goners asking the player to head to Elysium Of Light where the player must dock on the Ozias (TL). There will be dialog about the events that have occured and a Xenon invasion will be feared. Soon there will be a declaration that there are Xenon fleets building up in the sectors bordering Black Hole Sun and Segaris. If the player accepts Terran and Argon Race Rank are set to +1 if hostile to that faction. Both responses activate Xenon jobs 2125, 2126, 2128, 2130, 2131, 2132 and 2133 causing heavy Xenon patrols through Black Hole Sun and Segaris and the player gets a replacement Unfocussed Jumpdrive. The player must get the Argon and Terran Race Rank to +8  (Federation Overwatch and Guardian of Earth) to continue which should be easy with how many Xenon ships are hovering around Black Hole Sun and Segaris if it has not already been reached.

After reaching the correct Race Rank the player is tasked with docking a TP at the Stock Exchange in Mars or the Military Outpost in Black Hole Sun to collect the ambassadors and deliver them to the Ozias which is now in Unknown Sector (9,7) (next to Legend's Home). The player should already own a TP like an Ocelot for taxi Trade missions so this should be a trivial task. On entering the Unknown Sector the Leo Fisty of the Beryll hails the player wanting to exchange the obtained Xenon code for an Advanced Chokaro (TM) with 8 80-100 Fight Marines. If the player sided with Beryll during the Choosing Sides chapter the player will already have the blueprints for this TM but if the player sided with a different corporation this is a way to obtain the Advanced Chokaro and there are no other consequences for choosing to accept or decline. Get within 4km of the Ozias to drop off the ambassadors and listen to the dialog of the negotiations. The feed is cut off and the Yaki want to interrupt the negotiations (if Beryll was allied there is different dialog), the player is given a choice to fight them (Path A) or aid them (Path B).

If the player decides to aid the Yaki the Ozias becomes able to be boarded allowing the player to obtain this unique ship but boarding or destroying it ruins the negotiations causing the war to continue. If the player decides to fight the Yaki a small fleet of a Shuri (M1), Akuma (M2), Akurei (M7), 3-6 pirate centaurs (M6), 2x 2-5 Yaki M4/M4+ and 2x 2-5 Yaki M3/M3+ attack but is nothing the player fleet used to defend against the corporate attacks cannot handle (especially if M7Ms were used). If the player has a complex in this sector there are likely to be multiple lasertowers around the complex and jump gate to offer additional firepower. This attack is a good opportunity to board a Shuri M1 without major Yaki Race Rank loss. An alternative strategy is to dump several clusters of lasertowers around the Ozias before delivering the ambassadors. After thumping the Yaki the negotiations go badly so the player needs to perform a show of force by destroying 25 Xenon capital ships in Black Hole Sun and 25 Xenon capital ships in Sargaris. This task is easy using heavy missiles or an M7M especially since the quickly respawning Xenon Q (M7) ships count. After killing the Xenon a peace treaty between the Argon and Terran is signed removing the war sectors (good for universal traders) and ending hostilities between the Terrans and the Argon ships and the player is told to head to Black Hole Sun.

Both destruction/boarding of the Ozias or entry to Black Hole Sun after ending the war stop Xenon jobs 2125, 2126, 2128, 2130, 2131, 2132 and 2133 ending the invasion and display a victory screen before running the credits. Congratualtions on completing the Shady Business plot.