User Inteface improvements (4.0)

Last modified by Daniel Turner on 2023/11/30 10:16

Economy Statistics menu

 By installing the new Economic Analytics Software Mk1 you will be able to see and visualize different parts of the universe economy. You can choose to look into an individual station or the economy for an entire solar system.

economy analytics software.png


  1. Open any map, for example the zone map (enter-4-4).
  2. Choose the station or change to a desired zone level.
  3. Click on the statistics icon on the middle top.
  4. Select the wares, time span and statistics type.

Statistic types

  • Trade Offer Prices
  • Trade Offer Amounts
  • Storage Levels
  • Management Accounts (only available for player owned stations)

Time span

  • Last hour
  • Last day
  • Last week

Trade Deals menu

The new Trade Deals menu matches buy offers with sell offers and shows the most profitable deals accessible to the player. The deals can easily be sorted by ware type, range, investments or profit. To open the menu press (enter-6-2).

It is very easy to use, simply select the deal and the trade ship you want to use. Click 'next', approve the amount to buy and the approve the amount to sell.

trade deals.png