Rare Mk3 Weapon

Last modified by Daniel Turner on 2023/11/02 10:19


GCU Grey Area uncovered the following information for us.

The rare Particle Repeater Mk3 is offered in exchange for a "Spacefly Egg Collection", which is crafted from 5 "Spacefly Eggs (authentic)" items. In order to find the latter, think about Spacefly egg lore 

Or alternatively, the following spoiler can help.


Unknown macro: expand. Click on this message for details.


Note that other items with Spacefly in the name exist so take care to be looking for "Spacefly Eggs (authentic)".

Mission details

The related mission is called "A Healthy Enthusiasm". After returning to the NPC offering the mission with a crafted collection, you can either exchange it for the opportunity to purchase a Particle Repeater Mk3 or sell it for profitsss.