XL - Olmekron

Last modified by Daniel Turner on 2023/08/15 17:15

Though less beefy than the Fulmekron, the Olmekron is still a very powerful destroyer with excellent damage output. It shares the Fulmekron's weakness in terms of shielding, however.

  • Total DPS: 255360
  • Hull: 5200K
  • Capital Shield Class: Capital Field Generator Mk2 (x2)
  • Component Shield Class: Force Field Projector Mk1
  • Speed: 74 m/s
  • Drone Capacity: 150
  • Weapons:
    • HIT/MA Turret (Argon) x70
    • Plasma/MA Turret (Argon) x12
    • Plasma/JET LR Turret x8
    • Hailstorm Turret x4

<Info from Simoom's guide: XR Capital Ships>