FFI function overview
Version | Structure | Note |
added in 4.00 Beta 4 | typedef uint64_t TradeID; |
added in 3.50 Beta 2 | typedef uint64_t UniverseID; |
added in 4.00 Beta 6 | typedef struct { |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | typedef struct { |
| typedef struct { |
added in 4.31 Beta 1 | typedef struct { |
added in 4.00 Beta 1 | typedef struct { |
added in 4.00 Beta 1 | typedef struct { |
renamed in 3.50 Beta 3 | typedef struct { |
added in 4.00 Beta 1 | typedef struct { |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | typedef struct { | moveTime, renderTime, and gpuTime always return 0 |
| typedef struct { |
added in 4.00 Beta 1 | typedef struct { |
added in 4.00 Beta 1 / changed in 4.00 Beta 5 | typedef struct { | 4.00 Beta 5: added MouseOverText field |
added in 4.00 Beta 1 | typedef struct { |
added in 4.00 Beta 1 | typedef struct { |
added in 4.00 Beta 1 | typedef struct { |
added in 4.00 Beta 2 | typedef struct { |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20 Hotfix 1) | typedef struct { | only available in XR VR |
added in 3.50 Beta 2 | typedef struct { |
| typedef struct { |
deprecated in 4.00 Beta 3 | DEPRECATED | DEPRECATED - use MissionDetails2 instead |
added in 4.00 Beta 3 | typedef struct { |
| typedef struct { |
| typedef struct { |
| typedef struct { |
| typedef struct { |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | typedef struct { | Note: yaw/pitch/roll are given in radian. |
added in 3.50 Beta 3 | typedef struct { |
added in 4.10 Beta 1 | typedef struct { |
added in 4.10 Beta 1 | typedef struct { | Note: yaw/pitch/roll are given in radian. |
| typedef struct { |
added in 4.00 Beta 6 | typedef struct { |
added in 4.00 Beta 6 | typedef struct { |
added in 4.00 Beta 6 | typedef struct { |
added in 4.00 Beta 5 | typedef struct { |
added in 4.00 Beta 5 | typedef struct { |
added in 4.00 Beta 1 | typedef struct { |
added in 4.00 Beta 2 | typedef struct { |
added in 4.00 Beta 2 | typedef struct { |
added in 4.00 Beta 4 | typedef struct { |
added in 4.00 Beta 3 | typedef struct { |
| typedef struct { |
Version | Function | Note |
| void AbortCurrentNotification() |
| void ActivateDirectInput() |
added in 4.22 Beta 2 (VR: 4.22) | void ActivatePlayerControls() |
| UniverseID AddHoloMap(const char* texturename, float x0, float x1, float y0, float y1) |
added in 4.00 Beta 3 | void AddTradeWare(UniverseID containerid, const char* wareid) |
added in 4.00 Beta 5 | bool AllowPersonalizedData() | Designed for internal use only. |
added in 4.00 RC 2 | bool AreShipSystemsEnabled() | Note: This is used in the vanilla game only at the early state during the campaign before the ship systems are enabled. In all other cases the ship systems are always enabled. |
| bool AreAssertsEnabled() |
| bool AreMandatoryAssertsEnabled() |
| bool AreOptionalAssertEnabled() |
added in 4.00 Beta 3 | bool CanActivateSeta() |
| bool CanActivateSmartDefense() |
| bool CanCancelRecallDrones() |
| void CancelRecallDrones() |
added in 4.00 Beta 5 | bool CanOpenWebBrowser() | Designed for internal use only. |
| bool CanRecallDrones() |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | void CircularMenuClosed() |
| void ClearErrorLog() |
| void ClearHighlightMapComponent(UniverseID holomapid) |
| bool CopyToClipboard(const char*const text) |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | bool CycleNextPrimaryWeapon() |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | bool CycleNextSecondaryWeapon() |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | bool CyclePrevPrimaryWeapon() |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | bool CyclePrevSecondaryWeapon() |
| void DeactivateDirectInput() |
added in 4.22 Beta 2 (VR: 4.22) | void DeactivatePlayerControls() |
| void DisableAsserts() |
added in 4.00 RC 2 | void DisableMapPicking(UniverseID holomapid) |
| void DisableOptionalAsserts() |
added in 4.00 Beta 3 | bool DismantleWeaponMod(uint32_t weaponmodid) |
| void EnableAsserts() |
added in 4.00 RC 2 | void EnableMapPicking(UniverseID holomapid) |
| void EnableOptionalAsserts() |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | void EnterInteractMenu() |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | void FadeScreen(float fadeouttime, float fadeintime) |
| UniverseID GetActiveMissionID() |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | float GetAdaptiveSamplingOption() |
added in 4.10 RC 1 | uint32_t GetAllMissiles(AmmoData* result, uint32_t resultlen, UniverseID defensibleid) |
added in 4.00 Beta 6 | uint32_t GetAmmoStorage(AmmoData* result, uint32_t resultlen, UniverseID defensibleid, const char* ammotype); |
| const char* GetBuildSourceSequence(UniverseID componentid) |
added in 4.10 Beta 1 | Rotation GetCameraRotation() |
added in 3.50 Beta 3 | int GetCargoSpaceUsedAfterShoppingList(UniverseID containerid) | SetVirtualCargoMode() must be called prior to calling GetCargoSpaceUsedAfterShoppingList() |
added in 4.00 Beta 5 | uint32_t GetCargoStatistics(UICargoStat* result, uint32_t resultlen, size_t numdatapoints) |
added in 4.00 Beta 2 | bool GetCheckBoxColor(const int checkboxid, Color* color) |
| const char* GetComponentClass(UniverseID componentid) |
| ComponentDetails GetComponentDetails(const UniverseID componentid) |
| const char* GetComponentName(UniverseID componentid) |
| int GetConfigSetting(const char*const setting) |
added in 4.00 Beta 3 | bool GetContainerWareIsBuyable(UniverseID containerid, const char* wareid) |
added in 4.00 Beta 3 | bool GetContainerWareIsSellable(UniverseID containerid, const char* wareid) |
| UniverseID GetContextByClass(UniverseID componentid, const char* classname, bool includeself) |
| int64_t GetCreditsDueFromPlayerTrades() |
added in 4.10 Beta 1 | ArrowDetails GetCrosshairArrowDetails(int posid, float radius) |
deprecated in 4.31 Beta 1 | DEPRECATED uint32_t GetCurrentCrosshairMessage() | DEPRECATED - use GetCurrentCrosshairMessage2() instead |
added in 4.31 Beta 1 | CrosshairMessage GetCurrentCrosshairMessage2() |
added in 4.00 Beta 1 | CursorInfo GetCurrentCursorInfo() |
added in 4.22 Beta 2 (VR: 4.22) | double GetCurrentGameTime() |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20 Hotfix 1) | int32_t GetCurrentLanguage() | only functional in X Rebirth VR Edition |
| UniverseID GetCurrentlyScannedObject() |
added in 4.00 Beta 1 | uint32_t GetCurrentMissionOffers(uint64_t* result, uint32_t resultlen, bool showninbbs) | See also GetNumCurrentMissionOffers() |
added in 4.00 Beta 5 | float GetDefensibleDPS(UniverseID defensibleid, bool primary, bool secondary, bool turrets) |
added in 3.50 RC 1 | float GetDistanceBetween(UniverseID component1id, UniverseID component2id) |
| float GetDistanceToPlayerShip() |
| const char* GetEntityActiveIcon(const UniverseID componentid) |
| const char* GetEntityInactiveIcon(const UniverseID componentid) |
| const char* GetEntitySelectedIcon(const UniverseID componentid) |
| UniverseID GetEnvironmentObject() |
added in 4.00 Beta 2 | UniverseID GetExternalTargetViewComponent() |
added in 3.50 Beta 3 | DEPRECATED const char* GetFactionNameForEventMonitorHack(UniverseID componentid) | DEPRECATED - use GetOwnerDetails() instead |
added in 3.50 Beta 3 | const char* GetFactionName(const UniverseID componentid) |
added in 3.50 Beta 3 | RelationDetails GetFactionRelationStatus(const char* factionid) |
added in 4.10 Beta 1 | bool GetForceShootingAtCursorOption() |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | FPSDetails GetFPS() |
| uint32_t GetFXAAOption() |
| GameVersion GetGameVersion() |
added in 4.00 Beta 1 | bool GetGraphBackgroundColor(const int graphid, Color* color) |
added in 4.00 Beta 1 | uint32_t GetGraphData(GraphDataPoint* result, uint32_t resultlen, const int graphid, const size_t datarecordidx) |
added in 4.00 Beta 1 | uint32_t GetGraphDataRecords(GraphDataRecord* result, uint32_t resultlen, int graphid) |
added in 4.00 Beta 1 | uint32_t GetGraphIcons(GraphIcon* result, uint32_t resultlen, int graphid) |
added in 4.00 Beta 1 | bool GetGraphTitle(const int graphid, GraphTextInfo* title) |
added in 4.00 Beta 1 | uint32_t GetGraphType(const int graphid) |
added in 4.00 Beta 1 | bool GetGraphXAxis(const int graphid, GraphAxisInfo* axis) |
added in 4.00 Beta 1 | bool GetGraphYAxis(const int graphid, GraphAxisInfo* axis) |
added in 4.00 Beta 3 | bool GetInstalledWeaponMod(UniverseID weaponid, UIWeaponMod* weaponmod) |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | const char* GetItemTraderTypeByWare(const char* wareid) |
added in 4.00 Beta 2 | JumpDriveDetails GetJumpDriveDetails() |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20 Hotfix 1) | uint32_t GetLanguages(LanguageInfo* result, uint32_t resultlen) | only functional in X Rebirth VR Edition |
added in 4.00 RC 2 | bool GetLargeHUDMenusOption() |
added in 3.50 Beta 2 | LoadingHint GetLoadingHint(const long excludeid) |
| const char* GetLocalizedInteractiveNotificationKey() |
| const char* GetLocalizedText(const long pageid, const long textid, const char*const defaultvalue) |
| int GetMainMissiontargetPOSID() | UNSUPPORTED. Not designed to be used by mods. |
| UniverseID GetMapComponentBelowCamera(UniverseID holomapid) |
added in 4.00 Beta 1 | bool GetMapPositionOnEcliptic(UniverseID holomapid, UIPosRot* position, bool showposition) |
| const char* GetMapShortName(UniverseID componentid) |
| MessageDetails GetMessageDetails(const uint32_t messageid) |
deprecated in 4.00 Beta 3 | DEPRECATED MissionDetails GetMissionIDDetails(uint64_t missionid) | DEPRECATED - use GetMissionIDDetails2() instead |
added in 4.00 Beta 3 | MissionDetails2 GetMissionIDDetails2(uint64_t missionid) | Note: In addition to the details returned by GetMissionIDDetails() this function returns whether the mission has an objective or not. |
deprecated in 4.31 Beta 1 | DEPRECATED MissionObjective GetMissionIDObjective(uint64_t missionid, const char* fontname, uint32_t fontsize, uint32_t textwidth) | DEPRECATED - use GetMissionIDObjective2() instead |
added in 4.31 Beta 1 | MissionObjective GetMissionIDObjective2(uint64_t missionid) |
| UniverseID GetMissionIDObjectiveTarget(uint64_t missionid, size_t targetIndex) |
deprecated in 4.31 Beta 1 | DEPRECATED MissionObjectiveStep GetMissionObjectiveStep(uint64_t missionid, size_t objectiveIndex, const char* fontname, uint32_t fontsize, uint32_t textwidth) | DEPRECATED - use GetMissionObjectiveStep2() instead |
added in 4.31 Beta 1 | MissionObjectiveStep GetMissionObjectiveStep2(uint64_t missionid, size_t objectiveIndex) |
added in 4.00 Beta 1 | const char* GetMouseOverText(const int widgetid) |
added in 4.00 Beta 1 | bool GetMouseOverTextOption() |
added in 4.22 Beta 2 (VR: 4.22) | float GetMouseVRSensitivityPitch() | only available in XR VR |
added in 4.22 Beta 2 (VR: 4.22) | float GetMouseVRSensitivityYaw() | only available in XR VR |
| int GetNotificationID(const size_t num) |
added in 4.00 Beta 6 | uint32_t GetNPCAccountStatistics(UIAccountStatData* result, size_t resultlen, UniverseID entityid, double starttime, double endtime) |
added in 4.10 RC 1 | uint32_t GetNumAllMissiles(UniverseID defensibleid) |
added in 4.00 Beta 6 | uint32_t GetNumAmmoStorage(UniverseID defensibleid, const char* ammotype) |
added in 4.00 Beta 5 | uint32_t GetNumCargoStatistics(UniverseID containerorspaceid, double starttime, double endtime, size_t numdatapoints) |
added in 4.00 Beta 5 | uint32_t GetNumContainedKnownUnreadSpaces(UniverseID spaceid) |
added in 4.00 Beta 1 | uint32_t GetNumCurrentMissionOffers(bool showninbbs) | See also GetCurrentMissionOffers() |
added in 4.00 Beta 1 | uint32_t GetNumGraphDataRecords(int graphid); |
added in 4.00 Beta 1 | uint32_t GetNumGraphIcons(int graphid) |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20 Hotfix 1) | uint32_t GetNumLanguages() | only functional in X Rebirth VR Edition |
| size_t GetNumNotifications() |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | size_t GetNumPrimaryWeapons() | Before 4.22 Beta 2 (VR: 4.22) this returned the number of weapons in the currently controlled player object. |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | size_t GetNumSecondaryWeapons() | Before 4.22 Beta 2 (VR: 4.22) this returned the number of weapons in the currently controlled player object. |
added in 4.00 Beta 4 | uint32_t GetNumStoredUnits(UniverseID defensibleid, const char* cat, bool virtualammo) |
added in 4.00 Beta 2 | uint32_t GetNumTradeOfferStatistics(UniverseID containerorspaceid, double starttime, double endtime, size_t numdatapoints) |
added in 4.00 Beta 3 | uint32_t GetNumTradeWares() |
added in 4.00 Beta 5 | uint32_t GetNumUnreadLibraryEntries(const char* libraryid) |
added in 4.00 Beta 3 | uint32_t GetNumWeaponMods() |
| FactionDetails GetOwnerDetails(UniverseID componentid) |
| UniverseID GetParentComponent(UniverseID componentid) |
| UniverseID GetPickedMapComponent(UniverseID holomapid) |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | UniverseID GetPlayerComputerID() |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | UniverseID GetPlayerControlledShipID() |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | UniverseID GetPlayerCoPilotID() |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | UniverseID GetPlayerID() |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | UniverseID GetPlayerObjectID() |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | UniverseID GetPlayerShipID() |
added in 3.50 RC 1 | int GetPlayerShipNumFreeActorSlots() |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | UniverseID GetPlayerZoneID() |
| const char* GetPlayerZoneName() |
| POIDetails GetPOIDetails(const uint64_t poiid) |
added in 4.31 Beta 1 | int GetPriorityMissiontargetPOSID() | UNSUPPORTED. Not designed to be used by mods. |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | const char* GetQuickMenuHotkey(uint32_t num) |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | DEPRECATED float GetRectangleTargetElementExtends(const int posid) | DEPRECATED - use GetRectangleTargetElementExtents() instead |
added in 4.31 Beta 1 | float GetRectangleTargetElementExtents(const int posid) |
changed in 3.50 Beta 3 |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | PosRot GetRelativeAimOffset(const UniverseID componentid) |
deprecated in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | DEPRECATED Position2D GetRelativeAimPosition(const UniverseID componentid, const uint32_t iconsizeonscreen, const uint32_t iconsizeoffscreen) | DEPRECATED - use GetRelativeAimScreenPosition() instead Note: As of 4.00 Beta 1 this function returns the aim position relative to the object the player currently controls (aka: player ship or remote controlled drone/torpedo). Before, it always determined the aim position based on the player ship. |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | Position2D GetRelativeAimScreenPosition(const UniverseID componentid, const uint32_t iconsizeonscreen, const uint32_t iconsizeoffscreen) |
added in 4.10 Beta 1 | ResolutionInfo GetRenderResolutionOption() |
| uint32_t GetRenderTargetAlpha(const int rendertargetid) |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20 Hotfix 1) | int32_t GetRequestedLanguage() | only functional in X Rebirth VR Edition |
added in 4.00 Beta 1 | bool GetSavesCompressedOption() |
| float GetScanProgress(UniverseID componentid) |
| const char* GetShipSize(const UniverseID componentid) |
| SofttargetDetails GetSofttarget() |
added in 4.00 Beta 6 | SupplyBudget GetSupplyBudget(UniverseID containerid) |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | bool GetTableAlertEffectColor(const int tableid, Color* color) |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | PosRot GetTargetElementOffset(const int posid) |
added in 4.31 Beta 1 | uint32_t GetTextHeight(const char*const text, const char*const fontname, const uint32_t fontsize, const uint32_t wordwrapwidth) |
added in 4.31 Beta 1 | uint32_t GetTextWidth(const char*const text, const char*const fontname, const uint32_t fontsize) |
added in 4.00 Beta 4 | bool GetTradeMemoryBestBuyOffers(TradeID* result, uint32_t resultlen, UniverseID spaceid, UniverseID traderid, TradeID* uiselloffers, uint32_t uisellofferslen, UIWareAmount* uicargospace, uint32_t uicargospacelen) |
added in 4.00 Beta 2 | uint32_t GetTradeOfferStatistics(UITradeOfferStat* result, uint32_t resultlen, size_t numdatapoints) | Only works if GetNumTradeOfferStatistics() was called before. |
added in 4.00 Beta 3 | uint32_t GetTradeWares(const char** result, uint32_t resultlen) |
deprecated in 4.30 Beta 1 added in 4.10 Beta 1
| DEPRECATED float GetUIScale() | DEPRECATED - use GetUIScale2() instead |
added in 4.30 Beta 1 | float GetUIScale2(const bool scaleWithResolution) If scaleWithResolution is set to true, it's assumed that the to be scaled UI element should scale alongside larger game resolutions (i.e. the element will become/appear larger on higher resolutions). If set to false, it's assumed that the to be scaled UI element should remain in its current set size (i.e. appear smaller on higher resolutions). |
added in 4.30 Beta 1 | float GetUIScaleFactor() |
added in 4.30 Beta 1 | uint32_t GetUIScaledFontSize(uint32_t fontsize) |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20 Hotfix 1) | int GetVRControllerAutoHide() |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | int GetVRVivePointerHand() | only functional in X Rebirth VR Edition |
added in 4.22 Beta 2 (VR: 4.20 Hotfix 1) | float GetVRViveTouchpadLockTime() |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20 Hotfix 1) | int GetVRWindowMode() |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | ResolutionInfo GetWindowSize() |
added in 4.00 Beta 3 | uint32_t GetWeaponMods(UIWeaponMod* result, uint32_t resultlen) |
added in 4.00 Beta 2 | UniverseID GetZoneAt(UniverseID sectorid, UIPosRot* uioffset) |
| ZoneDetails GetZoneDetails(const UniverseID zoneid) |
added in 3.52 RC 2 | bool HasCustomConversation(UniverseID entityid) |
added in 4.00 Beta 6 | bool HasEntityMoneyLogEntries(UniverseID entityid) |
| bool HasDockedPassiveDrones() |
added 4.00 Beta 2 | bool HasJumpDrive() |
| bool HasPassiveDroneAbilities() |
added 4.00 Beta 3 | bool HasRemoteControl() |
added in 4.10 Beta 1 | bool HasSavegame() Note: doesn't necessarily have to be a valid/loadable savegame. |
added 4.00 Beta 2 | bool HasSeta() |
| bool HasSmalltalkOption(const UniverseID componentid) |
added in 4.00 Beta 3 | bool InstallWeaponMod(uint32_t weaponmodid) |
added in 4.00 Beta 6 (Hotfix 1) | bool IsAppStoreVersion() | Note: This function is of little interest to mods. It's only required for some internal checks. |
| bool IsAsteroid(const UniverseID componentid) |
added in 4.30 RC 3 (VR: 4.30 Hotfix 2) | bool IsAutotargetingActive() |
| bool IsBomb(const UniverseID componentid) |
| bool IsBuyOffer(UniverseID tradeofferdockid) |
added in 4.00 Beta 2 | bool IsCheckBoxActive(const int checkboxid) |
added in 4.00 Beta 2 | bool IsCheckBoxChecked(const int checkboxid) |
| bool IsComponentOperational(UniverseID componentid) |
| bool IsCrate(const UniverseID componentid) |
added in 4.00 Beta 5 | bool IsDemoVersion() | Note: This function is of little interest to mods, since mods are disabled in the demo version. |
| bool IsDestructible(const UniverseID componentid) |
| bool IsDetailMonitorFullscreenMode() |
added in 4.00 Beta 1 | bool IsDroneMode() |
| bool IsEntity(const UniverseID componentid) |
| bool IsErrorLogActive() |
| bool IsExternalViewActive() |
added in 4.00 Beta 2 | bool IsExternalTargetMode() |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | bool IsFPSEnabled() |
added in 4.10 Beta 4 | bool IsFrameUsingMiniWidgetSystem(const int frameid) |
added in 4.00 Beta 1 | bool IsGamePaused() |
| bool IsGateTransition(const UniverseID zone1id, const UniverseID zone2id) |
added in 4.22 Beta 2 (VR: 4.22) | bool IsGestureSteeringActive() | only functional in XR VR |
added in 4.31 Beta 1 | bool IsHeadTrackingActive() |
added in 4.00 Beta 2 | bool IsHUDActive() |
| bool IsInfoUnlockedForPlayer(UniverseID componentid, const char* infostring) |
| bool IsInHackRange(const UniverseID componentid) |
| bool IsInScanRange(const UniverseID componentid) |
added in 4.00 Beta 5 | bool IsKnownItemRead(const char* libraryid, const char* itemid) |
added in 4.00 Beta 5 | bool IsKnownRead(UniverseID componentid) |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20 Hotfix 1) | bool IsLanguageValid() | only functional in X Rebirth VR Edition |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20 Hotfix 1) | bool IsLanguageSettingEnabled() | only functional in X Rebirth VR Edition |
added in 4.31 Beta 1 | bool IsLockbox(UniverseID targetid) |
added in 4.22 Beta 2 (VR: 4.22) | bool IsMouseVRPointerAllowed() | only functional in X Rebirth VR Edition |
added in 4.31 Beta 1 | bool IsNavBeacon(UniverseID targetid) |
added in 4.00 Beta 6 | bool IsPlayerCameraTargetViewPossible(UniverseID targetid, bool force) |
added in 4.00 Beta 5 | bool IsPlayerValid() |
added in 4.00 Beta 1 | bool IsPointingWithinAimingRange() |
added in 4.10 Beta 1 | bool IsSaveListLoadingComplete() |
| bool IsSellOffer(UniverseID componentid) |
added in 4.00 Beta 2 | bool IsSetaActive() |
| bool IsShip(const UniverseID componentid) |
| bool IsSofttargetManagerActive(); |
added in 4.31 Beta 1 | bool IsStartmenu() |
| bool IsStation(const UniverseID componentid) |
| bool IsSurfaceElement(const UniverseID componentid) |
| bool IsSwitchable(const UniverseID componentid) |
added in 4.30 RC 1 (VR: 4.30) | bool IsTargetable(const uint32_t messageid) |
| bool IsTargetInPlayerActivePrimaryWeaponRange(const UniverseID componentid) | Note: As of 4.00 Beta 1 this function takes the object the player controls (aka: player ship or remote controlled drone/torpedo) at the time of the call when determining whether the component is in weapon range. Before, it always determined whether the component is in weapon range to the playership. |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 | bool IsThrottleBidirectional() |
added in 3.50 Beta 2 | bool IsValidComponent(const UniverseID componentid); |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | bool IsVROculusTouchActive() | only functional in X Rebirth VR Edition |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | bool IsVRMode() | only functional in X Rebirth VR Edition |
added in 4.10 Beta 1 | bool IsVRVersion() |
added in 4.10 Beta 4 | bool IsVRPointerActive() |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | bool IsVRViveControllerActive() | only functional in X Rebirth VR Edition |
| bool IsWalkInAnimationRunning() |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | void LeaveInteractMenu() |
| bool MarkIndicatorShown(const UniverseID componentid); |
| void NotifyDisplayNotification(const int notificationid); |
| void NotifyErrorLogDispatching() |
| void NotifyErrorLogDispatchingDone() |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | void NotifyInteractMenuHidden() |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | void NotifyInteractMenuShown() |
added in 4.00 Beta 5 | void OpenWebBrowser(const char* url) | Designed for internal use only. |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | bool QuickDock() |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | bool QuickMenuAccess(const char* menu); | Designed for internal use only. Use Lua function: StartConversationFromMenu() instead. |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | bool QuickUndock() |
added in 4.00 Beta 5 | void ReadKnownItem(const char* libraryid, const char* itemid, bool read); |
| void RecallDrones() |
| void ReenableErrorLog() |
added in 4.31 Beta 1 | void ReleaseInteractionDescriptor(int32_t id) |
added in 4.10 Beta 1 | void ReloadSaveList() |
| void RemoveFill(const UniverseID componentid) |
deprecated in 4.00 Beta 3 | DEPRECATED void RemoveHoloMap(UniverseID holomapid) | DEPRECATED - use RemoveHoloMap2() instead Note: As of 4.00 Beta 3 only a single holomap is supported. Therefore the specified ID is ignored. |
added in 4.00 Beta 3 | void RemoveHoloMap2() |
added in 4.00 Beta 3 | bool RemoveInstalledWeaponMod(UniverseID weaponid) |
| void RemoveOutline(const UniverseID componentid) |
added in 4.00 Beta 3 | void RemoveTradeWare(UniverseID containerid, const char* wareid) |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20 Hotfix 1) | void RequestLanguageChange(int32_t id) | only functional in X Rebirth VR Edition |
added in 4.00 Beta 5 | void RevealEncyclopedia() | NOTE: This will show some entries that normally are not discover-able by the player. Needs cheats enabled. |
added in 4.00 Beta 6 | void ScheduleSupplyUpdate(UniverseID componentid) |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | void SetAdaptiveSamplingOption(float value) |
| void SetConfigSetting(const char*const setting, const bool value) |
added in 4.00 Beta 3 | void SetContainerWareIsBuyable(UniverseID containerid, const char* wareid, bool allowed) |
added in 4.00 Beta 3 | void SetContainerWareIsSellable(UniverseID containerid, const char* wareid, bool allowed) |
| void SetCrosshairMessage(const uint32_t messageid) |
| void SetFill(const UniverseID componentid, const uint8_t red, const uint8_t green, const uint8_t blue, const float alpha, const bool animated, const float minalpha, const float maxalpha, const float transitiontime) |
added in 4.10 Beta 1 / changed in 4.10 Beta 6 | void SetForceShootingAtCursorOption(bool value) | Renamed in 4.10 Beta 6; was ToggleForceShootingAtCursorOption(void) before |
| void SetFXAAOption(uint32_t fxaa) |
| void SetHighlightMapComponent(UniverseID holomapid, UniverseID componentid, bool resetplayerpan) |
added in 4.00 Beta 5 | void SetKnownRead(UniverseID componentid, bool read) |
added in 3.60 Beta 4 | void SetKnownTo(UniverseID componentid, const char* factionid) |
added in 4.00 RC 2 | void SetLargeHUDMenusOption(bool value) |
added in 4.00 Beta 3 | void SetLootMagnetActive(bool active) |
deprecated in 4.31 Beta 1 | bool SetMapRenderTarget(const char*const rendertargettexture, const UniverseID referencecomponent, const bool mapmode) | DEPRECATED - use SetRadarRenderTarget() instead In 4.00 Beta 2 the function creates a map which is focused around the object the player controls atm (so the drone in case it's called while the player controls a drone). Pre 4.00 Beta 2 behavior was always to focus the player ship. |
deprecated in 4.31 Beta 1 | bool SetMapRenderTargetOnTarget(const char*const rendertargettexture, const UniverseID focuscomponent, const UniverseID referencecomponent, const bool mapmode) | DEPRECATED - use SetRadarRenderTargetOnTarget() instead |
added in 4.00 Beta 1 | void SetMouseOverTextOption(bool value) |
added in 4.22 Beta 2 (VR: 4.22) | void SetMouseVRPointerAllowed(bool newsetting) | only available in XR VR |
added in 4.22 Beta 2 (VR: 4.22) | void SetMouseVRSensitivityPitch(float value) | only available in XR VR |
added in 4.22 Beta 2 (VR: 4.22) | void SetMouseVRSensitivityYaw(float value) | only available in XR VR |
| void SetOutline(const UniverseID componentid, const uint8_t red, const uint8_t green, const uint8_t blue, const bool animated) |
added in 4.00 Beta 3 | void SetPlayerCameraCockpitView(bool force) |
added in 4.00 Beta 3 | void SetPlayerCameraExternalView(bool force) |
added in 4.00 Beta 3 | void SetPlayerCameraTargetView(UniverseID targetid, bool force) |
added in 4.31 Beta 1 | bool SetRadarRenderTarget(const char*const rendertargettexture, const UniverseID referencecomponent, const bool mapmode) |
added in 4.31 Beta 1 | bool SetMapRenderTargetOnTarget(const char*const rendertargettexture, const UniverseID focuscomponent, const UniverseID referencecomponent, const bool mapmode) |
added in 4.00 Beta 1 | void SetSavesCompressedOption(bool value) |
added in 3.60 Beta 2 | bool SetSofttarget(const UniverseID componentid) |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | bool SetSofttargetByMissionOffer(const uint64_t missionofferid) |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 | void SetThrottleBidirectional(bool newsetting) |
deprecated in 4.30 Beta 1 added in 4.10 | DEPRECATED void SetUIScale(float scale) | DEPRECATED - use SetUIScaleFactor() instead |
added in 4.30 Beta 1 | void SetUIScaleFactor(float scale) |
| void ShowUniverseMap(UniverseID holomapid, UniverseID componentid, bool resetplayerzoom, int overridezoom) |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20 Hotfix 1) | void SetVRControllerAutoHide(int newmode) |
added in 4.22 Beta 2 (VR: 4.20 Hotfix 1) | void SetVRVivePointerHand(int hand) | only functional in X Rebirth VR Edition |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20 Hotfix 1) | void SetVRViveTouchpadLockTime(float newtime) |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20 Hotfix 1) | void SetVRWindowMode(int mode) |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | void StartIntroAnimation() |
| void StartPanMap(UniverseID holomapid) |
| void StartRotateMap(UniverseID holomapid) |
| void StopPanMap(UniverseID holomapid) |
| void StopRotateMap(UniverseID holomapid) |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | void StartStartMenuBGMusic() |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | void StopStartMenuBGMusic() |
added in 4.00 Beta 1 | void ToggleAutoPilot() |
added in 4.00 Beta 3 | void ToggleEventMonitorDetails() |
added in 4.00 Beta 3 | void ToggleFlightAssist() |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | void ToggleLootMagnet() |
added in 4.00 Beta 3 | void ToggleMouseSteeringMode() |
added in 4.00 Beta 3 | void ToggleRadarMode() |
added in 4.21 Beta 1 (VR: 4.20) | void ToggleSeta() | Designed for internal use only. Use the MD action: ToggleTimeWarpAction instead. |
added in 4.00 Beta 6 | void UpdateBlackboardSupplyOverrides(UniverseID entityid, SupplyOverride* overrides, uint32_t numoverrides) |
added in 4.31 Beta 1 | void UnsetRadarRenderTarget() |
| void ZoomMap(UniverseID holomapid, float zoomstep) |