XWiki Syntax Guide
Last modified by Daniel Turner on 2024/12/12 11:46
XWiki Syntax 2.1 » Editing » Links
XWiki Syntax 2.1: Links
2.1 Links
Feature | XWiki Syntax 2.1 | Result |
Absolute link to page PageB located in PageA | [[PageA.PageB]] | PageB |
Relative link to page PageA from the current page | [[PageA]] or [[.PageA]] | PageA |
Relative link to page PageB in PageA from the current page | [[.PageA.PageB]] | PageB |
Link with a label | [[label>>PageA]] | label |
Link with wiki syntax in the label | [[**bold label**>>PageA]] | bold label |
Link on an image | [[image:PageA@img.png>>PageA]] | ![]() |
Absolute link to page PageB located in PageA in wiki WikiA | [[WikiA:PageA.PageB]] | PageB |
Link that opens in a new window | [[PageA||target="_blank"]] | PageA |
Implicit link to a URL | This is a URL: https://xwiki.org | This is a URL: https://xwiki.org |
Explicit link to a URL | [[https://xwiki.org]] | https://xwiki.org |
Explicit link to a URL with a label | [[XWiki>>https://xwiki.org]] | XWiki |
Link to an email address | [[john@smith.net>>mailto:john@smith.net]] | john@smith.net |
Link to an attachment on the current page | [[attach:img.png]] | img.png |
Link to an attachment in a different page | [[attach:PageA.PageB@img.png]] | img.png |
Link to an Anchor in a page | [[PageA.PageB||anchor="anchor"]] | PageB |
Link to a Heading in a page | [[PageA.PageB||anchor="HMyheading"]] | PageB |
Link to an anchor in the current page | [[label>>||anchor="anchor"]] | label |
Link to a page with a query string | [[PageA.PageB||queryString="param1=value1¶m2=value2"]] | PageB |
Link to the current page with a query string | [[label>>||queryString="param1=value1¶m2=value2"]] | label |
XWiki Syntax 2.1 Link Specification
The full format of a link is [label>>] (resource) [||parameters]
- label: An optional string which will be displayed to the user as the link name when rendered. The label may contain XWiki Syntax. If no label is specified a default label will be generated. The generation pattern can be changed, see the Admin Guide. Example: My Page
- resource: A required string with the link reference in one of the following forms
- URL: Any URL in the form of [url:](protocol://path). Examples: http://xwiki.org, url:https://svn.xwiki.org/
- url: An optional string identifying the resource as an URL.
- protocol://path: The URL itself
- Wiki page: A reference in the form page:[(wikiName):](pageNameList). Examples: page:Page, page:myxwiki:Page, page:ParentPage.ChildPage.SubChildPage, page:../SiblingPage, page:./ChildPage
- page: A required string identifying the resource as an XWiki page. The same reference can be used for either a terminal or non-terminal page, if both exist it will lead to the non-terminal page.
- wikiName: An optional string containing the name of a wiki. The link will point to a page inside that wiki. If no wiki is specified, the current wiki is used. Example: mywiki
- pageNameList: A required list of slash-separated wiki Pages names pointing to the final linked wiki Page syntax. It's also possible to use . and .. to indicate current or parent page/wiki. Examples: Main, A/B, A/B/C, ../Sibling, ./Child
- Wiki document: A reference in the form [doc:][[(wikiName):](spaceNameList).](documentName). Examples: doc:Welcome, doc:Main.Welcome, doc:mywiki:Main.Welcome, Welcome
- doc: An optional string identifying the resource as an XWiki terminal page. A non-terminal page can also be referenced this way, but it must append its .WebHome part (e.g. doc:Sandbox.WebHome).
- wikiName: An optional string containing the name of a wiki. The link will point to a page inside that wiki. If no wiki is specified, the current wiki is used. Example: mywiki.
- spaceNameList: An optional dot-separated list of wiki Space names. If no space is specified the current space is used. Examples: Main, A.B, A.B.C
- documentName: A required string containing the name of the linked wiki page. Example: Welcome
- Wiki space: A reference in the form space:[(wikiName):](spaceNameList). Examples: space:Main, space:mywiki:Main, space:A.B.C
- space: A required string identifying the resource as an XWiki non-terminal page (i.e. a space).
- wikiName: An optional string containing the name of a wiki. The link will point to a page inside that wiki. If no wiki is specified, the current wiki is used. Example: mywiki
- spaceNameList: A required list of dot-separated wiki Space names pointing to the final linked wiki Space (or non-terminal page). Examples: Main, A.B, A.B.C
- InterWiki page: A reference in the form interwiki:[(interWikiAlias):](pageName). Example: interwiki:wikipedia:XWiki
- interwiki: A required string identifying the resource as an InterWiki link.
- interWikiAlias: An optional Inter Wiki alias as defined in the InterWiki Map (see the Admin Guide). Example: wikipedia
- pageName: A required string containing the name of the linked page. Example: XWiki
- Attachment: A reference in the form attach:{{{(wikiName):}(spaceNameList).}(pageName)@}(imageName)
- attach: A required string identifying the reference as an XWiki Document attachment.
- wikiName: An optional string containing the name of a wiki. The image reference will point to an image attached to a page inside that wiki. If no wiki is specified, the current wiki is used. Example: mywiki.
- spaceNameList: An optional dot-separated list of wiki Space names. If no space is specified the current space is used. Examples: Main, A.B, A.B.C
- pageName: An optional string containing the name of the wiki page to which the referenced image is attached. Example: Welcome
- attachmentName: Name of the attachment as it is stored in the wiki. Example: photo.png
- Page Attachment: A reference in the form pageAttach:{{{(wikiName):}(pageNameList)/}(imageName)
- pageAttach: An required string identifying the reference as an XWiki Page attachment.
- wikiName: An optional string containing the name of a wiki. The image reference will point to an image attached to a page inside that wiki. If no wiki is specified, the current wiki is used. Example: mywiki.
- pageNameList: An optional dot-separated list of wiki page names. If no page is specified the current page is used. Examples: Main, A/B, A/B/C
- attachmentName: Name of the attachment as it is stored in the wiki. Example: photo.png
- Email address: A reference in the form mailto:(emailAddress) (#anchor is not valid). Example: mailto:john@smith.com
- mailto: A required string identifying the resource as email.
- emailAddress: Targeted email address. Example: john@smith.com
- Relative path: A reference on the server in the form path:(relPath). Example: path:$doc.getURL('reset') produces target address http://server.domain.com/xwiki/bin/reset/Space/Page where /xwiki/bin/reset/Space/Page is produced by $doc.getURL('reset').
- path: A required string identifying the resource as a relative path.
- relPath: A required string containing the relative path of the resource on the server that shall be linked.
- UNC (Windows Explorer): A reference in the form unc:(path). The link is rendered as a file:// link. Examples: unc:C:\Windows\, unc:\\myserver\path\img.png, unc:home/user/somefile
- unc: A required string identifying the resource as a UNC (Windows Explorer) path.
- path: A required string containing the local path of resource accessible by the user. Examples: C:\Windows\, \\myserver\path\img.png, home/user/somefile
- Untyped: If none of the above-mentioned resource types are specified (i.e. no type: resource prefix was specified in the link), then the link will be treated as a link to an XWiki terminal or non-terminal page using the following algorithm:
- Terminal page in the current space, only if it exists. Example: [[A]] is resolved to the equivalent of [[doc:currentSpace.A]]
- Non-terminal page in the current space. Example: [[A]] is resolved to the equivalent of [[space:currentSpace.A]], which is the equivalent of [[doc:currentSpace.A.WebHome]]
- If the current page is non-terminal and the previous 2 checks above did not find an existing page, 2 additional checks are made:
- Terminal page as sibling in the parent space, only if it exists. Example: The [[B]] link inside the non-terminal page A.C is resolved to the equivalent of [[doc:A.B]]
- Non-terminal page as sibling in the parent space, regardless if it exists or not. Example: The [[B]] link inside the non-terminal page A.C is resolved to the equivalent of [[space:A.B]], which is the equivalent of [[doc:A.B.WebHome]]
- Note1 - Absolute links: If the untyped link has 2 or more dot-separated components specified (i.e. that look like a space name and a page name), the above algorithm will resolve the page relative to the current wiki, and not the current space. Example: [[A.B]] can be resolved to either [[doc:currentWiki:A.B]] (if it exists) or to [[space:currentWiki:A.B]] (equivalent of [[doc:currentWiki:A.B.WebHome]]) and not to [[doc:currentWiki:currentSpace.A.B]] or [[doc:currentWiki:currentSpace.A.B.WebHome]].
- Note2 - Special handling of .WebHome: If the untyped link ends in .WebHome, it will always be handled as a terminal page. Example: [[A.WebHome]] will always be resolved to the equivalent of [[doc:A.WebHome]] and not to [[doc:A.WebHome.WebHome]].
- URL: Any URL in the form of [url:](protocol://path). Examples: http://xwiki.org, url:https://svn.xwiki.org/
- parameters: An optional list of space-separated parameters passed to the link. Example: queryString="mydata1=5&mydata2=Hello" anchor="HTableOfContents" target="_blank"
- queryString: An optional query string for specifying parameters that will be appended to the link target address and used in the rendered URL. Example: url:http://domain.com/path||queryString="mydata1=5&mydata2=Hello" produces target address http://domain.com/path?mydata1=5&mydata2=Hello
- anchor: An optional anchor name pointing to an anchor defined in the referenced link. Note that in XWiki anchors are automatically created for headings and images. Example: url:http://domain.com/path||anchor="HTableOfContents" produces target address http://domain.com/path#HTableOfContents
- target: An optional parameter that allows to open link target in new window. Example: target="_blank"