The Reach

Last modified by Daniel Turner on 2023/11/03 09:54

Governing Faction: Argon Federation

Map Coordinates: -4,2

Encyclopedia Entry

As one of the first never-before-seen systems that fell into the lap of the Federation during the realignment, The Reach still holds a special status in Argon history. When the connection flickered into activation, Fleet Command immediately cast its net wide in an attempt to uncover potential Jump Gates leading further into the depths of space. To facilitate this grand expansionary effort, the newly discovered system was to be transformed into a densely colonised foothold; an initiative that was selflessly supported by many of the more influential, wealthy families of Argon Prime. After an initial dispute over equitable distribution of real estate which was settled by the Federal Presidency, officially tying these entitlements to unalterable obligations as part of the colonisation process, the system saw a steady influx of settlers. However, just a few months later, the spotlight of attention shifted away from the once-promising colony. As more and more gates began to reopen, federal interest in The Reach rapidly dwindled, transforming it into the quiescent backwater system of today. To budding explorers and entrepreneurs, this new status carries with it a number of obvious benefits, most notably including an as yet comfortable distance to any military threats, which allows them to test their skills in a relatively forgiving environment. Moreover, the comparatively long period since its discovery has given the local aristocrats ample opportunity to build up a quasi-feudal power structure, turning the system into a slow and steady supplier for the local economy.

Resource values













Resource Layout

TR Resource.png

Notable Stations


  • Data Vault

Inter-System Connections


The reach has high acclaim as the greatest source of ore in the gate network and is capable of supplying even the largest player-built empire with their resource needs. Its location adjacent to the Argon homeworld is also beneficial as it ensures security and continuing demand for resources.
