Medium Turret - Positron

Last modified by Kajar on 2023/12/12 07:34

Medium Turret - Positron

TypeMedium Turret
Available FromXEN
Fitted ToXtra Large ships and Stations
Required LicenseNone

In-game Description

One of the less effective Xenon weapons, the Xenon Positron Turret is relatively weak individually, and has a range shorter than most comparable weapons. However, the sheer numbers of turrets installed on Xenon stations in particular, can add up to a formidable defensive system.

It is hypothesised that this operational deployment by the Xenon is based on the weapon having a low resource cost compared to its likely lifetime usage.

Tactical Overview

The Xenon Positron Turret, a beam-based weapon, manages to inflict even less damage than the Commonwealth Beam Turrets. It stands out as possibly the weakest damaging weapon in the game, excluding mining lasers. This turret faces significant challenges in dealing substantial damage, struggling against even unshielded drones, let alone well-equipped and protected fighters.

Despite its limited offensive capabilities, the Positron Turret proves relatively effective at intercepting incoming missiles. This turret is predominantly encountered on Xenon Stations, with a few instances of it being mounted on the Xenon I Battleship as well.



- Perfect accuracy



- Extremely low damage output

- Very short range

- Slow rotation speeds




 Medium Positron Turret
Damage Per Second20
Damage Per Shot60
Reload time3s
Beam Damage Per Second60
Beam Duration1s
Maximum Range2200m
Rotation Speed90°/s
Hull Strength800

Construction Cost

Xenon Build Method

Credits23.243 - 28.407
Energy Cells10