Medium Turret - Needler

Last modified by Kajar on 2024/07/01 14:22

Medium Turret - Needler

TypeMedium Turret
Available FromXEN
Fitted ToMedium and Large ships
Required LicenseNone

In-game Description

Originally used as a construction tool, the Needler Turret remains at its core what it has always been, a colossal nail gun designed for heavy duty construction projects. Over time the Xenon have adapted it from firing mundane nails and rivets, to having ammunition chambers housing armour-piercing projectiles, allowing it to deliver devastating blows to enemy ships.

While the Needler Turret may not posses the overwhelming force of some heavier armaments, between its wide angle of fire as a turret, its fast rate of fire, and each projectile being propelled with startling velocity, it makes a stalwart choice for a variety of scenarios.

Tactical Overview

The Xenon Needler Turret is the turret variant of the Needler Gun found on the Xenon F fighter. It trades some projectile speed and slightly longer reload times for the flexibility of a turreted mount. Its performance is comparable to the Xenon Impulse Turret, offering similar damage per second, range, and projectile speed. The main distinction is that the Needler Turret fires at a slower rate but delivers more damage per shot.


- High damage output

- Good accuracy and very fast projectiles for a turret weapon

- Relatively long range

- Effective against most fighters and lighter mediums


- Relatively slow rotation speed



 Medium Needler Turret
Damage Per Second142
Damage Per Shot40
Shots Per Second 3.55/s
Bust Clip Size8
Burst Clip Shots Per Second4/s
Burst Clip Reload Time0.5s
Projectile Speed2500 m/s
Maximum Range3250m
Rotation Speed60°/s
Hull Strength800

Construction Cost

Universal Build Method

Credits16.268 - 22.932
Energy Cells20
Turret Components35
Advanced Electronics10

Xenon Build Method

Credits16.268 - 22.932
Energy Cells20