Medium Turret - Kyon

Last modified by Kajar on 2023/12/12 07:33

Medium Turret - Kyon

TypeMedium Turret
Available FromKHK
Fitted ToStations
Required LicenseMilitar License (+10)

In-game Description

Utilising the same technology as the Kyon Emitter, the Kha'ak Kyon Turret is a formidable defensive weapon, often adorning the species' stations in large numbers.

Tactical Overview

The Kha'ak Kyon Emitter Turret is a direct replica of its ship-mounted counterpart, sharing identical stats. While the ship version may be considered somewhat weak compared to other weapons, the turret variant actually boasts relative strength when compared to other turrets.

As a beam-type weapon, it possesses perfect accuracy at all ranges, with a higher damage output than most other turrets. Additionally, it flaunts an impressive range of 4.5km, making it one of the longest-ranged medium turrets.

Exclusive to Kha'ak Installations, which are heavily fortified with them, the Kyon Emitter Turret proves devastating. Small and medium craft are dispatched within seconds. It is advisable to approach these Kha'ak Installations only with destroyers, as they provide the necessary firepower and protection.

Exercise caution in Low Attention Mode, though. If your destroyer happens to approach the Installation too closely, the excessive number of Kyon Turrets can and will overpower even the most well-protected ships.



- Perfect accuracy

- High damage output

- Very long range

- Very fast rotation speed



- Damage is not high enough to threaten capital ships

- Only found on Kha'ak stations




 Medium Kyon Turret
Damage Per Second115
Damage Per Shot220
Reload time1.911s
Beam Damage Per Second314
Beam Duration0.7s
Maximum Range4500m
Rotation Speed210°/s
Hull Strength500